Save Sanatani/Islami/Sikh Farmers, Cattle traders and Cattle Product Entrepreneurs in Animal Husbandry Industry for the Revival of Economy In India
Muhammad Mukhtar Alam, Ph.D
Executive Director (H) Center for Ecological Audit, Social Inclusion and Governance (CEASIG)
This is a letter to Kishore Tiwari bhai , a long time email contact and farmer leader from Vidharva where farmer suicides have been legion. I have been writing in response to his communications on behalf of Centre for Ecological Audit ,Social Inclusion and Governance. This letter can be analysed for policy recommendations for Government of India and state governments in order to accelerate recovery of economy through liberating cattle and cattle product industry from the terror of misguided youths engaged in lynching of the cattle traders, cattle product consumers.
I had surveyed farmers ,cattle rearing households and cattle traders in 2017 and recorded the loss of income of cattle rearing households (known as Gwalas), cattle traders (known as Paikars in Bihar) and cattle product entrepreneurs (meat sellers) . This constitutes a large section of rural population. Loss of income of all these households has generated huge loss of purchasing power which has impacted the off-take of commodities and services.
Thus, eliminating this loss of income is possible through eliminating the legislation for slaughter ban. This will restore animal husbandry GDP. In this regard, simple information on the sanatan dharmic/Islamic common prophet Abraham SUH and HRP known as Guru Brahmma is most important which needs to be shared with all. I have called for eliminating the ignorance of the sanatan dharmic/Islamic common prophet Abraham known as Guru Brahmma since cattle sacrifice is established by prophet Abraham SUH and HRP known as Guru Brahmma.
On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 3:30 PM Centre For Ecological Audit, Social Inclusion & Governance <> wrote:
Hello Kishore Bhai, With prayers for abundance of good in all to Allahussamad , the Nirguna through the 49th Imam and Fatemi Khalifatullah Mowlana Kareem Shah Al Hussaini Aga Khan IV, I recommend reading of this in order to eliminate the Satanic enterprise of creating a fake identity in the name of secular word Hindu/Sindhu.
Slaughter ban in the name of creating a fake identity in the name of secular word Hindu/Sindhu has chopped off animal husbandry GDP and nation is reeling under multiple economic disasters across the board since cattle is capital.We must focus on the sanatan dharmic/Islamic common prophet Abraham known as Guru Brahmma and purify legislation.
Jains have been blasphemers of Brahmins .Please consider making this knowledge common to all people of sanatan dharma awaiting facilitation for acceptance of the Naklanki and Kalki. I had heard a Jain Muni riling against honorable Udhav Thakre for his visit to the shrine of Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti. That made me realise on how Jains are using the word Hindu for perpetuation of their blasphemy of the people of prophet Abraham SUH and HRP known as Guru Brahmma. Their cognitive and spiritual clones have created hate speech against consumption of meat through deification of the cows which is utterly blasphemous since cattle sacrifice is established from prophet Abraham known as Guru Brahmma.
Adhinayak of the Brahmins as aal e Abraham are referred as divinely chosen in verse 3:33,34. We must undo ignorance of the sanatan dharmic /Islamic common prophet Abraham SUH and HRP known as Guru Brahmma and the enduring existence of divinely chosen leadership , the sanatan Khalifatullah ,the Mustafa, the Puroshottam, the Karta of vasudhaiv kutumbkum in order to save farmers ,cattle traders and cattle product entrepreneurs.
Shaheed Rohit Vemula was a real sanatan dharmi and and all celebrating beef festival are real sanatan dharmies ,the real people of prophet Abraham SUH and HRP known as Guru Brahmma.
The nation of Adam AS and Hawwa AS ,our common parents is suffering due to the ignorance of the sanatan dharmic /Islamic common prophet Abraham SUH and HRP known as Guru Brahmma and the enduring existence of divinely chosen leadership , the sanatan Khalifatullah ,the Mustafa, the Puroshottam, the Karta of vasudhaiv kutumbkum in order to save farmers ,cattle traders and cattle product entrepreneurs..
We must undo ignorance of the sanatan dharmic /Islamic common prophet Abraham SUH and HRP known as Guru Brahmma and the enduring existence of divinely chosen leadership , the sanatan Khalifatullah ,the Mustafa, the Puroshottam, the Karta of vasudhaiv kutumbkum in order to save farmers ,cattle traders and cattle product entrepreneurs and all earning livelihood in animal husbandry industry. Securing animal husbandry food and livelihood chain is most important. The word Government is derived from the word Gauvardhan. Increase in the per capita ownership of the cow/gau is the primary objective of Gauvardhan Pooja. The word pooja/poocha is simple reference to the the one referred in the name of the divinely chosen leadership of the age. The word Jai is derived from the Arabic Hai. The word Arab is Arva as in the word Arvind. The words Arva and Arya are the reference to the people of prophet Abraham SUH and HRP known as Guru Brahmma. This is the reason , North India was referred as Aryavrata.
Kishore Bhai, please note the above realities and share with brother Uddhav Thakra. Logn time back, I had written to Balasaheb Thakre as well when I urge to accept muslims are people of Shiv Sankalp Taru as ones who observe the command for rememberance of Ishwar five times a day which has been an extant practice for people of Lord Parshuram as well. Ishwar Smarate Panch Awasare is the clear command in Shiv Sankalp Taru. Knowing this command and examining the practice, we find muslims collectively engaged in practice of salutations and naman for the divinely chosen leadership being the number one practitioners of the command in Shiv Sankalp Taru.
Mumbai has been the blessed city since the time 46th Imam Hasan Ali Shah Aga Khan I reached there. Here is the screen shot of the image of mausoleum of the 46th Imam and Fatemi Khalifatullah.
Beginning of the post for Prof Imiaz Ahmad who was pointing out absence of resilience in the Muslim Mind
Which muslim you are referring to in your post since by birth we can use the word muslim for all 7.81 billion posterity of Adam AS, the first Muslim Khalifatullah and Hawwa AS??? Please consider not using the word Muslim for all and sundry like Allama Iqbal who could not complete his spiritual journey with allegiance to the Fatemi Khalifatullah. The word Muslim as one being in 100 per cent submission and seeker of salamati for all (jai for all souls) and its plural Muslimeen are the 100 per cent pure souls, the INFALLIBLE ones, the divinely children chosen leadership for the obedience of Allahussamad, the Nirguna in the light of verse 2:128. ???????? ???????????? ???????????? ???? ????? ?????????????? ???????? ???????????? ????? ????????? ???????????? ?????? ?????????? ? ??????? ????? ??????????? ??????????
Our Lord! Make us both ?fully? submit to You1 and from our descendants a nation that will submit to you. Show us our rituals, and turn to us in grace. You are truly the Accepter of Repentance, Most Merciful.
Why you are not reading this verse? I have shared this verse for you multiple number of times. Why you have been a #BlockheadKAFIRofverse2_128????
Sir, please employ #PrecisionSociology and #PrecisionPsychology in order make sense of spiritual and cognitive functioning in reference to the obedience measurement protocol of verse 4:59 for all believers/momineen and mominaat of the divinely chosen leadership , the Muslim ,the Khalifatullallah, the Yadullah, the INFALLIBLE Saguna for the obedience of Allahussamad, the Nirguna. Unless, you employ #Precision Linguistics you would engage in generating blasphemous statements for the Muslimeen, the divinely chosen leadership, the Mustafa (the divinely chosen) referred in verse 3:33,34.
Look at the word adherent which is derived from Persian and Sanskrit word Dharma/Daram referred to as Dhamma in the Pali language. The word Islam is referred in verse 5:3 , a reference to the completion of the message of prophet Mohammad SUH and HRP at the seat of prophet Abraham SUH and HRP known as Guru Brahmma. Islam was decreed completed after the decree of succession of Mowla Ali NOORUN ala NOOR/Akhand Jyoti by prophet Mohammad SUH and HRP. This is a clear decree celebrated in the songs known as Qawwalies /Qaul e Ali . To wit , Ali da pehla number ,damadum mast qalandar. These songs sung at the seats of real aal e Mohammad SUH and HRP led Islam awaiting information on the unbroken chain of Fatemi Khalifatullah has been under attack by the victims of the KUFR of Wahabism which afflicts Darul Uloom Deoband and Nadwatul Ulama till date since their leaders have not yet pledged to 49th Imam and Fatemi Khalifatullah. Please write to them.
We are people of Islam of all avatars, the descent of the Word of Allahussamad, the Nirguna from Adam AS to Mowlana Kareeem Shah Al Hussaini in our age.Sir, I have examined all discourses post acceptance of 49th Imam and Fatemi Khalifatullah in 2010 after debating the prescriptive propositions for Just World Order contained in my thesis which you examined. Here is the the link of PPT for my thesis
Please share the above with all in order to secure national integration ,policy development and its purification.
With warmest regards
Dr M Mukhtar Alam
On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 11:27 AM kishor tiwari <> wrote:
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M. Mukhtar Alam, Ph.D. Executive Director (H), CEASIG,Delhi
Initiated in 2007 , Centre For Ecological Audit, Social Inclusion and Governance (CEASIG) , a joint initiative of Sewa, a registered organisation under Societies Registration Act, FCRA , Labour League Foundation and Sufi Trust, Delhi has been endeavoring for distributive justice for the renewable resource based livelihoods and habitats and works for socially inclusive and ecologically safe futures for all through organizing and communicating carbon neutral neighborhood discussions/ consultations, building capacities in ecological audit, ecologically safe networking ,advocacy ,communication, leadership, & other related domains for multiplying personal, community , governmental and corporate actions for ecologically safe and socially inclusive social futures within and across the nations/ carbon-neutral ecostrategic communities.El Analytical,Advisory and Advocacy Products at