Sathya Sai Baba - Vishnu Narayana Avatara

Sathya Sai Baba - Vishnu Narayana Avatara

To a spiritual aspirant, He is the divine master par excellence; to a rationalist, He is the greatest humanitarian on earth; to thousands of modern youth, He is the leader with a dynamic vision and a colossus of inspiration; to a devotee, He is simply divinity in human form; and to everyone who has had the opportunity to behold Him, He is Pure Love Walking on Two Feet. Ask Bhagavan Baba, “Are you God (Deva)?” And He says: “Yes, I am God and so are you. The only difference between you and I is that while I am aware of this fact, you are not.” All who listen to Him, experience His unconditional love, benefit from His caring counsel and witness His supernormal supremacy over mind and matter, get a real glimpse of the glory and majesty of God, and therefore, of the infinity that each human potentially and inherently is.

Today, millions from all over the world, professing various faiths and hailing from all walks of life, worship Bhagavan Baba as an ‘Avatar’, and the reincarnation of Sai Baba of Shirdi. 

Thousands gather every day at Prasanthi Nilayam, His spiritual headquarters established beside the village of Puttaparthi, for His darshan (the act of beholding His sacred form), when He moves among devotees, blessing them and uplifting them by providing spiritual succour and solace. Revealing the purpose of His advent, Sai Baba has said that He has come to re-establish the rhythm of righteousness in the world and repair the ancient highway to God, which over the years has systematically deteriorated. In His own words: “This Sai has come in order to achieve the supreme task of uniting the entire mankind as one family through the bond of brotherhood, of affirming and illuminating the Atmic Reality (Atma – The Divine Self) of each being, to reveal the Divine which is the basis on which the entire cosmos rests, and of instructing all to recognise the common Divine Heritage that binds man to man, so that man can rid himself of the animal and rise up to the Divine, which is the goal.”

His formula for humanity to lead a meaningful life is the five-fold path of:

Satya (Truth),

Dharma (Righteousness),

Shanti, ?aantih (Peace),

Prema/n (Love), and

Ahimsa (Non-Violence)

“Love for God, fear of sin and morality in society” – these are His prescriptions for our ailing world.

The most important is that Avatara never gives channelings! All His teachings He gave in His physical body during His life on this Earth and all His teachings are given. All channelings and so called channelers are frauds! Some people believes in Sathya Sai Baba considering him as God (Deva), others think of him as an extra-ordinary man, some will say he is a greatest humanitarian of all time. He has done something that no government, no organisation, no man has ever done. He has created this little world (his ashram at puttaparthi) where every single thing is unique. It is the place where person's mindset changes, where every one wants to help others, where you'll never see difference between rich and poor. It is the place where you'll find a CEO or a poor stand in the same line for food, where you'll find people from every religion and literally from every religion around the world, living in harmony under the same shelter ,where the official language is love and everyone loves to be a part of good society.

In excerpt from an earlier teachings, quoting directly from Sri Sathya Sai Baba's discourses, His translator Prof. Anil Kumar clearly tells why devotees should not follow mediums, messengers and intermediaries, no matter how "close" they were to Sri Sathya Sai Baba with their illegal channelings. Quoting directly from His discourses He says, God doesn't need any medium and He would convey all that is to be conveyed DIRECTLY to the devotees and for this one should be just TUNED to Him. He urges all the devotees not to WASTE the fortunate life that we all have been bestowed with and rather practice His teachings He gave during His life on this Earth. 

A short history of Sathya Sai Baba

Sathya Sai Baba was born in Puttaparthi, a small village in South India, on 23 November 1926. As a child, he demonstrated exemplary qualities of compassion, generosity, and wisdom, which clearly distinguished him from the other children of his village. On 29 October 1940, at the age of 14, he declared to his family and to the people of his village that he would henceforth by known as Sai Baba and that his mission was to bring about the spiritual regeneration of humanity by demonstrating and teaching the highest principles of truth, righteous conduct, peace, and divine love.

His mission was further amplified in a letter he wrote to his brother in 1947. I have a task, he said, To foster all mankind and ensure for all of them lives full of bliss. I have a vow: To lead all who stray away from the straight path again into goodness and save them. I am attached to a work that I love: To remove the sufferings of the poor and grant them what they lack. Sai Baba's ashram, built by his devotees close to the village where he was born, was inaugurated on 23 November 1950. It is called Prasanthi Nilayam (the Abode of Divine Peace). It has been the gathering place of millions of spiritual pilgrims of various faiths from all over the world. Every day, Sai Baba graciously walks among them to guide, comfort, console, and uplift them.

The small temple dedicated in 1950 has grown into a spiritual oasis of unprecedented magnitude. The temple and the darshan area in front of it, which is completely covered by a beautiful roof, together encompass an area that is over 10,000 square yards. During the period 14-23 November 1995, the celebrations of the 70th birthday of Sathya Sai Baba took place in Prasanthi Nilayam. More than one million people, including the President and Prime Minister of India, assembled in Prasanthi Nilayam to pay homage to Sathya Sai Baba during the 70th birthday celebrations.

Sathya Sai Baba has created a university with three campuses (Anantapur, for women; Brindavan, near Bangalore, for men; and Prasanthi Nilayam, for men). He has developed two superspecialty hospitals, doing the latest heart operations etc. and serving the poor. He has been responsible for two major water projects, one serving over 700 villages in the state of Andhra Pradesh (which includes Puttaparthy, where Prasanthi Nilayam is located) and the other bringing water to the parched city of Channai, which has no natural river.

All of these projects were entirely free —students in his university and schools pay no tuition, the hospitals are entirely free, and the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust paid for the water projects. Yet, Sathya Sai Baba has never solicited money, and the International Sai Baba Organization also does not solicit. Sathya Sai Babas Program in Human Values has spread world wide. It is based on the five basic Human Values truth, love, peace, right conduct, and nonviolence and on the principle of educare —these human values are already in each child, and the task is to draw them out. Education does not consist of cramming knowledge and character into a child, it consists of drawing our that which is already in.

In a discourse on 29 September 1960 (Chapter 31 of Sathya Sai Speaks volume 1, Sathya Sai Baba said this:

I will be in this mortal human form for 59 years more and I shall certainly achieve the purpose of this avatar; do not doubt it. I will take My own time to carry out My Plan so far as you are concerned. I cannot hurry because you are hurrying. I may sometimes wait until I can achieve ten things at one stroke; just as an engine is not used to haul one coach, but awaits until sufficient haulage in proportion to its capacity is ready. But My Word will never fail; it must happen as I will.

Hence Sathya Sai Baba is no doubt around 85 ‘solar’ years according to the Roman/Gregorian calendar but he is ’96’ lunar years according to the old Vedic Hindu calculation (of the sidereal months). Moreover this information has been confirmed by many Vedic scholars and astrologists, including the eminent Pandit Vamadeva Shastri (David Frawley). Furthermore during his 80th birthday celebration, in the discourse that Sathya Sai Baba gave he declared that “Today is MY 90th Birthday”… and the entire crowd started laughing thinking that Swami had made a mistake…no one took it seriously and the publisher of Sathya Sai Baba in that subsequent volume went on to publish it as 80 years. Yet all of the devotees present that day undoubtedly heard Swami say that he was 90 years of age.

Sathya Sai Baba - Vishnu Avatara

Sathya Sai Baba (born Sathya Narayana Raju; 23 November 1926 – 24 April 2011) is an Indian great Guru, and philanthropist. He was recognized to be the reincarnation of Sai Baba of Shirdi and Vishnu Avatara. Sathya Sai Baba's materialisations of vibhuti (holy ash) and other small objects such as rings, necklaces, and watches, along with reports of miraculous healings, resurrections, clairvoyance, bilocation, and alleged omnipotence and omniscience, were a source of both fame and mystic focus. His devotees considered them signs of his divinity, while stupid asuric rakshakas viewed them as simple conjuring tricks. The Sathya Sai Organisation, founded by Sai Baba "to enable its members to undertake service activities as a means to spiritual advancement", has over 1,200 Sathya Sai Centres (branches) in 126 countries. Through this organisation, Sai Baba established a network of free hospitals, clinics, drinking water projects, auditoriums, ashrams and schools. 

Almost everything known about Sai Baba's early life stems from the hagiography that grew around him, narratives that hold special meaning to his devotees and are considered by them to be evidence of his divine nature. According to these sources, Sathya Narayana Raju was born to Meesaraganda Eashwaramma and Peddavenkama Raju Ratnakaram in the village of Puttaparthi, to a Raju family, in what was the Madras Presidency of British India. His birth, which his mother Eashwaramma asserted was by miraculous conception, was also said to be heralded by miracles. Sai Baba's siblings included elder brother Ratnakaram Sesham Raju (1921–1984), sisters Venakamma (1923–1993) and Parvathamma (1928–1998), and younger brother Janakirammiah (1930–2003). As a child, he was described as "unusually intelligent" and charitable, though not necessarily academically inclined, as his interests were of a more spiritual nature. He was uncommonly talented in devotional music, dance and drama. From a young age, he was alleged to have been capable of materialising objects such as food and sweets out of thin air.

On 8 March 1940, while living with his elder brother Sesham Raju in Uravakonda, a small town near Puttaparthi, Sathya was apparently stung by a scorpion. He lost consciousness for several hours and in the next few days underwent a noticeable change in behaviour. There were "symptoms of laughing and weeping, eloquence and silence." It is claimed that then "he began to sing Sanskrit verses, a language of which it is alleged he had no prior knowledge." Doctors concluded his behaviour to be mystical hysteria. Concerned, his parents brought Sathya back home to Puttaparthi and took him to many priests, doctors and exorcists.

One of the exorcists at Kadiri, a town near Puttaparthi, went to the extent of torturing him with the aim of curing him; Sathya seemingly kept calm throughout, which further worried his parents. On 23 May 1940, Sathya called household members and reportedly materialised prasad and flowers for his family members. His father became furious at seeing this, thinking his son was bewitched. He took a stick and threatened to beat him if Sathya did not reveal who he really was. On 20 October 1940, the young Sathya responded calmly and firmly "I am Sai Baba", a reference to Sai Baba of Shirdi. This was the first time he proclaimed to be the reincarnation of Sai Baba of Shirdi — a great saint who became famous in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in Maharashtra and had died eight years before Sathya was born.

In 1944, a mandir for Sai Baba's devotees was built near the village of Puttaparthi. It is now referred to as the "old mandir". The construction of Prashanthi Nilayam, the current ashram, began in 1948 and was completed in 1950. In 1954, Sai Baba established a small free general hospital in the village of Puttaparthi. He won fame for mystical powers and the ability to heal. In 1957 Sai Baba went on a North Indian temple tour.

In 1963, it was asserted that Sai Baba suffered a stroke and four severe heart attacks, which left him paralysed on one side. These events culminated in an event where he apparently healed himself in front of the thousands of people gathered in Prashanthi Nilayam who were then praying for his recovery. On recovering, Sai Baba announced that he would one day next be reborn as an incarnation named Prema Sai Baba in the neighbouring state of Karnataka. He stated, "I am Shiva-Shakti, born in the gotra (lineage) of Bharadwaja, according to a boon won by that sage from Siva and Sakti. Siva was born in the gotra of that sage as Sai Baba of Shirdi; Shiva and Shakti have incarnated as Myself in his gotra now; Shakti alone will incarnate as the third Sai (Prema Sai Baba) in the same gotra in Mandya district of Karnataka State." He stated he would be born again eight years after his death which He wish at the age of 96, but died at the age of 84 like Buddha. Some claim his predictions were based on the Hindu calendar.

On 29 June 1968, Sai Baba made his only overseas trip, to Kenya and Uganda. In Nairobi, he spoke of his personal mission: "I have come to light the lamp of Love in your hearts, to see that it shines day by day with added lustre. I have not come on behalf of any exclusive religion. I have not come on a mission of publicity for a sect or creed or cause, nor have I come to collect followers for a doctrine. I have no plan to attract disciples or devotees into my fold or any fold. I have come to tell you of this unitary faith, this spiritual principle, this path of Love, this virtue of Love, this duty of Love, this obligation of Love."

In 1968, he established Dharmakshetra or the Sathyam Mandir in Mumbai. In 1973, he established the Shivam Mandir in Hyderabad. On 19 January 1981, in Chennai, he inaugurated the Sundaram Mandir. In a 1993 incident, four intruders armed with knives entered his bedroom, either as an assassination attempt or as part of a power struggle between his followers. Sai Baba was unharmed. During the scuffle and the police response, the intruders and two of Sai Baba's attendants were killed. The official investigation left questions unanswered. In March 1995, 

Sai Baba started a project to provide drinking water to 1.2 million people in the drought-prone Rayalaseema region in the Anantapur district of Andhra Pradesh. In April 1999 he inaugurated the Ananda Nilayam Mandir in Madurai, Tamil Nadu. In 2001 he established another free super-speciality hospital in Bangalore to benefit the poor. The Vancouver Sun in 2001 reported that Sai Baba told his adherents not to browse the Internet after Sai Baba said, "These teachings (the Vedas) are highly sacred. Today people are ready to believe all that they see on television and internet but do not repose their faith in the Vedic declarations. Internet is like a waste paper basket. Follow the 'innernet,' not the internet.”

In 2003, Sai Baba suffered a fractured hip when a student standing on an iron stool slipped and the boy and stool both fell on him. After that he gave darshana from a car or his porte chair. After 2004, Sai Baba used a wheelchair and began to make fewer public appearances.

On 28 March 2011, Sai Baba was admitted to the Sri Sathya Sai Super Speciality Hospital at Prashantigram at Puttaparthi, following respiration-related problems. After nearly a month of hospitalisation, during which his condition progressively deteriorated, Sai Baba died on Sunday, 24 April at 7:40 IST, aged 84. Sai Baba had predicted that he would die at age 96 and would remain healthy until then. After he died, some devotees suggested that he might have been referring to that many lunar years, as counted by Telugu-speaking Hindus, rather than solar years, and using the Indian way of accounting for age, which counts the year to come as part of the person's life. Other devotees have spoken of his anticipated resurrection, reincarnation or awakening.

His body lay in state for two days and was buried with full state honours on 27 April 2011. An estimated 500,000 people attended the burial, among them the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Congress president Sonia Gandhi, then Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi (India's future Prime Minister), Cricketer Sachin Tendulkar and Union Ministers S. M. Krishna and Ambika Soni, as well as other political leaders and prominent figures. Sai Baba's death triggered an outpouring of grief from followers who included Indian politicians, movie stars, athletes and industrialists.

Most remembered him as a pious, selfless person who worked to help others with the billions of dollars donated to his charitable trust. Political leaders who offered their condolences included the then Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa and the Dalai Lama. Famous cricketer Sachin Tendulkar, whose birthday was that day, cancelled his birthday celebrations. The Hindu newspaper reported that "Sri Sathya Sai Baba's propagation of spiritualism and preaching of Hindu philosophy never came in the way of his commitment to secular beliefs." The Government of Karnataka declared 25 and 26 April as days of mourning and Andhra Pradesh declared 25, 26, and 27 April as days of mourning.

On 17 June 2011, officials from the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust (founded as a charitable Trust in India, and legally separate from religious activities), opened his private residence in the presence of government, bank and tax department officials, including retired Supreme Court Judge A P Mishra and retired judge of Karnataka High Court Vaidyanatha, an assessor approved by the Income Tax Department, and former Chief Justice of India P N Bhagavati.

In the private residence, which had been sealed since his death, they inventoried 98 kg of gold ornaments, approximate value Rs 210 million (US$ 4.7 mln), 307 kg of silver ornaments, approximate value Rs 16 million (US$ 0.36 mln), and Rs 116 million (US$ 2.6 mln) in cash. The cash was deposited into the Sai Trust's account at the State Bank of India with payment of government taxes (thus transferring them from religious gifts to Trust assets.) The gold and other items were inventoried, assessed, and placed in secure storage. In July, district authorities inventoried an additional Rs 7.7 million (US$ 0.17 mln) in valuables in another 4 rooms. The total value of these items is believed to exceed 7.8 million US dollars.

Also inventoried at Yajurmandir were many articles stored and routinely given away as gifts in various ceremonies to devotees and those who performed selfless service, including thousands of pure silk sarees, dhotis, shirts, 500 pairs of shoes, dozens of bottles of perfume and hairspray, watches, a large number of silver and gold "mangala sutrams", and precious stones such as diamonds.

There were also 750 saffron and white robes of the type Sai Baba wore. In July 2011, a similar opening of his Bangalore-area ashram tallied 6 kg of gold coins and jewellery, 245 kg of silver articles and Rs 8 million in cash. These items and goods are believed to have been donated over the years by Sai Baba's devotees from all over the world as religious gifts.

On 23 November 1999, the Department of Posts, Government of India, released a postage stamp and a postal cover in recognition of the service rendered by Sai Baba in addressing the problem of providing safe drinking water to the rural masses. In January 2007, an event was held in Chennai Nehru Stadium organised by the Chennai Citizens' Conclave to thank Sai Baba for the 2 billion water project which brought water from the River Krishna in Andhra Pradesh to Chennai city. Four chief ministers attended the function. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, a Sikh, said the country would remember Sai Baba as someone who "inspired millions to lead a moral and meaningful life." The Indian Department of Post released a commemorative stamp on the spiritual guru on the occasion of what would have been his 88th birthday during November 2013.

Prasanthi Nilayam

Puttaparthi, where Sai Baba was born and lived, was originally a small, remote South Indian village in Andhra Pradesh. Now there is an extensive university complex, a speciality hospital, and two museums: the Sanathana Samskruti or Eternal Heritage Museum, sometimes called the Museum of All Religions, and the Chaitanya Jyoti, devoted exclusively to the life and teachings of Sai Baba; the latter has won several international awards for its architectural design. There is also a planetarium, a railway station, a hill-view stadium, an administrative building, an airport, an indoor sports stadium and more. High-ranking Indian politicians such as the former president A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, former prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Andhra Pradesh former chief minister Konijeti Rosaiah and Karnataka chief minister B. S. Yeddyurappa have been official guests at the ashram in Puttaparthi. It was reported that well over a million people attended Sai Baba's 80th birthday celebration, including 13,000 delegates from India and 180 other countries. Sai Baba resided much of the time in his main ashram, Prashanthi Nilayam (Abode of Highest Peace), at Puttaparthi. In the summer he often left for his other ashram, Brindavan, in Kadugodi, Whitefield, a town on the outskirts of Bangalore. Occasionally he visited his Sai Shruti ashram in Kodaikanal.

Sathya Sai Organisation

The Sathya Sai Organisation (or Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organization) was founded in the 1960s by Sai Baba. The first Sai Centres were started in India under the name of the "Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithi". The Sathya Sai Organisation originated "to enable its members to undertake service activities as a means to spiritual advancement." The official mission of the Sathya Sai Organization is "to help its members realize the innate divinity within".

The Sathya Sai Organisation publishes an official monthly magazine named Sanathana Sarathi, published by the Sri Sathya Sai Books and Publications Trust. The English translation of the word Sanathana Sarathi means 'Eternal Charioteer'. Sai Baba stated that the main objective of the Sathya Sai Organisation "is to help man recognize the divinity that is inherent in him. So, your duty is to emphasize the One, to experience the One in all you do or speak. Do not give any importance to differences of religion or sect or status or colour. Have the feeling of one-ness permeate every act of yours. Only those who do so have a place in this Organization; the rest can withdraw."

The Sathya Sai Organisation reports that there are an estimated 1,200 Sathya Sai Baba Centres in 114 countries. However, the number of active Sai Baba followers is hard to determine. Estimates vary from 6 million up to nearly 100 million. In India itself, Sai Baba drew followers predominantly from the upper-middle-class, the urban sections of society who have the "most wealth, education and exposure to Western ideas." In 2002, they claimed to have followers in 178 countries.

Sai Baba founded a large number of schools and colleges, hospitals, and other charitable institutions in India and abroad, the total cost of which is usually estimated at Rs. 400 billion (US$ 9 billion). However, estimates as high as 1.4 trillion rupees (about US$ 31.5 bn) have also been made. After his death, questions about the manner in which the finances of the organisation were going to be managed led to speculations of impropriety, with some reports suggesting that suitcases containing cash and/or gold had been removed from his personal lodgings.

Sanatana Dharma

Scholarly sources describe the Sathya Sai Baba movement as Hindu Dharma, Sanatana Dharma. Sai Baba's followers considered him to be the avatar of Wisznu, Shiva and Kalki. But John D. Kelly, as of 2006 a professor of anthropology at the University of Chicago, wrote in an article about Hindu missions in Fiji that the Sathya Sai Organization (which is part of the movement) rejected the label Hindu. According to Kelly, they see their founder as the "living synthesis of the world's religious traditions" and prefer to be classified as an interfaith movement. Sai Baba was known for his quote "Love All, Serve All. Help Ever, Hurt Never." Internationally, his devotees gather daily, or weekly on Sundays or Thursdays or both, for devotional songs, prayer, spiritual meditation, service to the community (Seva), and to participate in "Education in Human Values" (SSEHV) known as "Bal Vikas" (Blossoming of the Child). Followers believed in seeking the spiritual benefit of Sai Baba's darshan, scheduled for morning and afternoon each day. Sai Baba would interact with people, accept letters, materialise and distribute vibhuti (sacred ash) or call groups or individuals for interviews. Devotees considered it a great privilege to have an interview and sometimes a single person, group or family was invited for a private interview for answers to spiritual questions and general guidance.

What has Swami said on mediums/intermediaries and channelings?

“Talking of faith, I must issue a warning. Many people are collecting money in various places using My Name for various purposes like arranging receptions, building temples, doing Puja, etc. That is unauthorised and against My wish and command. Do not yield to such requests and encourage this practice, which I condemn. 

There is another set of people who trade on your faith. They advertise that I am 'talking' through a medium or some other thing. Treat all such people and their agents as you treat cheats; if you do not treat them so, then you are also accomplices in the cheating process.

There are others who gather groups of followers and admirers and collect money. They even declare, ‘Baba sent me to you to take from you some money’ or ‘Baba has given me this’ or ‘Baba blessed me specially thus and thus’ and then ask for your help or your praise or your purse! I ask you to chastise all these types of men and turn them away, whoever they are.”

Excerpts from Discourse on 25th November 1962 at Prasanthi Nilayam

“There are some who extol others for the absurd reason that Sai Baba speaks through them! How silly? It is all drama which cheats sick minds. Do not fall a prey to these. That is why I say, keep your devotion within yourself, under control, and not be led away by crooks and self-seekers. These lead you astray by giving you a wrong idea of the Lord's manifestation. They befoul the faith that their brothers and sisters repose in God.”

Excerpts from Discourse on 15th October 1964 at Prasanthi Nilayam

“People say, 'Baba appeared to me in a dream and commanded me to do this and that, to you, to collect so much from you etc.’ Do not give heed to such cheats; punish them in the way they deserve. That is the advice I have to give you.

Do not believe if anyone comes to you and declares, ‘Sathya Sai Baba came to me in my dream and commissioned me to do publicity for him. Please help me as far as you can’. I do not commission any one for such work, either in dream or while he is awake. Such men are cheats; treat them as such, without mercy”

Excerpts from Discourse on 26 March 1965 at Kakinada

“There are quite a few who declare that I am coming ‘upon them,’ possessing them rather, and they sway, shake and shiver and say all kinds of things, claiming that I am speaking through them or that they are under My Influence. They answer questions and 'foretell' things and perform many tricks to collect money or things from people who do not know Me and My reality. All this is sheer deceit; it is a disease that is spreading. Do not encourage it; nip it whenever you see cases of people suffering from it. Such people have agents and brokers; block them first and their puppets will disappear. They wear the dress of holiness, but their greed announces them as vile. People say 'Baba appeared to me in a dream and commanded me to do this and that, to you, to collect so much from you etc., etc. Do not give heed to such cheats; punish them in the way they deserve. That is the advice I have to give you.”

Excerpts from Discourse on 3 March 1965 at Amalaapuram

“In order to make known My majesty and My glory as the Divine that has Incarnated, miraculous happenings of an amazing nature do take place in certain areas. Taking advantage of the attraction that those happenings draw upon them, many misuse them for personal propaganda and aggrandizement. They trade for money the Vibhuthi (sacred ash) that the pictures in their altars shower! They go about pretending that they are "superior devotees" of a higher order and conferring boons and blessings on the innocent folk whom they fleece. Others put forth false claims that vibhuthi is emanating from the pictures of Baba in their homes, that Amrith (nectar) is dripping from them or that material objects are falling from them, like written answers to questions. Samithis and other Units should have no contact with such cheats and crooks. Anyone who is attached to such or who encourages such can be immediately removed.

There are others who claim that I am speaking through them, and answering questions put to them. These people must be either insane or hysteria-affected or they are possessed by some ghost or by the greed to earn money thereby. I can only tell you that it is not I that speaks through them. I do not need media; nor do I need substitutes or subsidiaries or representatives.”

Excerpts from Discourse on 22 November 1970 during All-India Conference of Workers of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations at Prasanthi Nilayam

"It is your imperative duty to strive for the preservation of dharma. Today some people are trying to uproot Bharatiya Dharma (Indian Religion). We must resist all such attempts.… There are some people who are blindly enamored of Modern Western Civilization.… These so-called spurious and self-styled social reformers are trying to pollute society by depriving it of dharma."



