Elizabeth Asahi Sato, Executive MPA
CEO/Founder Rise to Excellence, Organizational Capacity Building, Human Resource Administration, Business/Organizational Consultant for private, public, tribal, inclusive faith-based & nonprofits
Every holiday or family celebration, big or small, is captured in photos. We humans love to post the triumph of our first baked bread and sometimes (like me) our daringness to drink exotic coffee brewed from beans digested by tree dwellers. It is all fun, but I sometimes wonder how documenting these memories causes one to not truly taste the deliciousness of the moment.
I wanted to focus this family holiday on the conversations, the exchange, and the nuances that are challenging to capture with distracting cameras. In fact, I took no photographs of a massive cornucopia of delights I made for my sons and family. I am so sorry—nothing mouth-watering to ogle this post.
Savor with me for a moment my journey through simple memory, which seems to be fading me as silver covers my grown of black. I grew up economically challenged. Some call it poor, yet much of my childhood recollection revolves around food. Whether you perceive that as healthy or unhealthy, we did not receive many material gifts, but my Okaasan (mom) and my Papa always sacrificed what they could by creating ample breakfasts or dinners, all homemade, all carefully created with love. We did not have money to spend on family vacations or buying expensive toys. We have so few photographs to document those times, but they will be treasured in my memory until the day I walk on. I did share them with my sons, so they, too, will share them with their children. This is the way our ancestors passed on stories and traditions.
My four sons, including John, Elijah, Samuel, and Gabriel, were here on this recent family day. My Okaasan arrived with my brother Richard and my sister Julia. It was a peaceful family day with little Walter, Benkei, and Hannah. My siblings, their children, and grandchildren spent time at their respective homes, so (for us) it was a small gathering. I was so busy cooking since 3 am that I forgot to take photographs. Still, when you see the menu, you will understand why. While I am not a gifted artist or a musician---honey, I know I can cook.
The charcuterie board was filled with the hard-to-find Rogue River blue cheese (if it's good enough for the White House, my mom deserves it too), organic drunken goat cheese, some fancy Swiss and Brie, a variety of olives, capers, freshly baked baguette. Red grapes, blood oranges, blackberries, assorted crackers with wild salmon spread. I made so many different things I forgot the Cranberry and Brie cheese crescent ring, lol. Dinner included Roast Turkey, BBQ Leg of Lamb (I BBQ in winter), Russet Mashed Potatoes, Jimmy Dean Sage Sausage Dressing and Papa's Giblet Gravy, Brussels Sprouts with Bacon, Pecans, and Cranberries, and Mississippi style Grandpa's Sweet potatoes, and if that wasn't enough Homemade rolls and butter. I exercised restraint and made only one sweet potato and pumpkin pie from scratch.
We watched old family videos when the boys were toddlers, had good conversations, and laughed. The pups were attentive, waiting for a taste of lamb or turkey, and the time together was beyond priceless. I may not have photos, but I have savory memories, absolutely delicious memories of our time together in my heart and spirit.
I hope you all had a wonderful day/week enjoying family, friends, colleagues, and new friends. <3 Elizabeth