SARS and Tax Practitioners: Survey reveals communication breakdown
Accounting Weekly | CIBA
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There is a breakdown in communication between SARS and tax practitioners, according to a new survey of?150 practitioners from across the country.
Practitioners gave SARS particularly low scores of three out of ten for ‘support provided’, and ‘satisfaction with SARS’ dispute resolution system’.
SARS has responded to the survey and given details about how it views matters and?the steps it’s taking?especially around the?dispute resolution process.
You can read more about?the results of the survey?as well as about how practitioners are feeling villainised below. Also, see below the?unedited SARS response?to the survey.
Tax Practitioners have a low perception of SARS, according to a recent survey. Respondents point to a lack of quality communication as a core reason.
This is the full response from SARS regarding Accounting Weekly’s article on a recent tax practitioner survey attributed to SARS spokesperson Anton Fisher.
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