SAT Tomorrow? What to Know about Cancelations
Shelley Honeycutt
360 College Visionary | Private College Planner | Co-Creator PivotalCollegeYears | Author
by: Shelley Honeycutt
After a frustrating call with the College Board this morning, they do not have a standard answer about test cancelations. The answer is- it depends! YES, I was instructed to look up each testing site individually to determine if they have canceled it. As of 3:00 PM today, only 10 testing sites in Massachusetts had canceled but I am getting texts from students in class saying their test is canceled even though it is NOT listed as canceled on the College Board website (Rhode Island was NOT even on the list).
Here’s what you should know:
1. Find out if your testing center has canceled HERE.
2. Proceed as if the SAT test WILL take place tomorrow morning.
3. REGISTER for May and June SAT tests if you can, as seats may become VERY limited during this admissions cycle.
4. BREATHE and eat like a marathon runner for tomorrow’s test!
If your test is canceled then spend this time prepping. Consider printing the exam and timing yourself on your weakest topics. The College Planning Experts at Pivotal College Years are keeping up on campus developments. Our next article and webinar will be about Alternatives to College Tours for High School Students this spring. Comments, concerns and questions: [email protected].