To Save The Soul Of Technology
Matt Dalio
Founder at Endless. Providing equal opportunity to succeed in the digital world through device access, offline internet, and learning games.
If ever a blog post could have a soundtrack, I’d want it to be this one. So I give you Oh My Soul for you to listen to as you read if you like. “On that day when my strength is failing, the end draws near and my time has come, still my soul will sing your praise unending.”?
In my post Announcing Endless Studios, I included a line about our game that I often say. “In building and playing The Endless Mission, players will fight to defend the soul of technology.” But on that day those words were particularly important to me. I had gone to bed reading the book Soul Keeping by John Ortberg. I woke up with a dream about the soul. I want to share that dream:
I was walking and encountered a glittering tree. It was clearly a special tree. Somehow I knew, it was a tree of life. It was my tree of life. It glimmered with beauty, values, goodness, truth, God.?
The tree was atop a cliff. There was a city below. I stepped into the tree. Climbing up into its branches, I started to get tangled in them. The top of the tree bent with me holding onto it, folding like a birch bending with the weight of a child. We were arching over the cliff and I was worried that it was going to snap. I leapt back to the cliffside.?
The first message here is clear. There are countless people more qualified to climb into trees and sing the songs of the soul than myself. My Dharma is not to speak of the soul. It is to help others cultivate theirs. And to speak to my own Dharma, I must continue with my dream:
When I looked back, there was a tower on the cliffside. As a sign of how deeply absorbed I am by the need to improve technology, I somehow knew that this tower was built by Larry Page. It was Google. This tower, concrete and cold, stood between the tree and the city below.?
The people in the city could not see the tree of life anymore. The tower was blocking it.
I woke up. I began to meditate in an attempt to make sense of this dream. I believe that dreams are veins of the soul. If we sit in silence, asking, “What is in me that needs to be understood, even if I wish it weren’t true?” then sometimes they pump what is in our heart back to us.?
So, what did this dream mean? The answer came clearly. Google, the internet, is blocking humanity from being able to see the tree of life. The internet, with its ease of access to information and distraction, is like a tower blocking us all from being able to access our souls.
I sat there wondering, what do we do about this? We cannot tear down that tower. Will the tower forever occlude us from our souls? Perhaps it is naive Faith, but I cannot believe that is true.?
That morning I did my morning Yoga With Adriene and she talked about the soul. “We're not just focusing on the body here. We are uniting the mind and the body with one other thing, and that is this notion, if you will, or this essence of spirit, that part of you that is not your body. It's not your brain. It's this part that is uniquely you.”
We rarely connect to that part of us. But as Ortberg’s book says, “your soul is not just something that lives on after your body dies. It’s the most important thing about you. It is your life.”?
A Chapter Marker
Devon Dalio was the name of my brother. Less than two years ago he died in a car accident. We so rarely feel the soul, but mine awoke on December 17th, 2020. It awoke with a splash of cold water to the face, slapped by death’s stinging needles. Life’s meaning was rudely awoken. The meaninglessness of everything that we live for everyday was unzipped like a big costume. Inside, I found the small throbbing goop that was my tender self, “the part that’s uniquely me.”
Death has a way of reminding us of “what matters.” The closer it is to us, the more it reminds us. Does it have to take death to make us live? Perhaps for me the answer was yes. But my question to my brother is constantly: “How can I keep that within me?” “Keep me alive, Devon.”
Sometimes it feels as if I am answering that same prayer from him. Keep me alive, Matt.
As strange as it sounds, his answer to me is so often, "movement". Do as he did. Work out. I do my versions. Yoga. Running. Dancing. I find my soul in that movement. I also find my soul in stillness: in meditation, in prayer, in retreat. I find it in union, in chanting to a song along with a crowd of ten thousand, in looking into my wife’s eyes on a beautiful day, in reading with my son sitting in my lap, in laughing with friends. I find it in church, and in the books that remind me of the soul.
The Soul and Creation
One of those books is The Artist’s Way. It is about the act of creating. My soul comes bubbling to the surface in ideas, in imagining the things that I could make and then making. Everyone has their version. Inspiration. Creativity. The brush strokes of ideas made real. The Artist’s Way says, “there is an underlying, in-dwelling creative force infusing all of life - including ourselves.” It describes the act of making as “a creative alliance, artist-to-artist with the Great Creator.” The book Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert uses the visualization of ideas as their own form of souls whose only purpose is to be made real. They bounce around the world seeking someone to manifest them. The creative process is our souls connecting to something outside of ourselves and helping it emerge into the world. “The work wants to be made, and it wants to be made through you.” The Talmud says that “every blade of grass has its Angel that bends over it and whispers, ‘grow, grow.’” We all have angels of creation bending over us urging us to whisper to our ideas, “grow, grow." As my ideas grow, my soul grows. The creative act is my soul opening as it releases light into the cosmos.?
This is why Endless is all about kindling creativity. It is about bringing forth that light.
The Heavy Internet
But the internet seems to quell each of these sources. A belly laugh with a friend is replaced by a “like” and maybe an emoji, or a comment if you really have time. A longing look into the eyes of a loved one is replaced by a swipe to the right. There is so much digital temptation. It isn’t just in the form of porn or the clickbait that consumes countless hours of our week if we let it. It is in every ad, every link, every recommended video that tells us “look over here, you could be doing this,” or that seeds us with doubt, chipping away at our self confidence. “You could look like this,” or, “this is what greatness really is, because it isn’t you.” Is it just me that feels this way??
After I wrote that sentence, my wife pointed me to a video called, Are You Lost In The World Like Me? I guess I am not alone.
Everyone wants to think that they are the little superhero of that short film, but we are not. When we are numb to our souls, we make decisions that shatter glass across the most precious parts of our lives and we are left picking up the pieces. The stakes are so high. They are our life.
Where is the internet that starts to strengthen the voice inside of us, that helps us say, “This, this is me.” Where is the call to come as we are, the nudge to find our voice, and the handholding to put our hands on a pen and start drawing, really making, manifesting our inner selves??
My dream seemed to tell me this and so much more. Articulating this feels like I’m simply putting a few brush strokes on a painting of something infinitely deep. But at its core, it’s quite simple. We are all blocked from seeing our tree of life by the great contraption of the millions of pixels in front of our eyes and the billions of nodes that so magnificently show us whatever we want to see, but that occludes from us the most important thing: the magnificent light inside of us.
What is the Answer?
I cannot imagine the sadness of a future in which there is never again a society that is not blocked by the Great Tower of Google. What can I do about that? I still didn’t have my answer.?
I got my answer the following morning. I had a call with a good friend of mine in China. Both of us have gone on our own tech burnout path and we were calling to catch up. She has walked down a profoundly more spiritual path than I have. So I asked her. She closed her eyes. I did not expect an answer, but if there was hope from this dream, it came when her eyes opened.?
“I imagined that tower, which today is cold and concrete and soulless, in the future flourishing with foliage, with trees and plants bursting from it.”
What if the soul of the tree behind it were to grow, to wrap itself around the tower? To embody it. If every person’s soul were to come alive in a piece of greenery, a plant, a tree, or a flower, bursting forth from this tower, enshrining it, what a beautiful tower that would be. That tower requires that everyone find their voice, their way of creating and contributing. It requires that everyone build into the tower, each putting his and her best life into it.?
This is a strange post. I feel odd writing it. Yet my dream is my soul bubbling up into my consciousness, and those bubbles reflect the way that I think about what I am doing with my life. To the degree that you ever touch a product that has my fingerprints on it, I want to tell you why I am doing it.?This is why I am doing it.
The vision of the trees of life wrapping around the Great Tower of Google can be made real. If the millions of pixels in front of us cultivate the light within us, then the tower will grow over with each of our verdant, shining souls. We are trying to do that with Endless Studios. We are trying to urge the tower to grow over, to consume the sterile concrete beneath. When I write that in the game we’re building, “players will fight to defend the soul of technology,” I mean it very deeply. Technology is shaping our society, like dominos tipping.
What will the soul of society look like in a few decades? The answer is in your hands.
Senior Advisor
2 年To nourish the soul is to help cover the tower with color, texture, meaning, and connectedness. This post really resonates, Matt. Thanks for a good read and some good music!
President & CEO at Grace Children's Foundation (GCF) & Children's Resource Exchange (CRE)
2 年You are not alone, Matt. Imagine the tower covered in trees, plants and flowers, each unique like snowflakes. And all those angels at work. Thank you for sharing your dream. ??