Save Legs. Change Lives.? Brings PAD Amputation Awareness Back to ACC
A photo with the team at our Save Legs. Change Lives. event in Chicago in September 2022.

Save Legs. Change Lives.? Brings PAD Amputation Awareness Back to ACC

It’s hard to believe that it’s been nearly one year since Janssen Cardiovascular & Metabolism introduced the Save Legs. Change Lives.? initiative at ACC.22. Since then, we’ve made great strides towards our goal of addressing the hidden threat of amputations linked to peripheral artery disease (PAD), and we are excited to be back in action at ACC.23 to share more about our cause and drive even more conversations around PAD among leaders in cardiology.

The meeting’s setting this year in New Orleans, LA is especially poignant. We know that PAD disproportionately impacts the Black community, affecting Black Americans at twice the rate of white Americans and resulting in up to four times the number of PAD-related amputations.(1) But as one of 12 regions in the US where PAD-related amputation rates are the highest – and vascular care is the lowest – Louisiana is one of the hardest-hit states when it comes to limb loss caused by PAD; and the statistics tell us that Black Louisianians are bearing the brunt of the impact.(2) Black Americans accounted for nearly two-thirds (62%) of the individuals in these 12 areas – including Louisiana – who have endured a PAD-related amputation.(2) This is magnified by the fact that the number of Black Americans who had a PAD-related amputation in these high-risk regions were five times higher than in the rest of the US.(2)

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Tragically, PAD’s effect on the Black community isn’t limited to Louisiana. If you are planning to attend ACC.23 this week, I encourage you to stop by our Save Legs. Change Lives.? booth (#511). Additionally, I will be participating in a panel discussion at ACC’s Health Equity Hub on March 5th at 3:30pm CT to discuss best practices for creating and sustaining health equity policies, practices and outcomes. This is something that is at the forefront of our strategy as we continue to collaborate with partners that will pave the way for more equitable PAD care, such as our recent sponsorship of the American College of Cardiology Foundation’s “Change the FIELD” program – an effort to foster inclusivity, equity, leadership and diversity in the field of cardiology – which I encourage you to learn more about by checking out our recent story on

Through efforts like these, we won’t stop until we’ve alleviated at-risk communities from the life-altering burden of health outcomes like amputation, and changed the trajectory of PAD care for individuals, families and communities across the US.

We’ve come a long way, and we’re just getting started! Learn more about our efforts to support a more equitable future in PAD care on .


1.??????Creager MA, Matsushita K, Arya S, et al. Reducing nontraumatic lower-extremity amputations by 20% by 2030: time to get to our feet: a policy statement from the American Heart Association.?Circulation. 2021;143(17):e875-e891. doi:10.1161/CIR.0000000000000967

2.??????Goodney, P. P., Holman, K., Henke, P. K., Travis, L. L., Dimick, J. B., Stukel, T. A., Fisher, E. S., & Birkmeyer, J. D. (2013). Regional intensity of vascular care and lower extremity amputation rates. Journal of Vascular Surgery, 57(6), 1471-1480.e3. ?

Debbie Livingston

Director, Strategic Accounts at J&J Healthcare Systems

1 年

Wow! What a real impact this initiative is having on patient lives. Keep up the good work, Dr. Browne and team. You are appreciated andneeded!

Sarah Lamberth

Head, Medical Excellence US Medical Affairs, Oncology at The Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson

1 年

Congratulations on the success of this innovative initiative! #mycompany

Elizabeth B.

Lay Stakeholder (Non-Scientist) In Science and Research/Peripheral Artery Disease *All views are my own

1 年

Great work!!

Melissa Price-McDonald, DHSc, MPH

Clinical Science Liaison w/Gore Medical, Doctor of Population Health Sciences, Value-based Care Strategist, Data analyst, Healthcare Change Agent, American Medical Writers Association Member

1 年

That is awesome!! Such a worthy cause!

Heather Powell

Head of Scientific Affairs at Esperion Therapeutics

1 年

What an amazing crew!?


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