Say No to An Airline Industry Bailout
Scotty Moore
Executive Director | Entrepreneur | Tenant & Housing Rights Advocate | Business & Media Strategist | Nonprofit Leader
In the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, the U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said last week that the airlines, including American, would be “on the top of the list” for federal loan relief. And today it was reported U.S. airlines are seeking over $50B in bailouts that are three times the size of the industry's bailout after the Sept. 11 attacks.
However, we cannot bail out the airlines and then return to business as usual. No fucken way! Over the next several weeks there will be many economic victims, including every business that’s part of the in-person economy face grim prospects
During the last economic crisis (2008), we largely let individuals suffer while helping out the big guys, leaving behind deep resentments that still fester; especially with millennials. This time around we should start from the bottom instead of the top.
In 2015, American (AAL) posted a $7.6 billion profit. Change fees went up to $200 for domestic flights and to $750 for international. Its widely despised baggage fees were hiked to $30 and $40 for first and second bags. These higher fees generated billions of dollars, yet did not help the airline improve its on-time arrivals, reduce tarmac delays or prevent involuntary bumping. American Airlines' main “innovations” were the removal of screens from its planes, the reduction of bathroom and seat sizes and the introduction of a “basic economy” class that initially included a ban on carry-on luggage.
I spoke to one of my best friends, Alec Andronikov, that has a BA in Economics from UC Berkley, that explained, “ a market with reduced competition, and common ownership, there is limited pressure to reduce prices.”
We’ve already seen the major airlines charge what they can get away with and spend profits on self-serving enterprises so this time around contact your local Federal representatives voice your opinion.
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In closing, sending a special thank you to all health-care workers on the front lines on whom we are relying to help us through this emergency. We have enormous respect and gratitude for your efforts.