Save yourself time like a pro!
Tash Sanganoo
Co-Founder of Tribal Empire Ltd | Social Media Strategist | Helping Coaches get Fully-Booked via LinkedIn
Let's cut to the chase, time is precious and you can't get it back! As business owners our time is valuable and let's face it, it should not be wasted on irrelevant things!
Okay.. to the point now..
In this article, I will share some tips that has been helpful to me on my journey and I want it to help you.
You deserve to save time and use it wisely.
What are you waiting for? Read below to find out how you can save time!
Prepare the night before
Have you ever got your bag ready for work or your outfit ready the night before to save yourself time in the morning? Well this is the same thing. I recommend to create your to-do list the night before to ensure you are ready for the day ahead and to make sure you know exactly what you will be working on. As well as your to-do list, make sure to know what meetings you have to plan your day accordingly. You can add your meetings to your calendar to remember what time it is meant to be.
Set clear priorities
Once you have created your to-do list, it is time to decide which tasks should be done urgently and which ones can wait for another day. A great way to do this is by labelling your tasks from low, medium and high. This will help you to understand which task to work on straight away and leave the less important ones for a different day so you don't waste time on it.
Write everything down
Yes, I mean literally everything! Why? because having your ideas, tasks and thoughts physically written down will help you remember what they were. You may not realise it but it waste a lot of time figuring out what idea you had the other day and also trying to think of new ideas. For example, when you go to create content, it is helpful to have your ideas already written down to save yourself a lot of time in the long run. I did not do this at first and learnt the hard way, don't be like me.
Batch similar tasks
I get it! You have loads of different tasks to do and want to get them all done at the same time, don't do this. I recommend to work on similar tasks and make sure you finish them before moving on to the next. For instance, if you have some admin related tasks to complete, ensure to finish them all before moving on to content.
Last but not least, outsource. Yes. yes, you want to do everything yourself but you simply can't! Outsourcing is a great way to save yourself time and allow you to focus on whatever you want to do with your extra time. Always remember that a helping hand can go a long way!
The bottom line
Time doesn't come back but if you manage it well, you can save yourself a lot of it to ensure you get the most out of your day.
I hope you found this article useful and got some value from it! Don't forget to subscribe to my newsletter for more useful tips, tricks and hacks!
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