A $ saved is a $ earned
Ticketless parking is the way forward. Search “ticketlessparking.com” and you will be led to the website of the pioneers of LPR based ticketless parking solutions. It is great to see that many have now joined the journey to offer ticketless parking and waving goodbye to ticketed parking systems and manned ticket booths. However, license plate ‘read-accuracy’ creates a question, “Is it cost-effective or we are going to lose revenue?”
Being a car park operator, owner, management firm, consultant, or council, when you want that bottom profit line to look better, increasing parking tariffs should be the last resort. There are better ways that many have already adopted and relished the benefits.
Ybern is all about solutions and optimization. We don't offer a one size fits all solution because each site is different and the needs and wants of each customer are different. Most of the customer prospect meetings start with a standard question, "How is ticketless LPR better?"
Great ROI + Stress Free + No Tickets + Simple Entry
With ticketless, there are no ticket jams, hence no downtime for each lane. Ticketless is based on ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) or LPR (License Plate Recognition) solution. One camera in the front and two cameras in the rear, pointing at two different angles to capture all the license plates regardless of the vehicle height. That's not all, with Ybern's ticketless system, we know that just IR (Infrared) illumination isn't enough, hence we have dual illumination in the front and rear with IR?and white strobing LEDs. That does the magic! No moving parts in the kiosk to dispense a ticket, no stopping and waving hands or pressing buttons at the entry. A truly seamless experience with ticketless parking.
Our cameras take 100+ images of each vehicle at each lane. 100% of the cars are captured, guaranteed.
Let's not look at a car park as just one big car park but let's improvise and look at it in sections to optimize the revenue. Our customers offer 'early bird', 'VIP', 'registered customers', etc; in nested areas. With Ybern's LPR solution we establish "business rules" in our software to capture the car movements in the nested area, automatically updating the parking charges.
Want to know more about it? Reach out to me or one of Ybern’s solution experts where we work with you to simplify your carpark needs & wants.
Japan Mehta
Director & CEO