Saving Lives is EASY!
As you may know, I am a HUGE advocate of Bloodworks Northwest and all the good work they do saving lives. If you don’t, I’ve been donating since 1984 and next Thursday will be my 483rd donation (63 whole blood and the rest platelets (for people with leukemia or undergoing radiation).
I had a chance to meet Dr. Moriz Stolla last month and learned he’s researching how to make donations last longer so they can be given to front-line troops and increase their survival rates.
If helping save lives by simply rolling up your sleeve moves you, I encourage you to watch this four-minute video - As you’ll see, I was completely unprepared for person who joined us at the end. It was profoundly moving, and I am proud to know I’m helping people I’ve never met before. Message me if you’d like to know more or call Bloodworks Northwest 800-398-7888 to schedule your donation - that can save up to THREE lives.