SARMs going to be illegal? what happens next? - the real story might piss you off a bit
have you heard of the sarms control act? we can do something about this!
did you know that Senator Orrin Hatch put forth this piece of legislation?
well i dug in a little deep.
according to the mandatory reporting for donations by the Federal Election Commission.
guess who donated over $500,000 to mr Hatch?
you guessed it big phrama.
so what can we do?
1 - contact your congress person and let them know you oppose this legislation.
2 - spread the message so that we can take control and actually have the govt do something in our favor for once!
how to do step 1?
A: google who your senator is
B: go to their website and send them an email (see just copy what i sent below)
thats it, lets have our representatives finally actually do something useful for the people.
spread this message with other researchers!
what i sent to the two senators in south carolina.
COPY and send below:
I would like to oppose the attached SARMs control act of 2019. I do not agree with it.
Thank you"