Satan Would Overheat
I don’t think I’ve ever been that hot in my life. If you have ever sat in a sauna and been so hot it was difficult to breathe and you could literally feel your body melting away, you know the heat I am talking about.?Now, put yourself back in that sauna, add some flies, some bricks, concrete, dirt and a ladder, and you can get a feel for this day in Honduras.
One of the projects on this trip was to help our friend, Santos, finish his house. Satan himself would have needed a cool wet towel and a Gatorade. But it was very good work and an experience that left us all better off. That is how it is with serving others. The more you serve, the richer your life becomes.?
My friend, Jarrod Brown, was called by God to start Mission Lazarus in Honduras two decades ago. Over the years through Mission Lazarus, we have supported a refuge for orphans and built several homes, countless latrines, classrooms, a medical building, a well, a water distribution system for remote village and a coffee roasting house. That is just a tiny fraction of the good work that Jarrod and his team have done for the beautiful people of Honduras.?
Recently, he was sharing with me that they had been asked by the Honduran government to provide medical assistance to remote locations in response to the Covid resurgence. They had done a similar effort last year, retrofitting vehicles into mobile medical units, repurposing their staff, and going out into the jungles and villages administering medical attention and vaccines to people who otherwise would have no access to medical care. Now, they have been called on again. It is all volunteer, self-funded efforts as the government had nothing to offer other than a need. They have helped in the last month over 27,000 people at a cost of $25,000, roughly $10/person. That is a lot of lives saved!
The website is you want to donate, as they can use the help to continue providing care at $25k/month.?
As he was speaking, I made the comment: “Good for you Jarrod, well done.†He graciously corrected me and said, “No, good for them.�
The book of 1 Corinthians says:?“Don’t be concerned for your own good, but for the good of others.â€
Jarrod and Mission Lazarus exist for the good of others, to bring dignity and eternal worth to light. He is called to do good work, difficult work, important lifesaving, and life-giving work. It is all to serve others. I look forward to heading back there soon.?
Where do you feel called to serve??Who do you know that could use your help today? Are you thinking about what is good for others or what is good for you?
Hit the streets with a servant’s heart today and experience the richness it brings to your life.?