Save Your Motherboard ??
Let's talk about Cybersecurity - cybersecurity is knowing that while you're browsing the web, you're good. No one is out to get you - because you're protecting your privacy.
The ways in which you can protect yourself while online navigating are a couple key things - knowing that there are different ways to maintain and protect yourself.
Your hardware/hard drive is the Brain of your computer ?? - you want to protect it at all costs. When it comes to willy-nilly downloading computer files you want to take a couple key steps to ensure your privacy. You don't want a virus in your brain ??.
The closer your downloads are to your internal processing system (HardDrive/Brain) - the closer a potential virus threat. You want to cause as much separation between your brain and your downloading power.
1. Get an external hard drive
This is like locking a memory in time ??? back when everything was good
What this means is that if you potentially download a virus. You can go back in time before the virus, and have everything running again.
Invest in an external hard drive - they help save your mistakes.
Here are a couple:
1. This ones the size of a keychain
2. Don't Download Stuff Off the Internet ??
At least, not straight to your computer - create a separate folder just for internet downloads. That you clean out weekly.
This is what I do ??
Clean it out once a week, or whenever you have time - trash is right there! Or if you have your external hard drive, download for the day. This helps if things crash - again, you get to go back in time.
That's just how I like to do things. In case a virus ever loads - it's not a complete crash.
#Cybersecurity checks - stay safe ??