Saturn Retrograde From 4 Jun-23 Oct - Working on Futuristic Vision
Jayshree Dhamani
Astrologer, Numerologist, Vastu-FengShui Expert, Tarot , Runes, Graphologist, Palmist, Face Reader at Jayshree Dhamani
Saturn getting retrograde from 4th June till 23rd Oct.
Saturn gets retro every year for nearly 5 months. In these 5 months, we get the report card of our yearly progress …on whatever we have worked upon in the past year…
Normally direct Saturn gives external impact…It gives challenges or obstacles in our task… in a way it increases our patience…endurance…& helps us to grow & be strong...
But with retro transit, the impact will be more felt internally… which can help us reflect on our past actions, and take a dip into reviewing different aspects of life.
It’s an opportunity to look closely if we are on the right path….?
Saturn will be slower than normal but strong while in retrogression as Saturn will be close to the earth, so, its power to do good or bad will be greater.
And when something is slow…we can see better…understand things clearly …and some new things can emerge which we can be easily missed at our natural speed.
The important point to remember with the retro planets is…. they are in their most original…raw form…
They do not follow any rules…they are far from the sight…command of Sun so has their own independent way to deal with the significance of the house & sign of its placement…
Also, throughout this retrogression, Saturn has no soothing connection with any benefics…
So, this retro Saturn will give the result of the Aquarius sign without any influence.
Till 12th July this retro Aquarius Saturn will aspect its debilitation sign Aries, then Leo & Scorpio sign….
The Scorpio sign has a combined aspect of Saturn & Jupiter which can help to resolve a matter related to Scorpio at an initial stage...
But do keep in mind that the final completion will be only when Saturn will revisit Aquarius in Jan’ 2023.
We have transit Rahu in Aries but right now Saturn-Rahu is too far from each other to make a strong impact.
Saturn’s aspect is always tough to handle...& all 3 signs are not a comfortable zone for Saturn…
Saturn has no mercy & the feeling is not friendly while handling issues related to these signs…
But still, we can expect long-term gains as Aquarius is a fixed, air & progressive sign. It is the natural 11th sign of rewards, wish fulfillment….
It represents our friend circle…all our connections, and brings wealth, change, and uniqueness to nearly everything with forwarding thinking…
Most importantly it signifies… how we deal or work with teams…. doing something for the betterment of the society…& considering everyone’s interest while making major decisions in life.
Secondly, Rahu is co ruler of Aquarius…It will bring growth in science, technology, advancement, foreign collaborations, and electronics….
These are the significations which Saturn is going to work on for the next 2 and half years…and till 12th July we shall see a small trailer of it…
Being its Mool Trikon sign, Saturn is comfortable in Aquarius so while in retrogression it will go out of the way, not thinking about any rules but doing everything that needs correction for growth.
Saturn will transit back to Capricorn, on 12th July till 18th Jan 2023 …for one last time to do some unfinished business….
The major task…which Saturn will take care of…. will be in the sign of Capricorn…
& it’s all significations like majorly your career, hard work, your status, .so do recollect your time, & focus in past 4-5 months…
Saturn will aspect Pisces, Cancer & Libra signs while in retrogression. We have transit Jupiter in Pisces & Mars till 27th June.
We also have Ketu in Libra which can be challenging and can bring us closer to many matters which was pending for a long.
The cancer sign is prominent here as it has aspects of Saturn & Jupiter both together.
Expect your long pending matter to see closer with this retro Saturn in Capricorn.
Observe… if you have any natal planets in these signs. The lordship of these planets will be equally impacted.
See…Capricorn is movable & Earth sign…It represents the material side of life along with our tough, unwanted responsibilities…
Your responses should be solid & grounded but with a calm approach. If you are not prepared for this time then,
Retrograde Saturn can give a deep sense of frustration, lack of discipline, obstruction, dissatisfaction in nearly everything that you do,
All the significance of Saturn … especially your career, your long-term plans, and health matters - may demand more effort, repeated or ongoing hard work…
There can be slowness, secretiveness, limitation in the work zone, slow progress, also feelings of inferiority complex even loneliness…
Its Artha trine and work should be worshiped with this trine... whatever your work area or responsibilities are in life is represented by Saturn.
So, being lazy, ignorant, or frustrated will not help.
Retrograde Saturn is a time to work hard, have bull-like endurance and still be calm…that’s the expectation from you…while Saturn goes retrograde in Capricorn.
If there was something left undone earlier or you couldn’t achieve, or finish… in spite of all your hard work….
Now with retro Saturn, you will see the results of that…. Saturn is not going to visit Capricorn for the next 30 years….so give your best to reach your goals.
Do not ignore or avoid any of your duties…finish them once and for all…
It is not a good time to take on new responsibilities or duties when Saturn is retrograde in transit… but to work hard on the goals that you already have.
With retro Saturn, you pick up from where you have left learning, where u become ignorant of your responsibility or avoided the obvious…
Now with retrogression, Saturn will behave differently.
And its behavior will depend on the sign, nakshatra, and the aspect that it receives from other planets…even your natal planets…
This time throughout his retrogression, Saturn is going to be in Dhanishta nakshatra & the lord of Dhanishta is Mars.
So, the placement of Mars is very important here…Mars moves only 4 signs during this entire retrogression.
That is Pisces, Aries, Taurus & Gemini…. Towards the end of its retrogression, when Mars will be in Gemini…. Mars & Saturn both will be very slow…
Saturn will go direct on the 23rd of October & Mars will go retrograde on the 31st of October…
Mars will also cross gandanta point on 27th June - and that will be the most challenging time…as Mars is giving the result of Saturn.
Mars in Aries will be a fresh start not only for Mars but also for Saturn’s goal in Capricorn.
Mars is not a friendly planet to Saturn and there can be an in-built struggle with this combination.
But there are positives also…Mars becomes exalted in Capricorn…The slowness of Saturn will be lessened by Mars…
Also, Dhanishta is a nakshatra of celebration…joy…you will certainly have something to be happy for…
Mars believes in action and quickness ...he is a fiery planet …So after Mars transits Aries, there can be faster results than we expect –
& That will be between – 27th June to 10th August.
Retro Saturn will be in Libra navamsa from 4th June till 12th July…. His exaltation sign…
Navamsa indicates our internal feeling & mindset or approach to the matter in front of us.
Saturn in Libra navamsa will enhance all the positive qualities of Saturn...being hard-working, dutiful, and responsible towards everything… especially relations, and partnerships.
Also, the way we behave in all our inter-personal relations & maintain balance…equality….
Expect natural enthusiasm and passion towards your goals with dignity…while Saturn is in Libra navamsa
Then Saturn will transit back to Capricorn and will be in Virgo navamsa from 12th July till 29th August.
This will be the time to work on being practical, on our intelligence, analytical nature, being organized, logical, & detail oriented.
Capricorn & Virgo both are earth signs so mostly everyone will be back to some serious business….
Saturn will be happier in Libra & Virgo navamsa as the lords – Venus & Mercury are friends to Saturn…
Any tough task can be easily done till this time…try and finish your most challenging work in this time frame.
Then from 29th Aug till the end of this transit and even further till 15th December- Saturn will be in Leo navamsa...
This is nearly 3 and half months long time…and it’s a difficult placement for Saturn, internally…
Saturn & lord of Leo - the Sun are enemies to each other. Sun is all about ego, self-awareness, & confidence.
Saturn is also a planet of status being lord of the natural 10th house…But Saturn believes in serving and Sun is King…He believes in the ruling.
This is the fundamental differences that make Saturn in Leo a challenging placement.
There can be an ongoing internal struggle to cope with your responsibilities, deal with the dominance of authorities, fight for self-identity and still keep calm...
You really need to work on your fears & complexes...If you will believe in your capacity & have confidence then you can easily express yourself.
So, the last three and half months need your patience and balanced approach.
Especially take care of health…Retrogression is not good for health matters as you might observe repetition in your problems…
& Saturn is the prime significator of suffering, any kind of pain in the body, all chronic disease & also our longevity...
Aquarius represents lower legs, ankles… Capricorn represents the knees...
Afflicted & retro Saturn can bring back your old chronic ailments on the surface…
With retro Saturn, we can deal with these issues in a different way …in Saturn’s way…use natural cures & put efforts in the right direction.
Now let us see the impact of retrograde Saturn on each ascendant...
You need to check the placement of the Capricorn and Aquarius signs in your chart along with your natal Saturn.
As this transit retro Saturn will amplify the result of your natal Saturn and its house significance.
If your natal Saturn is in good dignity then nothing to worry about and if it is weak by placement or sign or other aspects then there can be delays in getting results.
Saturn can be harsh in giving results and can expect troubles in the job, with authorities, or from servants...
There can be doubt, fear, confusion, or security issues related to the house lordship of Saturn.
You may have to handle challenging demands and responsibilities of life in that area where Capricorn & Aquarius is placed.
The lessons can be tough & Saturn will go by your deeds…& nothing else… how much you incorporate your past experience in life…how you use your experience for your benefit and if you repeat your mistakes…
Do not consider anything as good or bad…the keywords which I am sharing will be just a point of reference…the results will be based on your personal chart & Dasha period.
So, start with Aries…
Aries: It's time to reflect back on your long-term plans, hopes and wishes attach with that…evaluate your network.
Then also the focus will be on the work area, expenses, home, property, and personal relationships.
There could be sudden travel or even hospitalization. Do justice to everything and you will be fine…any imbalance or injustice may cost you big….
Taurus:?It's time to reflect on all your action and consider doing things for others. You may find new opportunities in your work zone with long distance travel
Be flexible with your thoughts as you are generally fixed in your approach. Your eyes are on achievements, and improving communication skills.
Your desires are fulfilled and your long-awaited dreams will come true… be patient.
Gemini:?It's time to be adaptable & learn new ways to handle your health, be clear in your thoughts and ideas before u share with others…Also, expands your horizons with higher education, and travel to distant places.
Apart from your health, matters related to in-laws, taxes, partner’s money along with your career, public life, family, finances, and your food intake is a focused area….
Your value system…what’s your priority?? Decide first and then some reset at each level is expected from you.
Cancer: Change is running on your mind with your increased awareness about work & relations in general. Also, improving your health & lifestyle.
Others, the rest of the world is capturing your mind. Your father, elderly people, your boss, and teacher may demand too much out of you and their expectations are high.
You cannot ignore your health in this and it is advisable to keep up with your peace of mind.
Leo:?Focus will be on how best you deal with your partnerships, and relations which can bring some benefits…& improve your working conditions.
Also, your health, especially the stomach area needs care and attention. Some chronic health issues may bother you
Then matters related to foreign countries, travel, expenses, and the fear of being hospitalized are there.
Virgo:?After a long wait you shall start seeing some success in your career, health matters, competitive exams, or interviews...?
Matters related to children, higher studies, but avoid conflicts with a partner, among friend circle or network….
Getting into a fight or getting too much in detailing part…will put you in a problem.
Be calm. Make peace with your family members, and have a check on your teeth, food habits, and finances as they need proper management.
Libra: There can be some correction in the way you work, work itself, your personal hobbies, entertainment, family & finances…
Your mind is on to having stability in your home front, vehicle, and security in your career.
Explore new passion and share it with your circle…do something for society. Share your blessings….
Scorpio: you now want peace of mind, bonding with your family, proper surroundings in the work area & make necessary corrections in the home for your comfort...
Then, your siblings have your focus, there is an improved sense of confidence as you have a good hold on your communication skills.
You may have to put a check on your expenditure…. also, your bosses, father figure, or mentors should be given their due importance.
Sagittarius:?Your energy level will get better with good stamina, …travel, & your excellent communication skill will help you do better.
Your family, mother, finances, your teeth, all 5 senses along with your home life, your friend circle, and elder siblings are in prime focus for you or you will be dealing with them in some way…,
If you are expecting some rewards, or want to buy a vehicle, or property… then now is the time…be patient, & also pay attention to your health.
Capricorn: You will have some lasting achievements in your career, family & finances…your health will get better...
Best time for self-development, but do maintain a balance between your personal life and work...
There are major changes happening in your life. Handle everything with patience and commitment.
Aquarius: Perfect time for you to build up your social image with the right personality, health, and career.
You may feel like being aloof or isolated, your day-to-day life needs some discipline and attention. Work on your studies & keep up with your enthusiasm.
This is the time of reflection ...some alone time …You can find solutions to your problems within nature.
Pisces: Time to relax…gather your strength and spend some time researching the subject of your choice…pay attention to matters related to foreign countries, expenses & health.
Now is the time to see some concrete results of your hard work... there is hope and you will surely see the path to your success.
Have a proper work-life balance. And the best time to develop a hobby…
That’s all for all the ascendents…
To conclude:
Saturn generally creates obstacles and challenges on the path of your success. ?
Tests your patience, delays the results…Saturn will certainly give but after repeated attempts, in a hard way with your consistent efforts, & hard work,
That’s how Saturn works…
When Saturn is retrograde you need to?know how to properly plan your time and perform all tasks efficiently.
If you are loyal to the house significance of Saturn then it will bless you with rewards…
Use the power of Retrograde Saturn in the right direction…?Develop patience, and discipline, be humble & don't rush things.
It is the best time to be active…. you will undoubtedly see the positive qualities of Saturn slowly but steadily.