Save The World & Earn A Living
Denise B. Lawrence, MDiv, Ph.D Candidate
President | For-Profit Grants SME, Pastor, Author, HBCU Graduate, Trusting God
The recent shootings that left 17 innocent people dead in Florida has taught us a few things. It literally hit home for me - I grew up in that county and my youngest was born in a hospital nearby. I know people that I grew up with who know people who were killed and injured. Out of that tragedy, we've been reminded about how important our voices are. Those young bright survivors have committed 100% to saving our world and they are doing it without hesitation. Their youth gives them a wonderful advantage that many of us adults don't get - saving the world without worry about a paycheck.
Add in the responsibilities of raising children, saving for college, paying a mortgage and other living expenses and our desire to save the world gets a little foggy. I'm here to say: that doesn't have to be the case. The opportunity to raise our voice, wave our banners and fight for whatever means the most to us is obtainable and we can still take care of our responsibilities. I believe in the development of profitable nonprofits!
It takes resources to be resourceful. It's tough to help the poor if your organization is impoverished. I have spent the bulk of my 31 years working in the nonprofit industry helping struggling nonprofits become not only sustainable but profitable - creating revenue streams and reserve accounts that make them financially viable.
I've also had the pleasure of working with some incredible women executives at nonprofits whose missions are really all about saving the world. Together we have done more for the children and adults they serve and we've served more children and adults - by developing thriving nonprofits. In some cases, I've worked on staff but in most cases I've worked as a coach and adviser. I've taken those experiences and developed an amazing opportunity to help more women executives in nonprofits and social enterprises learn to Save The World & Earn A living. If you are ready to make a difference and make a living, this opportunity may be for you.
Perhaps you are working in Corporate America but you have a passion for helping low-income children or addictive adults or abandoned animals. Whatever the cause, I can help you make the transition of starting and running your nonprofit. Or, maybe you have a position as an executive at an existing nonprofit but you are tired of the month-to-month and sometimes day-to-day struggle of keeping the doors open and you'd rather focus on the mission and spreading the word about the great work you do. In either case, our Nonprofit Executive Coaching Program may be the answer - an online group experience that will be transforming.
If you would like to learn more, I'd be happy to schedule a free consultation - Our next course starts later this month so act fast be using the link below to get on my calendar.
Best Regards,
Denise Lawrence, Founder and CEO, Charity Consultants, Inc.
PS: to learn more about Charity Consultants, Inc. visit us at