Saving you time, keeping you informed!
Issue 3 of the Wiser! tech innovation newsletter was published last Friday. The subscriber list is growing steadily and was nudging 250 when i pushed the 'publish' button. It's now heading towards 400.
My mum has really go the hang of creating multiple email addresses!
The goal is really simple, although much harder to execute. It goes like this...
On the one hand, if you're interested in the tech space, and by that I mean, anything to do with new technology, Big Tech, startups, innovation and business strategy, the problem is that there is a ton of information, insight and opinion out there. Podcasts, blogs, YouTube channels, online education, newsletters. You name it and there's someone talking about. Spend 30 mins on Clubhouse and you'll see what I mean.
Unfortunately, much of it is either fluff and superfluous, or plain old fashioned self promotion. You only have to look here on LinkedIn and try to find out about anything specific and it's a lottery.
On the other hand, if you are someone interested in the tech space, you want/need to be informed, kept up to date, stay interested in this stuff. If it's part of your job to build relationships or create value and differentiation, then staying up to date is paramount to your ability to do your job.
Take salespeople, business developers, marketeers, entrepreneurs, investors etc etc. They all know the power of story telling. And to be a story teller you need to have an arsenal of stories that are current, relevant and interesting.
You see the problem. We all need to stay informed but we don't have the time to do it! Technology has not made this easier.
That's why I started Wiser! To sort through the huge volume of content and pick out the relevant bits, condense it into bit sized snippets of wisdom and insight, and give the readers an arsenal of stories to fall back on.
It's early days and I'm on a steep learning curve. Substack has made that easier, but also comes with some limitations that I will have to tackle sometime. But for now, it does the job and lets me concentrate on the content.
It's a path I've been down before, albeit in a different form. In 2014 I started writing about InsurTech before it was called InsurTech. I wrote original content by talking directly to innovative founders and telling their story.
As soon as the LinkedIn algorithms figured out I was writing original stuff, the platform accelerated me to a 100k following. Now I'm on a new journey to create a new tribe.
If you'd like to be part of it, are a look at what I'm doing here and sign up. If you do, please let me know what you think about? What you like, don't like, want to see.
Take me to the Wiser! Newsletter on Substack
Thank you for your consideration, Rick