Saturday Special - Summer Bloom Necklaces
5 new necklaces for you to choose from today that will light up your smile every time you wear it. All 5 available now, no pre-orders and no repeats.
All sterling silver, bezel set with a different hand stamped vignette on the backside, an oxidized finish to accent the details. and each pendant comes with a 20" sterling silver necklace chain.
Todays Saturday Special is being offered at an introductory price for the next 24 hours. After that they will be moved to the Necklace Category for full price.
You will find these new necklaces today in the Saturday Special Category on my website at:
Priced at $125.00 each
All prices are subject to pst.
Local delivery is $5.00, curbside pick-up and shipping available.
Roxanne Brown Jewellery, hand crafted, one of a kind.
Photography by Roxanne Brown
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