SATX360 | 2023: The Year of Winning Together

SATX360 | 2023: The Year of Winning Together

2023 will be known to the San Antonio region as the year of winning together and achieving the results we desire for our economy.


As part of our five-year strategy, we have successfully refocused and rebranded our organization, weathered and emerged from the global pandemic, asked our region to go?All In?to fund an ambitious new plan, and now, we are at the point where these investments further fuel our results. As of last year, we successfully fundraised 100% of our goal, which wouldn’t have been possible without the unwavering commitment of?our investors and community partners.


Moving forward, here are some of the things we are focusing on in 2023:

  • The Region:?We will continue to showcase our economic development efforts across our 8-county MSA. With 14 regional partners and growing, we continue to make progress working regionally to win a variety of larger-scale projects.
  • Talent Pipeline Management (TPM): Our workforce team is actively facilitating 5 regional collaboratives as part of our TPM initiative, a U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation program. TPM will help with supporting the growth of our local industries, working with employers in developing strategies to support their talent pipeline needs. We are already seeing real programs and training developed as part of our matured manufacturing and healthcare/bioscience industry collaboratives, and we look forward to sharing more direct outcomes this year.
  • Air Service Development:?Passenger air connectivity continues to be a driving consideration as companies evaluate markets for investment, relocation, and expansion. In 2022, we launched the air service development fund to support attracting new air service to San Antonio International Airport. Additionally, the City of San Antonio is making progress toward its $2.8B infrastructure enhancements at the airport (new terminal with 17 new gates and ground transportation center, parking garage, terminal road realignment, and runway enhancements). Our local team is headed overseas soon to continue moving this initiative further.
  • Megasites: Our Economic Development team and key partners have identified five potential sites above 500 acres that San Antonio could develop into project-ready mega sites. The work continues to further prepare the sites and market them to companies and consultants nationally in need of these massive spaces for industrial development.
  • National PR and Marketing:?Our national brand campaign is running nationally to support greater awareness of our region by sharing why Life Works Greater in San Antonio?. We continue to elevate our region’s brand in key markets where you will see new and interesting activations.
  • Alamo Fellows:?While we are focused on attracting talent through our brand campaign, our workforce team is also focused on how we retain talent here in San Antonio. Alamo Fellows will launch its second cohort this year, inviting more students to engage in the program that aims to our talented San Antonio-area college students grow roots and build careers here after graduation.


This year, we will recalibrate on our 5-year plan to continue on the track to deliver?30,000 new target industry jobs,?$5 billion in capital investment?and?50,000 new target industry degrees and certificates.

Keep your eye on the Greater SATX region. We are just getting started.

Greater together,

Jenna Saucedo-Herrera

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