Saraswati Mantra chanting with respect to Brain waves
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Saraswati Mantra chanting with respect to Brain waves

Mantra do not have any specific meaning. Their power is not in the words themselves, but in the sound vibrations created when the mantra is uttered verbally or when it takes form in the mind and is not expressed in the voice.Mantra brings about state of resonance between the individual and the depths of his inner being. They allow the individual to unleash inner cosmic powers, forces and knowledge.

Mantras Chakra Physical location

1.Lam Mooladhara Perineum

2.Vam Swadhisthana Base of the spine

3.Ram Manipura Navel centre

4.Yam Anahata Heart centre

5.Ham Vishudhi Throat

6.Om Ajna Eyebrow centre

The sound patterns of the mantra stimulate a certain effect on the mental and psychic nature of an individual. Each mantra will create, or draw out, a specific symbol within one’s psyche. Chanting Saraswati mantra regularly improves memory, speech, and concentration in studies. Saraswati mantra has the power to eliminate ignorance and confusion and bestow intelligence to the devotee. Saraswati mantra can help make learning easy and improve memory.

Dedicated recitation of?Saraswati Mantra?can help a student pass their exams, and a job aspirant clears their interview successfully. Even those aspiring to go in for higher studies and research work can benefit tremendously from the regular Japa of Saraswati Mantra. Artists, poets, writers, and public speakers can reach new heights of achievements with the help of the Saraswati mantra.

A, Aa, E, Ee, O, Oo etc are all vowels and are spoken with sounds that come from within i.e: stomach, buzzing in the ear, nasal tones, tongue rolling etc. each of which stimulates one part of the body or other thereby corresponding to a chakra.Chakras have different tones and move and different frequencies, the root being the slowest and most dense to Ajna or third eye chakra being the fastest . The beej mantra or single seed syllable of the chakra balances the chakra and thereby purifies it.

1. Saraswati Beej Mantra

Devotees chant the Saraswati Beej Mantra as an offering or salutations to Devi Saraswati.

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Om Aing Mahasaraswatyai Namah |

Meaning:?I meditate and bow to Maha Saraswati Devi.

2. Vidya Mantra for students

Vidya Mantra is known to improve the power of concentration and memory for students. Students who struggle to score well or pass their exams can chant this Saraswati mantra.

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Saraswati Namasthubhyam Varade Kamarupini

Vidyarambham KarishyamiSiddhir Bavathume Sadha

Meaning?– Salutations to Devi Saraswati, Who is the giver of Boons and fulfiller of Wishes, O Devi, when I begin my Studies, Please bestow on me the capacity of Right Understanding, always.

3. Saraswati Mantra for Intelligence

This mantra is chanted to seek blessings to eradicate the evils of ignorance and bestow the devotee with intelligence.

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Shuklaam Brahmvichaar Saar Paramaadyaam Jagadvyaapineem Veennaa Pushtak DharineemAbhayadaam Jaad Yaapandhkaaraapahaam

Haste Sfatik Maalikaam Vidhateem Paramaasane Sansthitaam

VandeTamm Parameshwareem Bhagavatheem Buddhi Pradaam Shaaradaam.

Meaning?– (I meditate on Devi Sharada) Who is Pure White in Colour, and whose deepest Essence can only be fathomed by inquiring into the nature of Brahman (Absolute Consciousness); Who is Supreme and Primeval, and Her Essence is spread across the whole Universe (as Consciousness), Who is holding the Veena (symbolizing the essence of Music) and Book (symbolizing the essence of Knowledge), and displaying the gesture of Fearlessness (arising out of Knowledge); the Knowledge which removes the darkness of Ignorance from our Minds, Who is holding a Garland of Crystal beads in Her Hand (shining with Purity), and Who is abiding on the Seat of Lotus (blooming like an awakened Consciousness), I Extol and Worship Her, Who is the Supreme Goddess Who awakens our Intelligence; I Worship Devi Sharada.

4.?Maha Saraswati Mantra

Students mainly chant this mantra to make learning easy and help them score good marks in exams.

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Om Aim Hrim Kleem Maha Saraswati Devaya Namaha||

5.?Saraswati Mantra for excellence in academics

This mantra is recommended for students to chant before they start studying for their exams so that Maa Saraswati blesses them with the power of memory and concentration.

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Saraswathi Namasthubhyam,?Varadey Kaamarupinee?

Vidhyarambham Karishyami, Sidhir bhavathu mey sada?

Meaning?– Salutations to Devi Saraswati, Who is the giver of Boons and fulfiller of Wishes, O Devi, when I begin my Studies, Please bestow on me the capacity of Right Understanding, always.

6.?Saraswati Mantra for success in the career

This mantra is chanted to seek success from Devi Saraswati in career and education. This mantra is also known as?Saraswati?Gayatri Mantra.

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Om aen?Vageeshwaryae Vidmahe Vagwadeenyae

Dhimahe Tannah Saraswati Prachodayat

7. Mantra to seek glory

This mantra to seek glory is chanted to seek the divine blessings of Goddess Saraswati to gain all glories and powers of knowledge that exist in the world.

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Saraswati Mahabhage Vidye Kamalalochane?

Vishwaroope Vishaalaakshi Vidyam dehi namosthuthe?

Meaning?– O Devi Saraswati, the most Auspicious Goddess of Knowledge with Lotus-like Eyes, An Embodiment of Knowledge with Large Eyes, Kindly Bless me with Knowledge. I Salute you.

8. Saraswati Mantra for gaining Knowledge

This mantra is chanted to acquire the blessings of knowledge

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Vad Vad Vaagwaadinee Swaha ?

9. Saraswati Mantra For Enhancing Intelligence

This mantra is chanted for enhanced intelligence in students and adults alike.

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Om Aing Hreeng Shreeng Vaagdevyai Saraswatyai Namah ?

10.?Saraswati Mantra to Gain Wisdom

This mantra is chanted to be blessed with the wisdom of wealth and knowledge.

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Om?Arham Mukha Kamal Vaasinee?Paapaatma Kshayam Kaari

Vad Vad Vaagwaadinee Saraswati Aing Hreeng Namah Swaaha ?

Saraswati Mantras in Rig Veda

11. Prayer for Wisdom

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Paavakaa Nah Sarasvatii Vaajebhir-Vaajiniivatii |

Yajnyam Vassttu Dhiyaavasuh ||1.3.10||

Meaning?– O Saraswati, You are the purifier (of our Intellect), and Your Strength (of Wisdom) grows within us with Sacrificial Offerings (inner and outer), May my offering in Yagnya strengthen Your Wisdom within me (i.e., May Your presence within me make me rich in Wisdom).

12. Acceptance of Prayer and Blessings

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Codayitrii Suunrtaanaam Cetantii Sumatiinaam |

Yajnyam Dadhe Sarasvatii ||1.3.11||

Meaning –?(Saraswati Who) Inspires us towards Truth and awakens our Goodness (Sumati),

(That Saraswati) has (now) held this Yajna (i.e., Has accepted my offerings).

13. Making the presence of Universal Wisdom felt

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Maho Arnnah Sarasvatii Pra Cetayati Ketunaa |

Dhiyo Vishvaa Vi Raajati ||1.3.12||

Meaning?– Saraswati, that Great Wave (of Universal Wisdom) (Who has flowed as a River) and Who is the awakener of our Intellect, is (now) shining as the embodiment of Universal Wisdom (in this Yajna).

Saraswati Vandana

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Ya Kundendu Tusharahara Dhavala Ya Shubhra Vastravrita

Ya Veena Varadanda Manditakara Ya Shveta Padmasana

Ya Brahmachyuta Shankara Prabhritibihi Devaih Sada Pujita

Sa Mam Pattu Saravatee Bhagavatee Nihshesha Jadyapaha?1?

Meaning?– Salutations to Devi Saraswati, Who is pure white like Jasmine, with the coolness of Moon, the brightness of Snow and shine like the garland of Pearls; and Who is covered with pure white garments, Whose hands are adorned with Veena (a stringed musical instrument) and the boon-giving staff; and Who is seated on pure white Lotus, Who Lord Brahma always adores, Lord Acyuta (Lord Vishnu), Lord Shankara and other Devas, O Goddess Saraswati, please protect me and remove my ignorance completely.

Ann Kressin

Professor of Chemistry, Practitioner, Body Talk, Animal Talk at International Body Talk Systems

4 个月

Powerful yes. has brought me clarity and released pain. creates great alignment and Peace. Thank you



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