Hello Moto?

Yes; please don't be surprised. We kind of knew about this; for some time. How is that, for you? I still hold my theory; true to this day. When I hit my first Bitcoin home run, we had hit $17,000.00. 75 Coins were born together. Asics; in full closets were only $30,000.00 more or less. Energy was a concern but, not as big as the painful sound that each single Bitmain miner made. People ridiculed the investment. They thought that it was a fad, that would soon fade away. I tried to explain, to my best capacity that this was something different. I was still bitter about the 2008 crash/ highway robbery. And Bitcoin was made specifically for righteous people like me. Politically; I was a rebel. This would be the foundation to the resistance. There was a new Company called Tesla; that I would be dueling with, face to face.

It was a different time then. I struggled from business to business. I no longer looked at things in the same way. There had been a time; where as a Barber, every haircut for me was a stock. Now I had to string together multiple business transactions; just to be able to save enough to secure one machine at a time. I loured people in, by offering to cash people out; in cash. Yes. You give me the bitcoin; I will pay you in cash. Right here; and right now. When I would leave, I would make it a point to say "see You in a Bit". Eventually, that became my slogan.

See You In A Bitcoin. (All rights Reserved)

I worked on a primitive program that grew to become Chat GPT. I started building my systems with Alexa. I was able to build a module, where she could travel with me. I had no idea what I was doing. That's when I began traveling through time. Remember that during these days, my radio show and my podcast were in their infancy. I had all of these insecurities about speaking in public, and now; I had connected computers to my cars. Doing my thing for music is my heart but, it was still a controlled environment. Listening to my podcast, on the road made me feel like an Alien. But. I had to now make audible inputs, to my RadarPlex Systems; in real time. I lived in the Infinity Republic. What some of you know today as ProtoType City. This was the name that inspired my high-end Gentlemans Grooming Lounge.

I had to write computer programming; at the most basic levels by voice, while encountering all different types of terrain, and weather conditions. Also; I mostly kept my peace by working on sports cars. The first Tesla Roadster was based on a European Spec Lotus Elan. Not an Elise; like most people wrongfully quote. That particular version of the car; never made it stateside. It's not even an Exige. Regardless; I had a Toyota MR2. No where near those levels of heritage and prestige. My car burned oil, blew hoses and won every single race that it entered in! How do you like them apples?

All I had back then, is exactly the essence of what I have now. Honda. And the power of dreams. Meaning; I had no idea what I was doing. Most of the people in my staff, actually worked for free. Anywhere I went, my Prototype PEGASUS was admired. I became a mad scientist; inside that car. And I had about 24 running versions of this program since August 2005. I was pretty seasoned by that time. Eventually, I was seen daily; with a business suit, engineering with a bright red sports car. I built my simulator using all basic things. I combined my flight simulator for the F22 Raptor, for the AirForce, and added all of the cars dynamics and parameters. From there I set out to do the impossible. I built the Nurburgring; in real life, inside the United States. I designed a major route, that combined regular roads, free ways and highways, with inclinations and declines to the exact specifications. Little by little, it grew more and more extreme. I continued to add more and more complexity. I added more track. More roads and more alternative terrains. Before I knew it; I had about 4 versions, all highly modifiable. At its biggest endurance scale; my race track, used only for engineering ran across four states. Utah, Colorado, California and Nevada.

I was not alone.

All top of the line, high end manufacturers; were there too. In no mans land; it was me against them. We locked into a never ending versus, where my company was forced to bring several types of vehicles, from luxury high-end models, to lower end models built for durability. Elon Musk became my sworn enemy. This is how I built my company, and just like Bitcoin; all of this seems to me, like it was yesterday.

Clash Of The Titans.

I was relentless in my pursuit of excellence. I guess I owe everyone an explanation. I had this same mentality in 2004. I almost lost my life. I never imagined that things would change that much. In just three to four short years, our economy would tank and Bitcoin would give me everything I had lost; tenfold. I was really young. I had the desire but, very little means to accomplish my goal. I bought my first MR2 for $900.00 during my College years. I had secured a $6,000.00 loan to start my company. I think I spent every last penny within a month; and that included a nice luxury vacation. I was young and I was dumb. And I was repeatedly in love.

Yeah. Whatever.

I built the car of the future. And; with time, it only got better. Junk yard warriors? I am your father. Many of the Engineering companies were right by the most prominent junkyard. In each one of those states; I frequented each one to find parts, for dirt cheap. In fact; it was all that I could afford. It must have been a sight to behold; to see me chasing the Ghost In The Shell. Why the heck was I pouring all of my hard earned cash into this? Love. My love and my passion for driving. I am by way; the greatest driver in the known Universe, of all time.

Everyone worked for my company; for free. I could only pay them in smiles. The weekends became, more and more essential. The week provided competitive driving simulations, while the weekends became more focused on endurance tests. I woke up super early; like I did during most of the week. From the kids going to school or their sports activities, to taking my elders to Doctors appointments, or my wife having business meetings, early, early. To me having my own business meetings; all over each city. My business portfolio managed many small businesses; in different parts of town.

Well. As my family slept. I was warming up the cars. I packed every single tool, and thing-a-magigar; I could get my hands on. I first drove to the gasoline station, to fuel up and top of my fluids. From there it was handed off to my technical team. One final shake down, after detailing the car. AutoZone, PepBoys, Advance Auto, and Orayleys. Completely botched that. You get the point. These were my engineers. This was my staff. I was the mad Doc Brown, in back to the future; always working on something; fixing something, or fabricating something.

I jammed packed my music playlist. Mostly 1980's greatest hits, in all genres. Then, final details for deployment At Starbucks. By the way. Cars and Coffee. I apologize for the many days; I actually had a McDonald's cup! Lol. Don't forget that my budget was two prayers, four grains of rice and a hamburger bun; toasted with butter. Lol. Now, it was time to hit the road. The beautiful engineers who fueled my ProtoType were paid handsomely. On average, eight quarters. You know me? Always in the Christmas mood. Poor version of Iron Man/ Tony Starks? No. Poor version of everything; even Santa Claus. IN Spanish, people with an accent say; Santa Clo! lmao.

That was me.

$100,000.00 to $A,hundred,million; easy.

I am still dealing with Elon Musketeer. We are actually business partners again. I have my own company still; and he has his. We are both military background as you can see. And he is now heavily involved with politics. All of those elements combined lead us here to this point. I always believed that technology influenced the Universe. I believe that it is Gods gift to Humankind. But, it seems that politics has influenced technology. After the Election, Bitcoin had been on a rally; and its just getting started in my opinion. Today I sit here in amazement. I have yet to process all of these data points. But, it is very cool because this rally is a real thing.

INvestors have spoken; alongside the markets. Sailor has just made several hundreds of millions of dollars by investing over $4 billion dollars into Bitcoin. Many financial institutions have filed for the opportunity to develop investments, based on all approved ETF's; connected to Bitcoin. Even in Speculative formats, without actually owning any of the digital tokens/ Coins. Either way. Its all pretty cool stuff to me. This was a dream for all of us early adopters since 2014. For me; 2015 was more of the NFT tidal wave. Now; as of today I see a merger of both worlds. And I stand here among all of you; in the middle of all of it.

As an Artist/ Musician, all of my music exists on the Blockchain, on Web3 as NFT's. I only accept Bitcoin, or Etherium Polygon and Tron as an example. For engineering; I only use Honda, Toyota components as well as Tesla. Very few other companies make things that we actually use. As an entrepreneur all of my investments process digital payments through CashApp; which can process Bitcoin payments, as an entry level introduction to most consumers. And this is just a start.

For hardware and software development; we have Open Ai and Chat GPT.

If you think about it. We are already here. Now moving forward; exactly how do we proceed? I think that today's economy forces us to think in Presidential Terms. As far as investments, I automatically think in the next 8 years. I don't think its safe to think beyond that; for today's top picks in investment opportunities. Nor, do I really want to. There are no technological marvels, for me to aspire to; beyond that point. I believe that this is the turning point; of actual adaptation. We have to protect Bitcoin, by getting involved with Bitcoin; starting now, on our day to day activities. This does not have to necessarily be for commerce. But as an investment for the long term but, based on today's economics and metrics.

Once Bitcoin slipped away from me, the first time. I thought about it as a throwing stone. I am on a mountain peak. My investment is the throwing stone. The price of Bitcoin is the distance between two, completely separate mountain peaks. At 2008/ 2009; my throw was short, easy and quick. It was very, very efficient based on mining complexity. As time progressed; the distance between peaks naturally increased. I had to throw farther and farther, and in return gain a smaller reward. Miners became a monopoly. Computational power increased; as a bi product of demands. The loads of both the network and all of its intricate systems became more and more demanding; even on the power grid. Things went up in price; fast as the world slowly implemented and embraced this all new technology.

The metals markets only helped. All of these default banks, and their foul Speculative, predatory business practices made things very clear. I don't care how much you have as a store of value in the banks. FDIC only guarantees, a very, very minimal amount once you cross that 5% standpoint. Anything above $400,000.00/ year; and you are on your own. $100,000.00 is not going to cover any damages for me. So what the heck to do we do? We diversify. I incorporated my precious metals strategy. There was simply no other way for me to quantify things.

It was out of my reach to look at things from a different perspective. Remember Covid 19? NOw what? See what I mean? Look at the patterns of all of these hidden, secretive cycles. Once they, understood the technology; completely. They threw around the concept of storage of value. Do you know what that means? They Don't Know Shit About Business; Therefore they Don't Know Shit About Money.

Would you like for me to fly a banner from a prop plane, perhaps on the Beach?

This means Game Over; target identified. We are going to be; just fine if these morons remain int he financial sector. The gloves are off Gerome Powell. I may not be able to beat the markets every day, but, I bet my life that I, can most certainly beat, you.

So. Now is the culmination of the big recess. I am sure that people just voted against the systems; because both of them are broken. And. We. Can. See. It.

Taking advice from those idiots is trusting their fiat currency. Not me. Not ever; again. And that goes for all of my bloodline. Poppa Bear is Smarter than the average Bear. My Momma didn't raise no Fool; fool.

I pity the Fool.

They have zero idea about what is about to hit them.

Ladies and Gentlemen, gathered here for this gathering of the minds. I have just made you several hundreds of Millions of dollars. You can wake up, or remain asleep. We are all adults here.

The choice is completely; utterly, yours.

See you in a Bitcoin.

I love you all. God Bless Everyone.


Satoshi Nakamoto


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