Satellite Centres for Hospitals
M.S. Guru Prasad M.A,M.Phil,MFT,DEM,PGDIB (IIFT).
Co-founder / Chief Growth Officer / Healthcare Consultant
Hospitals operate on support systems like Imaging Centres, Diagnostic Centres, Medical Supplies, Pharmacy supplies and other vendors for their daily operations. The above are basically for a smooth mechanism in order to sustain the day today operations but that does not generate additional revenue for any hospital. One of the main feeder for any hospital is to identify Satellite Centres that can facilitate the urban and rural population in the demand points and establishing them with basic requirements.
Satellite centres can be equipped with basic Diagnostic Tools for every speciality so that the patients will have the access for the first level screening and can be live streamed to the specialist for the next level consultations via video consultations. Once when the patient undergoes these two levels of working with a particular hospital, it will be obvious that he/she will be 80% choosing the same hospital for further treatment. It also depends on the service level at which he has been treatment in the first two stages.
The other model of a Satellite centres in which the hospital manages its expertised/skilled speciality in other neighbourhood hospitals. Here, the hospital that is good in a particular speciality like Cardiac or Urology will offer its services to other periphery hospitals that do not have them. This will work as a feeder to the mother hospital for doing additional cases.
Also, the usage of technology in digital is discussed all over in healthcare industry.
M.S. Guru Prasad,
Narayana Health - Bangalore.