Sarcopenic Obesity deserves more attention and more long-term data .... the new e-registry presented at SINUC in Genoa.

Sarcopenic Obesity deserves more attention and more long-term data .... the new e-registry presented at SINUC in Genoa.

Sapienza University is launching the Sarcopenic Obesity e-Registry, a digital platform, in partnership with BlueCompanion.

The Department of Experimental Medicine at Sapienza University in Rome and specifically the Food Science Research Unit, initiated and is leading a collaborative project for the clinical implementation of ESPEN-EASO criteria for diagnosis and staging of sarcopenic obesity (SO), a Research Project of National Interest (PRIN 202229ET3S).

We are very proud to be part of this great initiative.

See also and Arriva il registro elettronico per l’obesità sarcopenica | Sapienza Università di Roma and the news at Home (htpps://


