Say Hello to My Little Friend
Said Hello to My Little Friend
This training programme has been developed to provide the necessary tools, skills and information to support the implementation of Kettleblast Training System.
There are many benefits of the Kettleblast Training. This will help you successfully plan and learn the most effective drills, techniques, move for your new training. It will take you through each step: how to engage in a workout, how to ensure their safety and how to accelerate results. The Kettleblast Training Programme can help reduce the effects of obesity, diabetes and cardio-respiratory deficiencies by offering an advanced, easy to follow fitness programme. It provides a multitude of benefits for a wide demographic, incorporating diverse age ranges and physical conditions.
The Training System integrates simple, easy exercises and step by step routines into a programme that targets specific areas whilst boosting overall fitness elements. It is an exclusive world class workout broadcasted and sell in more than 190 countries worldwide through The Active Channel on Sky 449 and satellite 249. Is safe, simple and works fast, but best of all it proves that you don't need to go to extremes to get the kind of body you've always wanted. We have combined the latest and most advanced training methods and techniques, and spiced them up with music, using easy techniques to keep highly motivated and successful.
The System is used by pro-athletes, celebrities and fitness models that rely on it to help achieve their ideal body type, fitness and level of body composition.
Why “Kettleblast”?
The name Kettleblast was chosen to reflect the combination of research carried out on Russian-USA kettlebell training and Cuban Cardio Training System.
Pavel Tsatsouline the leader and founder of the RKC (Russian Kettlebell Challenge) is Cuban Cardio Kettleblast’s inspiration. He was originally the strength trainer for the Russian Special Forces and moved to the USA in 1998, where he developed the RKC system. Since then, he has led the RKC community, continually improving it and making it more effective.
The Kettleblast Training System has been used to help improve the fitness of Olympians, pro athletes, bodybuilders and modelling physique competitors. In fact, it has been proven to be the fastest and most effective body transformation Training System.
Why do people need Kettleblast?
Kettlebells have gone from relative obscurity to highly popular and commercialised fitness kit. They have been rubberised even turned pink and are now available in mainstream fitness for everyone. But the boom in popularity is still at its early stages, and more men and women are looking for a deeper workout to build their fitness.
With Kettleblast, you can practice more than 100 different drills saving time and space. The movements are simple and easy to learn. Participants can make very quick progress.
Kettleblast Formula
The three elements of the Kettleblast formula are:
The unique Kettleblast training formula offers an exclusive way to revolutionise the fitness world. The combined elements of the formula result in a new and dynamic fitness experience.
The moves and steps have an authentic feel. Kettleblast has developed basic movements, and the formula applies a systematic approach adding variety using the whole body, fitness variations, and the beat of the soundtrack. The variation of these elements creates endless options, all built around basic movements.
The Kettleblast choreography is unique in the fitness world. It uses music to dictate the movements, taking one basic move pattern in the rhythm of the song and matching it to each section of the music. Whenever that section of the song is repeated, the same basic move is repeated so each musical section has matching movement.
The Secrets Behind The Kettleblast Training System
What sets Kettleblast training apart is its ability to target the entire body, from the top of the neck down to the toes. We are one big interconnected chain of muscles, ligaments, tendons and bones, all synergistically working at the same time. Kettleblast Training means motion and movement where everything is interrelated. Just as you can see the body work as one unit at the same time, our joints, bones and muscles work with one another in a synergistic way to prevent injuries, promote strength and maintain structural integrity.
We start with at feet, which are the foundation of almost all movements. The foot is an amazing, dynamic structure, a collection of 26 bones, 33 joints, 19 muscles and tendons and 107 ligaments. Your feet don't simply support your body weight; they also need to propel it in different directions, sometimes with explosive force. Foot stability is essential to healthy movement.
There is a strong connection between foot mechanics and knee positioning. When you exercise, the leg and knee can be affected by how your foot strikes the ground.
Throughout this training, we will explore how the simple yet incredible Kettleblast Workout Training System uses burpees, squat jumps, squat thrusts, lunges, jumps and more to target the entire kinetic chain. We will also look at how participants will be able to do all of this, with high repetitions and appropriate high intensity, and at any age.
The Kettleblast Training System will help participants stay strong and flexible in the hamstrings and hips, to hit core stability, and to maintain shoulder health.
Kettleblast training greatly reduces compressive forces around the back joints and promotes shoulder joint integrity. The shoulder (a ball socket joint) is the least stable joint in the body. It is highly susceptible to the muscular forces behind and in front of the joint but is also the most responsive joint to strengthening therapies. Weak muscles can create a lot of problems for any type of athlete or fitness participant. Strong muscles can reduce problems by stabilising the shoulder joints. The Kettleblast Training System targets all the muscles around the rotator cuff area with specific drills.
The Science of Kettleblast Training
To understand the physiology and benefits of Kettleblast Training, we need to look at the wider group fitness industry. Typical categories of group fitness are:
- Aerobic: induces cardio and endurance, generally working at 60-85% of maximum heart rate to fuel oxygen to the muscle that is needed for performance. Participants can exercise for longer periods of time aerobically than anaerobically. Many aerobic classes follow a bell-shaped curve in terms of cardiovascular intensity.
- Muscular: includes strength, flexibility and muscular endurance. Muscular strength is usually an anaerobic exercise, meaning no oxygen is used. The participant is working above 85% of the maximum heart rate without oxygen to fuel the muscle. Anaerobic exercises can only be performed for short periods of time before fatigue and failure or high levels of lactic acid release will occur.
- Interval training: includes a combination of the above two formats with interval segments of cardio-muscular-cardio-muscular or intervals of cardio-recovery-cardio-recovery. An interval training format is an excellent option for both beginner and advanced fitness levels. The beginner would maintain a moderate intensity (60-80%) and the advanced would use a high intensity (70-90%), reaching the anaerobic phase. Many competitive pro athletes use High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) to increase cardio capacity, performance levels and lactic acid level tolerance.
- Flexibility: includes programmes that increase and improve the flexibility of muscles, joint mobility and elasticity, the range of motion and suppleness. These include stretch classes, Pilates and others.
- Body-Mind: includes yoga and other classes that involve meditation and energy flow such as tai-chi and Pilates.
Kettleblast Training has been structured to incorporate all five categories. It makes efficient use of class structure and allows participants to achieve the highest level of fitness in the quickest possible time.
Kettleblast capitalises on the fat burning, endurance and strength benefits of an aerobic workout as well as the physiological and psychological benefits of the interval training. Additional benefits include muscular development and aerobic fitness, People of all ages and levels of fitness can successfully engage in Kettleblast training, benefitting from the effective training programme offered by the unique format.
The Kettleblast Training Programme does not follow the perfect bell-shaped curve or the strict guidelines of the Interval Training. It combines aerobic and interval training with protocols of muscular fitness, becoming its own method called Intermitted Training.
Ultimately, any fitness training programme can be successful if it is achievable, safe, effective and scientifically proven to deliver results if followed over a period of time.
Psychology of the Kettleblast Training Programme
Whilst physiology may be the reason behind weight loss, muscle toning and body changes, Kettleblast training goes a little deeper. The success of Kettleblast training also rests on participant psychology. The powerful psychological benefits of Kettleblast training are a key motivator behind participant buy-in and a primary factor behind the programme’s success.
If most fitness programmes do work, why do many participants not succeed with their ultimate goals? It is often because they lack the psychological motivation to participate actively and consistently. The Kettleblast Training Programme helps participants succeed over the long-term because:
- It combines high energy and motivating music with unique moves and combinations that allow people to manage stress through exercise
- It is based on the principles that a workout should be easy, exhilarating, energetic and effective. This helps participants stick to their fitness plan and achieve long-term health benefits
- It breaks the mould by making the fitness class an exciting, invigorating activity. Kettleblast is never something people feel they have to do, but rather one that they want to do. Kettleblast class participants can't wait to go to class!
- It is a blast! The magic of the music motivates participants to perform movements with more intensity than if they were doing a series of regular squats or set of controlled lat pull downs
- The training programme doesn’t only benefit the whole body. It is also great for the mind. It is a feel-good wellbeing workout, with a fun, party-like atmosphere that improves self-esteem, self-confidence and self-image
Benefits of Kettleblast Training Class
Using the Kettleblast Training System alone, or as part of a weekly fitness routine is great for conditioning and overall strength. I have conducted a number of studies into kettlebell and High-Intensity Interval Training core strength. The consensus is that Kettleblast is a great addition to any strength and conditioning programme, including sports-specific (mainly weightlifting, powerlifting, bodybuilding and combat contact sports), as well as for special populations.
Used alone, the Kettleblast Training System is enough to whip participants into shape quickly because it:
- improves cardiovascular health
- increases strength and muscle mass
- improves maximal and explosive strength
- improves power
- increases Vo2 max and conditioning
- increases weight loss
- increases caloric expenditure (participants can burn over 1000 calories in a class
- improves positive self-image
- improves full range of motion through the joints
- improves acceleration and deceleration
- improves key fitness marker
- lowers risk of coronary heart disease
- lower risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes
Kettleblast Moves for a Seriously Strong Core and Stress Released
Kettleblast Workouts
You might be sick of me as the trainer telling you how important core strength is...but I can't stop because it’s incredibly crucial, not just in terms of showing off a flat stomach at a beach.
"Your core is involved in every single movement of your body in your workouts and in your life," Lazaro the guru trainer and fitness expert will advise everyone to get healthy, sexy and strong.
Although the programme includes more than 100 full-body exercises, it includes tonnes of ways to strengthen your abs because Kettleblast is an ideal tool for the job. "The odd shape causes the weight to be distributed unevenly and your core muscles are continuously engaged throughout every motion to control the bell’s shifting to the centre of gravity," Lazaro explains”
In fact, one study research on Exercise found that eight weeks of training with Kettleblast increased participants’ core strength by 80 %(!)
Ready to fire up your abs? Grab a kettlebell at home or a gym and follow Lazaro’s Kettleblast lead with his workout for a seriously strong core. Stress released and real sculpt dream body
- For more information, check out Kettleblast training how to Get healthy, sexy and strong or simply visit
How to choose an appropriate weight. To start with one that’s challenging and aim for at least 12-18 kg kettlebell. You’re distributing that weight among many muscles, not isolating one muscle group, so don’t be afraid to go heavier than you normally would.
Two different ways to do the moves:
- Make a circuit: Execute each move for 1 minute, moving through all of the exercises for 8 rounds of nonstop action.
- Beginner/Intermediate: Rest for 15–20 seconds between each exercise, depending on your fitness level. Advanced: Take 0–5-10 second breaks as you move on to the next exercise. Want to make it an HIIET workout? Rotate a minute of sprints, jumping jacks, and burpees between each exercise.
- Work in sets: Beginner: Do two sets of each move, at 15–20 reps, before going on to the next exercise. Intermediate: Go for three sets of each move, at 20–25 reps. Advanced: Go for four sets of each exercise at 25–30 reps.
Teaching key points:
- Maintain firm wrist supporting kettlebell
- Maintain slow motion through each phase
- Keep arm extended upwards throughout the movement
- Maintain visual contact with kettlebell
- Brace abdominals
Two Hands Swing Kettleblast
To work the abdominal rectus and posterior extensor chain muscles in a lifting pattern,
Straddle kettlebell with feet slightly wider apart than shoulder width. Squat down with arms extended downward between legs and grasp kettlebell handle with both hands with an overhand grip. Position shoulder over kettlebell with taut low back and trunk close to vertical. Pull kettlebell up and forward off of the floor by standing up. Immediately squat down slightly and swing kettlebell back under hips. Quickly swing the kettlebell up by raising upper body upright and extending legs. Continue to swing kettlebell back down between legs and up higher on each swing until height just above head can be maintained. Swing kettlebell back down between legs. To stop allow kettlebell to swing forward but do not extend hips and knees (as would be required to continue the swing). Slow kettlebell's swing and place on floor between feet in original deadlift posture:
- Pivot at the hips
- Suck the shoulder into the socket
- Extend at the hips to elevate the kettlebell, without using upper body strength, the kettlebell should extend out as a continuation of the arm
- Maintain firm grip
Windmill Kettleblast
Raise kettlebell overhead. Stand with left arm fully extended upward supporting kettlebell and right arm extended out to side. Stand with legs far apart with feet angled slightly out to the sides. Bend over to the right side with knees straight. Reach toward toes of right foot with right hand. Keep knees straight and kettlebell balanced over left shoulder with both arms extended. Touch right foot. Raise back up to the original position, maintaining the balance of kettlebell over- head above left shoulder. Repeat. Continue movement on opposite side. Exercise emphasises load balance, shoulder mobility, and hamstring flexibility. Also consider a more advanced variation, when reaching towards toes with the right hand, reach the left foot.
Side Sit-Up / Turkish Get-Up / Whole Kinetic Chain-Core-Whole Body
Mid-rack the kettlebell (hold it in the centre of your chest, as in the picture) and hold it tightly to the body. Kneel down, and then sit to the side of your knees. Continuing to hold the kettlebell to the chest, pop back up on your knees again. Then sit back down. You can alternate sides or stick to one side.
Raise or Clean kettlebell overhead with the right arm. Stand with right arm fully extended vertically supporting kettlebell throughout the movement. Extend the left arm out to the side. Step back with the left leg and kneel down as in the downward phase of Overhead Rear Lunge. Lean to left side and place left hand on the floor, well left of the right foot. Shift weight onto left arm. Pull left leg forward between right leg and left arm. Sit with left leg extended outward onto the floor and right leg bent upward. Extend right leg outward onto the floor and gently lie down. Pull right shoulder toward hip slightly by contracting Lats and Oblique’s, decrease length of the arm level during sit up. Sit up with the assistance of left arm on the floor to side. Bend right leg so right foot is placed on the floor close to hip while leaning on the extended left arm. Pull left leg back between right leg and left arm and position forefoot and knee on the floor behind right foot and left hand. Position torso upright. Stand up in original position as in the upwards phase of Overhead Rear Lunge. Repeat with opposite side. Kettlebell Turkish Get-up emphasises load balance, shoulder mobility, and functional strength. Keep wrist supporting kettlebell straight. Exercise can also be started lying on the floor with kettlebell off to the side. Kettlebell can be picked up from the floor while lying down with both hands and pressed up with one arm. The kettlebell may also be returned to the floor with both hands at the end of the exercise.
- Maintain firm wrist supporting kettlebell
- Maintain slow motion through each phase
- Keep arm extended upwards throughout the movement
- Maintain visual contact with kettlebell
- Brace abdominals
Overhead Sit-Up
- Lay down on the floor with your feet spread apart. With both hands, hold the kettlebell by the horns and lift it overhead with your arms fully straight and perpendicular to the floor. Sit up, keeping your feet on the ground and your arms fixed overhead.
- As you sit up, keep body forward. Then lower your body back down, being careful to use just your abs (not your shoulders, arms, nor legs) to rise up. Don't bend your arms or extend them behind or in front of you. Until the set is done, keep the kettlebell fixed overhead. Note: To make it more difficult by holding the kettlebell in one arm. Just don't forget to switch sides.
- Start by gripping the kettlebell around the base. Begin to move the kettlebell around your head, keeping it close throughout, and making sure it passes directly in front of your face and behind your neck. Alternate directions evenly or rotate to one side for a specified amount of time before switching directions.
Core Stabiliser
- Sit on the floor with your knees bend and hold a kettlebell mid-racked (to your chest). Lean back so your torso is at a 45-degree angle to the floor, and make sure to keep your belly tight. Don’t round your lower back, and keep your shoulders straight.
- Without moving your torso, slowly (take 2 seconds) rotate your shoulders to one side as far as you can, tapping the kettlebell to the floor next to your hip. Then, slowly, and with full control, turn your shoulders to the other side and tap the kettlebell. Make sure that you turn from your shoulders, not just your arms, so that your spine is stable and all of your muscles are fully engaged. Pause again, and then continue to alternate back and forth.
Kettlebell Plank
- Start out by getting into a push-up position with your shoulders, elbows, and wrists in a straight line. Your body should form a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles.
- Place a kettlebell in front of you and with the same exact form, grip the kettlebell handle with two hands. Keep your back, glutes, and neck fully straight and aligned. Pull your belly button to your spine, and keep your glutes and core engaged by contracting your abs as if you were about to be punched in the gut. Hold this position without rounding or hanging through your back. Keep all of your muscles activated.
I hope this inspires many of you to get fit faster and stronger.
Finally, my sincere gratitude to LA Muscle, The Active Channel and Skills Active, for their continued support in enabling me to bring Kettleblast to the masses. Your efforts and belief have made this an incredible experience that will be remembered for the rest of the training academy’s life. You have helped it to grow and flourish, and I will always be grateful. I can't wait to continue on the next stage of this journey, inspiring and helping people reach their goals. Huge thank you for the ability to bring the vision to live.
Kettleblast Training Course Available Now limited space Only
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