Excerpt from, "SATAN'S CIRCUS", by Nigel Shindler

Consumers” take it for granted that everyone is the same as them, thus, they expect others to exploit and degrade them in the same manner they would in the same circumstance. “Consumers” think of themselves as the most highly developed creature on the planet, while, in actual fact, the truth is, in the words of Mary Shelly; He is; “…more abject than that of the blind mole or harmless worm.”

   When people decide to be lazy; don’t bother paying attention to what they do; become careless; they place their lives, and the lives of others, in jeopardy. There are institutions for the “criminally insane”; (people who live in an “alternate reality”, and are deemed a threat to themselves, and others), and this is where “consumers” belong; they’d be housed in such places if the “Justice System” today was designed to encourage people to stay on the right path; be moral; follow the Ten Commandments. The “Legal System” in "consumer societies”, however, has nothing to do with the Law; its purpose is to hide the fact a state of lawlessness exists. Courts do not punish people who harm others due to “inattentiveness”, consequently, people continue to ignore the repercussions of their behaviour, eventually, due to repeatedly ignoring the cost their behaviour upon others, and themselves, they merit the label “ignoramus”.

   Very few people decide to make the effort; devote the time and energy required to transform themselves into an individual; someone who’s character is distinct from those around him. The vast majority, instead, decide to take the easy route, and behave – look and talk – the same as others; those who comprise the masses; which has a desirable advantage – this is the “Sin crouching at the door” in the story of Cain and Abel.

   A sense of security, and comfort, is derived from not standing out; setting oneself a part from others; being separated from the herd. Being a member of the herd protects a person from being preyed upon by the masses. This is the principle factor; the overwhelming compelling reason; why the masses are encouraged to believe homogeneity is “good”. Whatever helps ensure a person’s survival, one would naturally assume, is good, but there’s one crucial drawback to not differentiating oneself from others; there’s no struggle in this way of life, rather, what exists is an increasing tendency to give into temptation, until a person loses his soul; which is his life. All that remains once the life force is taken is an empty husk.

Genesis 3:19; King James Bible

In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

   The objective of promoting the belief, as all the popular forms of social media do, that homogeneity is good, is to disguise the fact that anyone not included in the herd is used to feed the herd. Civilization no longer exists; people; the masses; have stooped to the lowest form of barbarism possible; they sustain themselves by devouring members of their own species.

   Cannibalism can be performed two ways; it has a “direct”, and an “indirect” form; in the same regard, there are two forms of aggression; “direct”, (a blow to the body with a fist, for example), and “indirect”; depriving a person of a resource required to sustain his life, (not bandaging a wound can lead to the spread of infection, and a person’s death, for instance). The “direct” form of cannibalism occurs when a person consumes the flesh of another person, (whether he is alive or dead); “indirect” cannibalism occurs when someone deprives a person of a resource required to sustain his life in order to perpetuate his own; one life continues due to another life terminating. This act can be performed by a single person; a group of people; when it occurs on a national scale it’s called genocide.

   “Consumers” are cannibals; perversions of nature. In the wild it is exceedingly rare to see any animal engage in cannibalism. When it has been documented, the animal, typically, does not resort to devouring a member of his own species in order to survive; this conduct, almost without exception, is the result to the animal being ill. In the animal kingdom cannibalism is an anomaly; it does not fit into the natural order of things.

   People who engage in cannibalism were once, and this is still commonly believed to be the case, considered “freaks”; a very rare breed. The truth, however, is they are now the norm, while those who are moral, civilized, are very few and far between in this day and age.

   The case of Jeffrey Dahmer, (the “Milwaukee Cannibal”), has been, relatively speaking, well documented. During the years he behaved as a serial killer, and cannibalised portions of many of his victims, not much was known about why people behaved this way; this was primarily due to so few being identified, and comprehensively documented. The tragic, and horrifying, truth today, however, is that all the studies that have been compiled about serial killers by law enforcement agencies such as the F.B.I., and Scotland Yard, have not been used to protect the public from such predators, and prevent people from metamorphosing into such monsters, but, on the contrary, to transform the masses into serial killers; ensure they operate without hindrance, and make sure they are not identified as serial killers – if people started turning themselves into the authorities; confessing their nefarious deeds; “consumerism”; the global economic system, could no longer operate.

   The principle methodology used to hide the genocide occurring around the world, and the identities of those who participate in it, is by “consumers” steadfastly insisting “equality”, (in the sense of eliminating discrimination), exists, and by “silencing” those who refute the validity of this perception, as well as burying any evidence that proves the contrary. There is, as a consequence, an overwhelming concern among “consumers” that the surface; superficial behaviour, always corroborate the lie that they’re civilized. This is why “consumers” so strenuously object to, and are quick to identify, what they construe as “rude” behaviour; such as the act of attempting to expose the truth about what “consumers” do; what they are. One of the ways one can do this is by trying to correct errors of people’s behaviour. 

   “Consumers” have a “God Complex”; this develops when a person without a conscience is given the opportunity to decide whether another person lives or dies. This explains why narcissism is so prevalent today, and why people have entirely unrealistic perceptions of their own importance. They are not mere specks of dust in the grand scheme of things, as far as they’re concerned; they are the centre of universe; and all else does, and should, revolve around them. Because “consumers” are masters of life and death they cannot be corrected in any way. “Consumers” are quick to state that no one’s perfect, while also claiming that no one has the right to judge them, because – no one’s perfect.

   The “God Complex” is hidden due to everyone uniformly substantiating the belief that no one is perfect, while also being unable to state what “perfect” means? People are reluctant to apologize; accept fault, because by doing so they are, as far as they’re concerned, exposing a weakness; a vulnerability that another person can exploit, and take advantage of. This reminds me of a saying by Arthur Schopenhauer’s about how people perceive themselves, and the world around them; “Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”


One cannot reason with someone who's delusional, (a member of U.K.’s police force, for example); no amount of evidence that refutes their perception of "reality" will convince them to change, or even question, their "judgment".

RE: Report a crime - new entry - [Not Protectively Marked]

Good evening,

This email is in response to the online crime report you submitted earlier.

Unfortunately from the contents of the report, this would not be classed as a crime and would instead be a civil matter between yourself and the pastor. If you wish to pursue this matter, it would be best done via making a complaint to the church where it happened or contacting a solicitor.


Merseyside Police

From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: 09 October 2017 17:53

To: Online Reports

Subject: Report a crime - new entry

A new entry has been submitted via the 'Report a Crime' form on the Merseyside Police Website.

Title: Mr

First name: Nigel

Surname: Shindler

Date of Birth: 16/08/1964

Status: Victim

Your home address: Mailing address; The Passage 

St Vincent’s Centre, Carlisle Pl, Westminster, London SW1P 1NL

Postcode: SW1P 1NL

Email address: [email protected]

Contact number: 07947320411

Preferred contact: Email

Ethnicity: Prefer not to say.

Do you believe the crime/incident you are reporting to be a hate crime incident? Yes

When did it happen? 6/10/2017; approximately 5:15 PM

Where did it happen? Lakeside Christian Centre; Fairway, Southport PR9 0LA

Explain what happened? I was told I could take a shower at the Lakeside Christian Centre at 9:00 am. Mr. Mark Savage, a Pastor at this church, said I could not, and furthermore, if I attempted to enter the building in the future he'd call the police; the reason, according to this man I'd never met before; "I obviously have issues; I have an attitude, I'm rude, and argumentative." (Lakeside Christian Centre is the only public facility, to the best of my knowledge, in Southport that has showers available to the public).

Was a vehicle involved? No

Where any items stolen/damaged? No

Do you know the offender? I don't know Merseyside officer # 9542.

Was this incident witnessed? Yes; there was a female receptionist, and at least one other person present, when Pastor Mark Savage decided to violate my Rights.

What impact has this incident had on you or the person(s) involved? Not keeping clean, obviously, compromises a person's health, and if sustained long enough, (not keeping clean), and person will become ill, and die.

Are there any forensic opportunities? There may be C.C.T.V. in the Church reception area. I have an audio recording of Pastor Mark Savage telling me to leave; what he thought of me, and what he'd do if tried to enter the Church again. The Church reception area.

Do you feel that crime might be part of a pattern of behaviour directed towards you or your family? Yes

If you have entered yes, please provide further details: It is a crime. I have been deliberately, and systematically, denied the basic necessities of life since my return to Britain; 08/05/2017.

Do you feel that they need any support to deal with what's happened to you? Yes

If you have entered yes, please provide further details: I believe members of my family are concerned about my health, and well-being.

Good evening,

This email is in response to the information you submitted earlier.

Unfortunately from the contents of the report, this would still not be classed as a crime and would instead be a civil matter between yourself and the pastor. If you wish to pursue this matter, it would be best done via making a complaint to the church where it happened or contacting a solicitor.


Merseyside Police

From: Nigel Shindler [mailto:[email protected]

Sent: 10 October 2017 11:15

To: Online Reports

Subject: Re: Report a crime - new entry - [Not Protectively Marked]

Discrimination: your rights: Discrimination at work - GOV.UK…/discrimination-at-work


It is against the law to discriminate against anyone because of their sex, religion, disability or certain other personal characteristics ('protected ... The law protects you against discrimination at work, including: ... Crime, justice and the law.

Discrimination: your rights - GOV.UK

It is against the law to discriminate against anyone because of their sex, ... Types of discrimination('protected characteristics') ... Crime, justice and the law.

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Hate speech laws in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia…/Hate_speech_laws_in_the_United_K…

Hate speech laws in the United Kingdom. Hate speech laws in England and Wales are found in several statutes. ... Expressions of hatred toward someone on account of that person's colour, race, disability, nationality (including citizenship), ethnic or national origin, religion, or sexual orientation is forbidden.

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Health Service Medical Supplies (Costs) Act 2017 · 2017 c. 23, UK Public General Acts. CriminalFinances Act 2017 · 2017 c. 22, UK Public General Acts.

The official home of UK legislation, revised and as enacted 1267-present. This website is managed by The National Archives on behalf of HM Government.

You visited this page on 09/10/17.

Racist and religious hate crime - Citizens Advice…/...crime/racist-and-rel…...

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Read the full story about how Satan took over the world, and captured so many souls in "SATAN'S CIRCUS", by Nigel Shindler


The Global Economy

Volume II: "THE EVIL WITHIN; The British Lottery Club"

Consumerism; Exploitation/Degradation


Another Day in Paradise; Propaganda and the Media



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