Saturation of Niche: Real or Myth
A Niche is never Saturated.
Niche Saturation only happens when you don’t have interest in what you are writing about.
Yes I said it.
If you write something, and when I say write something, I mean to convey your own ideas; your personality will reflect on your writing.
If you want to write about X;
?? Read 10 Blog posts about X
?? Read a book about X
?? Understand the topic X
And when you write about it, your own language will reflect on that writing.
And it will be a completely different piece of writing than the ones you read before
Nothing is Original
Everything you want to write about has been said already.
Numerous People already wrote about it;
May be someone even published a book on it.
Does it mean, You cannot write about it?
No, it has been said, said 1000 times.
But, It hasn’t been said by you.
After you write about it, you will find that how distinct your voice & your writing style is.
Personality Reflects In Writing
Two people writing about X; give them the same resources, and tell them to write about it.
You will be shocked to find that, their writing will differ.
And when I say, it will differ. It will differ hugely.
Why? because they will involuntarily pour themselves in their writing.
Personality reflects in one’s writing
Evolution of Ideas
While the core concept of the topic remains the same, you will add new angle & perspective to it when you write about it.
To conclude, Saturation of Niche does not happen. A niche can never be saturated, because there is no another you.
You are different, with a different writing style, different perspective, different background.
Therefore, I can’t think what you think even if we think about the same thing.
The same goes for writing, too.
If you want to start a blog on some topic. Your question shouldn’t be, “If this niche X is saturated?”.
Rather it should be something like, “Am I genuinely interested to learn about X?”
If you don’t know about X, and also aren’t interested in learning about it, I would suggest not to write about it, because you will eventually get bored, and stop writing anyway.
PS: A Niche is never saturated