Save Soil at Arendalsuka

Save Soil at Arendalsuka

Save Soil debate at Arendalsuka

We are happy that 250+ people enjoyed the debate we had at Arendalasuka. This was the first time we streamed an event from Arendalsuka.

We are extremely proud that we had with us?Sadhguru JV?and?Erik Solheim.

Save Soil is a global movement launched by Sadhguru to address the soil crisis, by bringing together people from around the world to stand up for Soil Health. Furthermore, it supports leaders of all nations to institute national policies and actions toward increasing the organic content in cultivable Soil.

Agriculture, deforestation, and other factors have degraded and eroded topsoil at alarming rates. Globally, 52% of agricultural land is already degraded. The planet is in crisis. If current rates of soil degradation continue, this would cause the end of life as we know it.

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Erik asked Sadhguru the following:

- Congratulations on creating the world’s largest peoples’?movement! We saw the incredible change that has come about?through?these 100 days of the Save Soil Movement. What is the?next step?

- How can we persuade governments to work toward a policy?change?

- There was hardly any conversation about soil until?you started speaking about it, and now I can see that there are a lot of people & organizations talking about this. You almost staked?your life into making it happen.?Do you think you have achieved what?you set out for? Listen to the conversation?here.

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For the debate we had with us:

  • Heidi Bade, Norad
  • Katrine Sund-Henriksen, CEO, Norwegian Forum for Development and Environment
  • Torleiv N?ss Ugland, CEO, Terramarine AS
  • Ashish Sahu, Marketing Manager, Cambi AS

Minister Meenakshi Lekhis visit to Norway

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Indian Minister of State for External Affairs and Culture,?Meenakshi Lekhi,?paid an official visit to Norway this week.?The visit will further the momentum of high-level exchanges, and provide an opportunity to strengthen cooperation with Norway bilaterally and in the multilateral fora.?Smt. Lekhi was elected to the 16th Lok Sabha in May 2014 from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). She was re-elected to the 17th Lok Sabha in May 2019.?Founder of DMI Rina Sunder wished Meenakshi Lekhu a welcome to Norway and handed over the book Det Moderne India.

We cannot understand the world without understanding India

One week ago,?Gunhild Anker Stordalen?and?Geir Olsen?asked in an op-ed: Is the upcoming?Arendalsuka?too self-absorbed?

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?What takes place outside the “Norwegian bubble”, what it means for us and our responsibility to the world, is largely ignored in the conference program?.?Read the op-ed here.

DMI agrees with Gunhild and Geir that the world is changing and Arendalsuka must become much more about real solutions to global challenges… like Save soil! The founder of DMI wrote an answer: We cannot understand the world without understanding India. You can read the op-ed here.

India@75 by Erik Solheim

Board member of Det moderne India, Erik Solheim, has written about his love for India in Malayala Manorama Daily. It is one of the largest newspapers in India and the world. Read India@75 | Why I'm returning again and again to this myriad universe. Read more here. :

International Climate Summit in Bergen on August 30th & 31st

Have you registered for the Opportunities for green hydrogen in India summit? Register here.

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Norfund and KLP together will take a 49% stake in the solar energy project Thar Surya 1

According to a new?report from BloombergNEF (BNEF)?India needs 233 billion USD in investment to meet its goals for development of wind and solar energy by 2030. IEA’s “‘India Energy Outlook 2021’”?shows India will have the greatest need in the world for growth in the energy sector.

The new Norwegian Climate Investment Fund, managed by Norfund, and?KLP, Norway’s largest pension company, have entered into an agreement to take a 49% stake in a 420 MW?solar?power plant in?India?developed by?Enel Green Power.?Read more here:


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