And They Say "Google Doesn't Work!"
Jason Cooper
Advanced Online Marketing - YouTube - Google Ads - Social Media Marketing - Linkedin - X(formerly known as twitter) - Hulu Ads - Display Ads - Bing - Duck Duck Go - Website Design - Graphic Design - Communication Expert
If you've been in business for any amount of time, I don't doubt that you've had some level of experience with Google. Whether you have run ads yourself, had someone run them for you or just created a Google My Business listing, you have just about as much experience as most. When I initially make contact with a prospective client and let them know that I specialize in Google AdWords, I almost always get the same response.... "Oh, yeah we've done that. Google really doesn't work for us." What I noticed is that people usually "try Google" one of a few ways:
- You get an email from Google with a coupon offering $100 if they spend $25. You set it up yourself, blow through the money & get nothing from it. There for, Google doesn't work.
- A company cold calls you. They sell you on the idea of being on "The #1 Search" or "Guaranteed Page 1 on Google" or "Unlimited Google Clicks". All of which are false, misleading and violate Google's 3rd party policies. Again, Google Doesn't work.
- You realize that you want your business to be found on Google search. You do some research, You even call Google themselves and have an "AdWords Specialist" walk you through the setup of the account and campaigns. Unfortunately, the person on the phone is hired to read a script. Even when helping to setup your account they are following a script that is readily available to you by visiting For some reason($$$), they always seem to neglect going over keyword match types, ad extensions, bidding strategy and many other targeting options, which when used correctly, can provide outstanding results. But they don't do this so again, Google doesn't work.
The only way to correctly setup an AdWords account is with experience. The experience to know which keywords to use from the start, which match types will work best to reach the masses. Which negative keywords to use, which devices to target, what type of ads you'll need, which Google features will allow my ads to perform their best? These are all questions that my team & I already know the answer to for most industries. And the good thing is, even if we don't know right from the start, it doesn't take us long to figure out which steps are next. There is a huge difference in what we do when you compare us to a company that sells you a keyword, getting help from Google or even doing it yourself. I am always happy to evaluate your account to point out things that you can do to get better results or to reach a desired goal. If you would like a free AdWords review, email me or my team [email protected]
Know The Difference in Match Types:
- San Diego Movers = Broad Match: Ads will appear on the searches with any of these words in it; including San Antonio Movers, Movers In Chicago, Movers in NYC - (Not relevant, but this is how Google support sets you up)
- [San Diego Movers] = Exact Match: Ads will only appear on the search San Diego Movers & some misspelling of that search. (Too specific, may need to bid high in order to get clicks)
- "San Diego Movers" = Phrase Match: Ads will appear on any search that has this term in it i.e. San Diego Movers For Piano or Affordable San Diego Movers. (Offers decent exposure for most businesses, but you'll need to add negative keywords)
- +San +Diego +Movers = Broad Match Modified: Ads will appear on any search that has these 3 words in it. i.e. Movers In San Diego or Long Distance Movers San Diego.(Best option for people that are on top of their accounts and understand how to pull search term reports to continuously add negative keywords. When managed correctly, this match type offers the best ROI. I like to start off bidding low, wait a couple days and adjust bids depending on results.)
If you use some of my tips when setting up or even refining your current Google Ads, you will have a much better result and have a lot less wasted ad spend. I hope that you can use this to better your online campaigns and it's my hope that someday soon, we can work together and see for yourselves why my team and I are a step above the rest. Visit our website for more on our services.