SARS Non-Compliance Snipers Poised for Filing Season
Tax Consulting South Africa
On the frontiers of tax technical expertise & optimal compliance assurance
Under section 234 of the Tax Administration Act, 28 of 2011, containing a laundry list of criminal offences under a tax act, you could find yourself behind bars for anything from not paying your tax debts, to having outstanding tax returns.
Knowing when to act is imperative, and usually SARS’ firing squad are preceded by a Letter of Demand. Upon receipt, your sensors should immediately be on high alert as this is a serious matter and ignoring it can lead to severe consequences., It is crucial to address the highlighted non-compliance immediately.
Ignore SARS’ Demands to Your Own Detriment
Failure to comply can lead to overwhelming tax debt, severe collection measures, or even jail-time as evidenced by the plethora of convictions secured by SARS, against local celebrities, doctors, and VAT Fraud perpetrators. Should you receive any of the below, it is recommended you immediately engage the assistance of a tax attorney, guaranteeing legal professional privilege:
Receiving a Letter of Demand from SARS is never to be ignored, and often, where the correct response is not timeously delivered, spells the beginning of the end for the recipient taxpayer – don’t your financial ruin be SARS’ next strong statement!
REMEMBER, non-compliance with a tax act, is a criminal offense under South African tax laws.