Say NO to Discrimination and YES to your Dream Career - episode 3
London Job Show 21st - 22nd April 2023, Westfield London, UK

Say NO to Discrimination and YES to your Dream Career - episode 3

The job market in the UK has never been more vibrant, crowded and competitive. At the UK's most attended recruitment event - London Job Show held in April 2023 - I got to experience the multitude of skills, stories, backgrounds and motivations that the job market has to offer in London. And we talk about a big metropola of approx. 10 mil population where there are hundreds of people competing for one job vacancy.

Unemployment has remained consistently higher in London than in the rest of England, where the rate stood at?3.8% in the 12 months to December 2022 compared to 4.6% for London overall.

In this context, mentorship / mentoring has never been more beneficial and instrumental for both the organisations to retain their talent, as well as for individuals to get the career advice they need to succeed.

In my seminars held in front of the job seekers, professionals and organisations, I presented powerful statistics on why #mentoringmatters:

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My seminar on the 22nd of April 2023 at London Job Show held in Westfield, London UK


Mentorship contribute to increase in the retention & promotion rate from 15% to 38%. It is vital for organisations to reassess the quality of their mentoring schemes and make sure that the internal mentorship is not biased. We are seeing more and more companies (like LinkedIn) engaging with external mentors that are qualified and certified against research-based criteria to support their workforce in order to retain and promote talent. Green Apples Career makes a difference by working with those employers that are focused on promoting for exemple women in leadership positions. For more details about bespoke mentoring programs for underrepresented employees, you can dm us.


Mentorship increase employees engagement - in my decades of international career I benefited from both internal and external mentors. Thanks to my Australian mentor, I got the courage and the strength 15 years ago to say NO to the toxic workplace I was working in and YES to my dream career. Sometimes, it takes one mentor to change your life! for better ??.


Mentorship helps make a more equitable and inclusive workplace.


Employees with mentors are promoted 5 times more - I am the proven statistic ?? that mentorship helps you get up-skilled in order to succeed in competitive workplaces.


Mentorship improve skillset - oh yes! just book a 30 min free exploratory call with our mentors and you will find out more.


Mentorship increase confidence - this being one of the most frequently mentioned reason by the job seekers why they need a mentor. Some mentioned that they lack confidence during the interview or even prior to the interview.. not everyone is equipped to face with the mass of job rejections, especially in a very competitive job market like London.

‘A??mentor?is someone who allows you to see the?hope?inside yourself’ – Oprah Winfrey

If you are an Organisation looking to attract, retain and motivate diverse talent through the power of Mentoring, of DEI practices, please connect with us, drop a direct message.

#mentoring #mentorship #greenapplescareer #personalgrowth #professionaldevelopment #emcc #londonjobshow


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