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K4I Forum in the European Parliament
We are inviting all innovation stakeholders from Europe to join us on the journey to the European Innovation Area #EIA
- European Innovation Area Summit 2023
- K4I ‘New’ Reception
K4I Forum European Innovation Area Summit“Research and Innovation for the Green and Digital Transition”4-6 December 2023, European Parliament Brussels
Save the date and engage with Europe’s knowledge and innovation community, policy makers and investors in discussions about research and innovation for the green and digital transition and how Europe can build a globally competitive green economy.
K4I Forum ‘NEW’ Reception10 October 2023 - 19:00, European Parliament Brussels
After 15 years during which the K4I Forum was mainly looking at innovation from an EU perspective advocating for innovation to become the top priority in EU policy making, now is the time to better connect with member states, regions, cities and local entities and focus on solutions for a sustainable future.
Participants at the Reception will be part of a wonderful and inspiring European Innovation Area journey towards a sustainable future driven by ‘Innovation for Purpose – Innovations for Good!
Hearing Commissioner designate Iliana Ivanova
The K4I Forum is very pleased to see so many MEPs active in past K4I events engaging in discussion with?Iliana Ivanova?during her Hearing on 5 September: Maria da Gra?a Carvalho, Lina Gálvez Mu?oz, Susana Solís Pérez, Ivars Ijabs and Christian Ehler.
The future Commissioner convinced with a detailed knowledge and replied with conviction to the questions asked and issues raised by the members of the European Parliament.
We are very pleased about the choice of Ursula von der Leyen and look forward to have Commissioner Iliana Ivanova among us at the European Innovation Area Summit in December.