"Save Mart Captures Millennials"
E-Commerce Is The Latest Buzz-Word...So What Must We Change?
"Here Is What We See Different In Todays Marketing Headwinds & This Is What Save Mart Recognizes"
"Deborah Ann Is A Busy Professional, Mom, Fitness Enthusiast & An Instacart Advocate"
So why is what Deborah says or does so unique and what does this all have to do with Save Mart? Big deal another Millennial who want to save time shopping online. While looks may be deceiving Deborah is not a Millennial. Deborah is part of a growing wave of shoppers, of all ages who finds her time more valuable than wandering the aisles of her local supermarket.
Is Instacart A Retailer?...Wait She Didn't Even Mention A Retailer Until Later In The Post?
The growing concern we see to the supermarket is Deborah did not even mention a retail supermarket as the first priority. Deborah discusses in a praising manner her fondness for Instacart!
All of a sudden E-Commerce is not just a buzz word if your a retailer and you overlook E-Commerce, this is a buzz kill.
So likely Deborah went to Instacart, found the retailer she trusted and or the pricing she required and bought her groceries. Happy with the time she saved and the quality of both the service and deliverables Deborah praises Instacart.
Save-Mart Gets It...E-Commerce Is Not Tomorrow...It's Today!
In Save Mart's case they chose ClickCart as an online shopping solution to make shopping easier for their customers. As an example of just one demographic, Millennials at a rate of 39% prefer some from of online shopping to purchase the goods and services the enjoy.
Save Mart responded with what their management team felt was the best fit & finish....ClickCart. As part of the retailers rewards program Save Mart becomes relevant to that shopper once again in search of the growing Millennial influence in every aspect of retail today.
Like most retailers with populations stagnant for most of their stores throughout the U.S. every possible digital option must be employed to build both the basket size and customer count.
"Hello...Online Shoppers Require Digital Offers"
So if we agree the shopping trend is likely more digital than not, how likely is it the E-Commerce customer read the specials in the newspaper or circular. Lets think for just a second. The customer now shops online. This means he or she no longer enters the store.
Without entering the store or reading a printed product how does your customer, the customer necessary for your survival understand you even exist or what you might have on sale. The answer is some form of digital interface. That most practical approach is the eMail.
Lets Connect The Dots...Save Mart Had No Choice...The Digtial Interface & E-Commerce Platforms Go Hand In Hand
In wrapping this up, once we recognize as Save Mart did E-Commerce is essential for survival we must recognize the connection to that digital shopper is the digital ad....period. Save Mart and their team made some tough choices and will face a tough transition working toward home delivery. In that transition Save Mart and their banners will likely ind themselves as a sustainable supermarket retailer poised to grow.
Many have asked why I choose to write about what I see in the supermarket industry today and my ideas. At Bad-Adz Digital, PreparedFoodPhotos.com & Adlife we believe great ideas and the resulting branding will give new life and direction to any company. So for that reason we chose to open the discussion.
Yes, I understand I probably misspelled something or butchered the English language in a few places, the goal however was to open your minds to new ideas. Many thanks to Sharon Albrizio for her help with this article.
Joel Albrizio, President of Bad-Adz Digital, PreparedFoodPhotos.com & Adlife
Follow Me On Twitter @joelalbrizio or right here on LinkedIn!
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