The satisfaction of both parties, patients and employees in healthcare institutions - so that it is not just a utopia

The satisfaction of both parties, patients and employees in healthcare institutions - so that it is not just a utopia

In every work, it is important to establish a quality relationship with business partners. A quality relationship means respect and sincerity. It is very important to establish such a relationship in healthcare between medical staff and patients, as it is a very sensitive area

When we are sick, we forget everything that is important to us and suddenly we become the center of the universe. Well, I'm not talking about cases where they absolutely do not want to see a doctor. The fact is that when we are in pain, we become much more sensitive in all areas. Above all, we are more irritable, our tolerance decreases.

Since we are much more sensitive when we are sick, we can logically assume that we will be less understanding towards our fellow human beings. When most of us get sick, we go to a medical facility. We expect that they will welcome us with gloves, or that they will be kind and tolerant towards us. However, because we take this for granted, we are very disappointed when we find out that it is not. When we carry pain inside, everything around us seems much more unfriendly, directed against us. In short, almost everyone is our enemy, so our assessment is unrealistic in this state. However, healthcare professionals should not take this advice as an excuse when they hear that patients have been treated disrespectfully.

All too often, the medical staff are grim-faced, unfriendly and treat patients as if they were in some kind of "production". Although the process is very related. Doctors have a prescribed number of patients for which they are allocated time and money… and so doctors eventually become assembly line workers. It is true that each patient is a "product" for himself, but through the eyes of the doctor the picture is simpler than for us mere mortals. Namely, patients become a routine for them and in the process forget about the relationship, and the probability of error is even greater. As such work becomes boring for them in most cases, they start handing over more and more work to medical technicians. They therefore become more and more burdened, and according to the rules of the insurance company, the doctor is not allowed to increase his team. Staff overload is something like a disease. It means that they are much more sensitive and thus two patients meet in the waiting room of a medical facility in an "ironic" manner. Both sensitive, who expect understanding and tolerance. They are not able to give this to each other, so a conflict situation often arises. At the end of the day, healthcare workers are only human, just like us, and the reactions are exactly the same for both.

We must not forget the factor of examples from childhood, which are largely the cause of the decision for this profession, and the factor of examples from a superior person. If we focus on appearance, medical technicians often assume the role of doctors, which means that they also begin to behave similarly. And as doctors try to shake off routine work and delve deeper into the profession, this work falls to technicians. This means that the doctor's routine work is handled by technicians with an "expert approach". This causes overload for the technicians, as they perform such work more slowly, and in addition, they have to do their regular work, which they cannot hand over to anyone. At the same time, doctors carry themselves very proudly (a historical consequence), which gives them authority and is highly respected by patients. Unfortunately, medical technicians are also exalted, which the patients do not respect, as they regard them as equals, while doctors are classified as superhumans (historical consequence). Which, of course, is a mistaken belief, because a doctor is just a profession, the work of which cannot be performed by everyone. The vast majority of people have a low self-esteem, so we see something "supernatural" in people who can do more than us. This is how we do injustice to medical technicians. Of course, this phenomenon of assuming an identity does not apply to all medical techniques, but especially to those with a poor self-image. In order for such things not to be repeated and to be able to exclude this factor, medical professionals should work more on personal growth, and doctors should work more on respect for the rest of the medical staff.

Where is the reason that we are so sensitive?

If we look at life very realistically, we will see that people treat themselves very badly and irresponsibly. The result of more and more sick people is mainly poor nutrition, not enough exercise, too much stress... we can say that we don't like ourselves at all. We behave completely irresponsibly towards ourselves. It is true that our body can withstand a lot, but we are not omnipotent, so it is necessary to treat the body and mind within the limits of the efforts it can withstand. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain it regularly (sports, nutrition, rest...). But because we don't do this, at certain moments the body and mind "overheat", and then we take the body to "repair". Thus, the previously mentioned story about the relationship between the patient and the medical staff is repeated.

The medical staff cannot plan their work ahead, because we cause them confusion with our irresponsible actions towards our bodies. So, if we were to conclude this vicious circle, we could say that we ourselves are the culprits.

Let's go back to the cause, sensitivity. As we found out, we are irresponsible to ourselves, and this is mainly because we do not respect ourselves and because we do not love ourselves. Can band said that we forgot about ourselves. In this fast pace and mass of information, we have forgotten to live. We have forgotten why we exist. With the way we live, we are destroying ourselves and our civilization. Only when we come to a situation where our life is in danger do we realize that we are living. And then we want to instantly make up for what we neglected all along. However, since everything doesn't go right at once, we end up creating confusion, from which we usually fall victim when we complain about relationships. This is the essence of our problem and the cause of overcrowding in healthcare.

What can we do?

Of course, if we add up everything mentioned, we get a realistic picture. This vicious cycle will have to be broken, if not, the situation will get worse and worse. This may lead us to an "absurd" situation where every citizen will have their own medical staff, 24 hours a day. Which is possible if we are willing to pay for it, but we know that it is not feasible in reality. So what can we really change.

People - future patients: We ourselves must become more responsible for our health and the environment. It means that we have to start eating healthy, exercise enough, avoid stress, be honest..., we have to establish an honest relationship with ourselves. We must be aware that with every project and work we plan, we must also consider ourselves, that is, the time when we prepare ourselves for work. What in the previous system was included in the salary as allowances for sports, vacation... now the worker has to plan for himself. So we become more independent and responsible. We need to work more on personal growth. In this way, the state will be able to allocate less money to healthcare and social welfare and more to development and quality.

Medical staff: tasks and work must be distributed very clearly and evenly, they must establish an honest relationship with patients and with each other and respect each other, in education, in addition to technical knowledge, emphasis must be placed on establishing relationships and communication, they must learn to accept responsibility for their actions.

Organization of work: Management functions in medical institutions must be taken over by managers, and doctors should be professional help, unification of information technology and systems, a single database for the whole of Slovenia, unification of processes, exact definition of responsibilities and obligations, part of the tasks could be relieved of doctors by medical graduates nurses and relieving the medical staff of administration.

We make our own decisions, whatever we decide, that's how we will have it. The more we will work on our image, the less we will need foreign help. Our processes will become clearer and we will only need service services like the medical one for severe cases and then they will be very fast and efficient.


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