SARS is a Symptom; Pay Attention to the Cause
Sola Oguche-Agudah

SARS is a Symptom; Pay Attention to the Cause

The upheaval about SARS has brought to light the obvious cracks in our foundation and operations as a nation. 

SARS is a symptom of deeper foundational problems in a number of institutions in our nation. If we fix this recent crisis without also dealing with the root causes, there will be other symptoms similar to SARS arising very quickly. 

There is wide spread Poverty , lack of education, unemployment, inadequate and failing infrastructure, lack of decent shelter for millions, scarcity of opportunities, corruption, failing health systems, and bad governance at various levels of government. 

All these issues will continually give rise to troubling institutions and satiations like the SARS debacle. 

Many things in our Nation are just a ticking timebomb; like the children on the streets, the plague of corruption and the breakdown of law and order in the society. It is therefore important that in dealing with the SARS pandemic, that we place a demand that these root causes are also attended to.

Secondly, we cannot reap good where we have sown evil. What investment have we as a people made in the police force responsible for keeping our nation safe? The barracks where they live are eye sores. What trainings have they been given? It seems like anyone can be a member of the police force? Is there a criteria for employment? How much are they being paid? Do they have health insurance? Do their children go to decent schools? Is there a career path and plan for them outside corruption ? What is the quality of their lives? 

This is in no way an excuse for taking innocent lives and bad behavior. However, it is clear that we will only reap what we have sown. If we really want to see better outcomes( reap), then we need to change our input ( sow).

#SolaOgucheAgudah #PrayForNigeria #EndPoliceBrutality #ReformNigeria


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