Save Time! Save the Environment!
PEAKS Engineering
Technology Electrical Manufacturer & ICT Business Agent - - #ICT #Electrical #Electronics
“We are acutely aware of the damage that plastic has on the environment and we are determined to lead the way in our industry to remove as much “single-use plastic” from the supply chain as possible each year. As such, we have removed all of the single-use plastic from the majority of the Excel product packaging”.
?– Excel Networking Solutions.
And the recourses on earth are fading by the day, and stopping the climate comes with the actions we take to minimize its effect because there’s no planet B!
Today’s blog is about Excel’s Plastic Free Initiative, businesses can do the same, by saving time and saving the environment, two good causes in one.
Sharing some statistics and numbers can deeply help to understand the issue not only that but help with the solution as well.
1.????It takes up to 1000 years for plastic to degrade.
2.????More than 8 million tons of plastic is dumped into our oceans every year.
3.????Half of all plastics ever manufactured have been made in just the last 15 years.
Which not only will be a threat from the human race but plants and animals! Because Over 500 species of marine animals have either eaten or entangled with plastic before, and if we don’t take the necessary action before 2050 the numbers of plastic thrown in the oceans will overweigh the number of fish. The above was led because more than 32% of plastic globally is thrown into the oceans
But the initiative of plastic-free packaging of Excel is taking action toward that, by utilizing its experiences to save all of us, and save the time for engineers on-site!
Now the time of the solution, these are the reasons why:
·???????Thanks to natural brown packaging options, customers can save up to 60% of their preparation time when they're installing keystone jacks.
·???????It is available in multipacks of 24, supplied in a simple 100% recycled and recyclable cardboard tray as opposed to individual single-use plastic bags.
·???????It is quicker to install to save time
·???????100% Recyclable waste, to save the environment
In the conclusion, why use single-use plastic when we have good alternatives that can effectively lower costs, and save the environment?
We can break free from plastic because there’s no planet B