Saving Lives Through Service
Saving lives isn’t just for superheroes; we at Autumn Consulting have the chance to play a part in rescuing helpless animals by serving Hoof Woof & Meow (HWM), a registered non-profit 501(c)(3) animal rescue located in Gilberts, IL. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), approximately 1.5 millionshelter animals are euthanized every year, which is why Stacey Pyrek, founder and president of HWM, started the non-profit in 2012 with the purpose of rescuing animals from high-kill shelters and connecting them to their new forever homes.
We at Autumn Consulting have the privilege of lending HWM our marketing expertise, as well as, the use of our conference room for their board meetings. While the benefits that this partnership has for HWM are obvious, what is more surprising—according to one of Autumn’s team members, Dietrich Heiss—is how the partnership has helped Autumn: “Having them in our workplace, getting to see the puppies, getting to help our community has been really valuable.” We wanted to share with you a few of the things that we have learned through our partnership with Hoof Woof & Meow.
Service Matters
HWM has taught us that serving others can save lives. Through our partnership with them, we aren’t just lending marketing services, but we are given the chance to make a drastic difference in the lives of these pets and their new families. Service doesn’t start and end with you; it has ripples you may never be aware of.
Service is a Choice
Those who work with HWM are very dedicated to their project. Their success isn’t organic, they have to be intentional about the little things. Their program has sprung up out of their hard work, sweat, and tears, and that has been humbling for us to see. Really impacting the community doesn’t just happen, it is an intentional choice you have to make every day.
Service Raises the Bar
Once you get into the habit of service, the way that HWM has, you start to set your standards a little bit higher. In the words of one of Autumn’s team members, Jenny Ahrens, “Serving others raises the bar. It’s too bad more businesses don’t give more time and effort towards their communities. It’s a really good quality.” So we challenge you to step up to the plate. Instead of being an audience member in your community, become a participant. Instead of observing, engage. We’ve embraced our partnership with HWM as a way to do this, and we encourage you to take the same step. Set your standards higher, get involved, and see where it takes you.
According to the founder and president of HWM, Stacey Pyrek, “The people associated with Autumn are all very caring people, very willing to help. They accepted us with open arms.” The more you serve, the better you get at serving; We at Autumn have experience practicing servant leadership with HWM, with our clients, and with each other.
Now we challenge you to do the same. Remember that service matters, that service is a choice, and that service raises the bar. Be selfless. Be constructive. Be authentic. Be servant leaders and watch the impact.