Save the Date, July 26

Save the Date, July 26

Illinois Congressional Delegation Reception on July 26th on Capitol Hill. Please join me in welcoming our new Illinois State Society Honorary Chair Rep. Darin LaHood and Honorary Vice-Chair Raja Krishnamoorthi - Congressman, IL-8@. We also will be thanking last year’s Chair Robin Kelly and Vice-Chair Rep. Rodney Davis for their support of the Society. We anticipate the majority of the Congressional Delegation will attend.

What: Reception honoring Members of the Illinois Congressional delegation and ISS Scholarship Awardees

Date: Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Time: 5:30 – 7:30 pm

Location: 2060 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515


Please renew or start your membership, so you can join us for this Congressional Welcome Reception and our other great events. We just entered our new membership year, and the good news is your personal membership will last for 18 months until December 31, 2018. Continue to network with your fellow Illinoisans and have access to our events. Join here:…/i…/membershipJoin.jsp


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