SATURDAY SPECIAL - Mini Gem Stacking Rings
Is it time to put a little colour into the mix with your stacking rings? Grab one of these stackers or order up a custom one in your size with your gem of choice.
4mm bezel set semi-precious gem stone cabochons with randomly textured ring bands.
Available today are Garnet, Citrine, Peridot and a Faceted Black Spinel. If the available sizes don't work for you then please feel free to order a custom one to be made. I have a limited supply of each semi-precious cabochon so order quickly.
Todays Saturday Special introductory price IS $55.00. Sunday morning and going forward the rings will be priced at $65.00.
Available on my website today at:
Local delivery $5, curbside pick-up or shipping at cost.
The Saturday Special is available until midnight tonight and sometimes the next morning depending on how quickly I get it changed out.
All Roxanne Brown Jewellery items come gift wrapped and ready for gifting.
Photography by Roxanne Brown
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