Save $1000's on Trial Presentation and Graphics -- Do It Yourself
There are some great apps available for your iPad and laptop that can instantly make you an expert at litigation graphics and trial presentation. What could possibly go wrong? And if you have enough spare time to do it all yourself, you'll be able to save a ton of money on all those expensive services.
While you're on the path to increased personal wealth and success, there are other oft-overlooked things you could easily handle on your own as well, such as videotaping your own depositions and recording them with your own iPhone. And don't forget about Bates-stamping and printing your own trial exhibit binders. Imagine the sheer joy and rush of pride as you assemble the final binder tabs for the Court set!
In addition to the legal-specific tasks in your grasp, you can save even more money by doing things like your own bookkeeping and accounting, marketing, and web design. With the technology available today, there are really no limits.
Well, maybe there is one. Time. Or, at least the efficient use of your time. No matter what software or apps you spend your money on, there aren't any that will give you even one extra minute of your 24 hours per day.
The nature of some practices may necessitate that you personally handle many seemingly low-level tasks, but when it interferes with proper representation of your client, it's time to re-evaluate.