SARAH'S REVENGE-Part 2 continues
Millie Rose Realty and Associates Corporate Office
“Miss Millie,” Sarah paused to take a breath and put the bloody towel to her face again, because her jaw was still hurting from the attack near the levee. The shot that the Charity Hospital doctor had given her for pain was wearing off. ?“When you asked me to come to New Orleans with you, you told me that I was to initiate and coordinate evictions and, quote-unquote: "other duties as assigned," whatever that meant.”
?“So what does your attack by the river have to do with you working for me?” Millie asked, disinterested as to where the conversation appeared to be going. “I didn’t have anyone to beat you up! Did you get robbed or something? Were you sexually assaulted?”
?“None of that, Miss Millie!” Sarah answered, frustrated. “But the people who did this to me are all related to you and the things that you have us do for you!”
?“Related how, baby?” Millie asked, trying to seem interested.
?“Miss Millie,” Sarah continued. “Two of them were Porter and Parker, your nephews. Their ring leader is Sterling Diamond, your stepson.? And-“
“Ex!” Millie cut her off. “Before you say husband, he is my ex-husband.”
“Well, your ‘ex’-husband wants The Bishop to be released to him, before midnight.” Sarah paused. “I don’t have much time. All you have to do is pick up that phone and direct those people at the hospital to let The Bishop go!”
Before Millie could answer, Lonnie made an announcement over the intercom: “Miss Millie, Skhandul Diamond is on line one!”
“Let me take this call,” Millie said quickly. “Why don’t you wait out in the lobby with Lonnie, I’ll call you back when I get off the phone.”
"Transfer Skhandul to my cell, Lonnie!"
“Miss Millie!” Sarah insisted. “If you don’t get The Bishop released, I’m going to be put out on the street! Can’t-“
?“Okay, okay!” Millie responded, pointing a finger to direct Sarah out of her office.
?“Lonnie, hold all my calls until further notice, you hear?”
?“Yes, Miss Millie!” Lonnie shouted from his office.
?Sarah stomped her feet walking out of Millie’s office.
“Come get this damned rag you keep dropping in my office!” Millie shouted behind Sarah. “Close those doors, I need some privacy!”
?Sarah waits in Lonnie’s office
?“Wow, you got kicked out for Skhandul?” Lonnie taunted Sarah between incoming calls. “The only ones you haven’t been dissed by now are Porter and Parker’s mom and the prodigal father, himself.”
“You mean, that woman she is talking to is related to Randall and Sterling Diamond?”
?“Didn’t you hear me page: “’Skhandul Diamond’ over the intercom?” Lonnie was still answering incoming calls and putting them on hold.?
?“So,” Sarah limped ever so slowly after stomping out of Millie's office, to walk around Lonnie's desk. She sat on the corner of it. “What does she want?”
?“I know what I want,” Lonnie looked at Sarah as she sat comfortably on the corner of his desk. “I want you ?to get your skinny little behind off of my desk!”
?“Come on, Lonnie!” Sarah pleaded as she stood up from his desk. “I’m going to be out on the streets tonight if The Bishop isn’t released from that hospital in Mississippi.”
?“You didn’t hear this from me but,” Lonnie signaled Sarah to follow him to the farthest corner from Millie’s office. “Skhandul does not know her father is alive.”
?Sarah looked at Lonnie with her lower jaw hanging. “So, what is it she want?”
?Lonnie walked back to his desk to continue answering invoming calls, showing Sarah by rubbing his four fingers against his thumb. It's always about the money. She wants money from her dead father’s estate, alive though he is supposed to be."
?“No, he’s not dead!” Sarah declared. “Is he?”
?“I haven’t seen hide nor hair of the guy, but he has sure made his presence known in this office,” Lonnie said as he stopped answering the number of calls that were coming through his switchboard.
“The thing about this is,” Lonnie whispered to Sarah. “Skhandul doesn’t know that her father is still alive! Wouldn’t it be a hoot if someone just happened to put a bug in her ear?”
Lonnie looked at Sarah, whose eyes appeared blacker and bluer than when Cole first brought her to the office, with the left eye still swollen shut. Using his head to gesture towards Millie’s office and repeating himself, “Wouldn’t it be a hoot if someone could put a bug in Skhandul’s ear that her father was not dead, but was very much alive?”
?“Is she still on line one?” Sarah asked as she finally took Lonnie’s hint. “Give me a pen and ?paper!” Sarah copied Skhandul’s phone number from Lonnie’s Caller ID. “If I don’t get Miss Millie to make that call to Randall in the next 30 minutes, Skhandul is definitely going to hear from me.”
Meanwhile, Millie is still on the phone with Skhandul
?“Don’t you think it’s time we had lunch, Skhandul?” Millie asked her former stepdaughter. “With your father’s situation, we need to make sure that everything is settled once and for all.”
?“Millie,” Skhadul replied. “Situation? Millie, my father is dead. That’s not a ‘situation’.”
?“You’re right, Skhandul, I didn’t mean any disrespect to your father.”
?“My lawyers have been trying to arrange a meeting with your lawyers, and they keep getting the run around,” Skhandul complained. “Is there something you are not telling me, Millie?”
?“Like what, Skhandul?” Millie asked her coyly. “What is it you would like to know?”
"I would like to know why haven’t you settled my father’s estate with me and my brother? I know he’s still in jail, but he is still entitled to his share of the estate. I see where you have changed all of my father's condominiums to your name, removing him completely from what he and my mother built together.”
?“You are right, Skhandul,” Millie stalled.
?“My lawyers have recommended legal action, but I don’t want to have to resort to that, Millie. When do you want to meet?”
?“We can meet at The Bend Hotel off of St. Charles and N. Carolyn. Noon tomorrow?”
?“I’ll be there,” Skhandul replied.
?“Oh, and Skhandul?” Millie added. “Let’s just me and you meet. No lawyers on this first meeting, okay?”
?“I’m trusting you, Millie, but not by very much,” Skhandul hung up.
?Millie hung up. “Sarah!!” She shouted towards Lonnie’s office, disregarding her intercom system.
?Sarah entered the door limping, pausing to make sure it was okay to enter.
?“What is it that you want me to do?” Millie asked the bruised employee.
?“I need you to call that place where you have The Bishop hopped up on drugs and tell them to let her go!” Sarah pleaded. “If you don’t have her released by midnight tonight, your prodical husband is going to have your stepgoon and his assistant goons, put me out on the streets!”
?“Let me see what I can do, Sarah,” Millie said reluctantly. “I have to check with her doctor to see if she can be released into to the public.”
?“She’s your half-sister, for God’s sake!” Sarah reminded her. “Can’t she stay with you until the goonsquad comes to get her?”
?“I’m sorry, Sarah,” Millie apologized. “There are systems in place that keep the family or the medical staff from arbitrarily pulling patients out of the facility without going through a set of procedures. These procedures are for the benefit of the patient, the family, and the public. You do understand, don’t you Sarah?”
?“Miss Millie, if this was a different situation and I had nine hours to work with, I would be down with you,” Sarah continued to plead her case. “But there is more to this than being put out on the streets, this is my livelihood. I am in this big city because of you! I don’t know where else to go, or what else they are capable of doing. Do you not see my face? They are not playing!”
?“Look, Sarah, I am very sympathetic to your situation,” Millie said as she rolled her wheelchair towards the office door. “But this is more of a family matter. I really don’t think you have to worry about being placed on the streets tonight. If you want, I’ll arrange for you to have another unit available to you. We can just move your things to another unit, right away in fact. How is that?”
?Sarah limped towards the door. “As an employee, that sounds great! But as a victim who has been dragged into the middle of a ‘family matter’, I don’t feel safe and I don't think that you are taking me seriously.”
?Sarah limped out of the office, not taking the time to acknowledge Lonnie who was still answering calls. She stood at the penthouse suite elevator, pushing the button continuously until the doors finally opened.?
?As the elevator doors closed, Sarah broke down and began crying. She could be heard through the doors as the elevator descended the 25 floors to the lobby.
?Next: Sarah’s Revenge- Part 3
For entertainment purposes only. If you are facing an eviction, please consult with an attorney. This online story is fictional. Any similarity to any person living or dead, or incident current or past, is strictly coincidental. This is not an intent to solicit the agents, clients, or associate brokers of any real estate brokerage. Information provided here is deemed to be from reliable sources but is not guaranteed.
Author, Texas Agent Associate, Keller Williams Texas
3 个月MILLIE ROSE EVICTIONS Newsletters For the upcoming edition, Sarah's Revenge Part 3, we find someone is blind texting Skhandul about her father. Skhandul is convinced by Millie Rose that her father died 7 years ago. Will this blind text change her mind? hashtag #millieroseevictions hashtag #youcantstayhere hashtag #theprodigalfather hashtag #sarahsrevenge
Author, Texas Agent Associate, Keller Williams Texas
3 个月In Part 3, Sarah has 1 opportunity to keep from being evicted from her rent-free condominium. She doesn't appear to put all of her trust in her boss, Millie Rose. With Skhandul's cell phone, Sarah has to be careful that she does not put herself at risk of loosing her job and her employee benefit of a condo. What will be the best way for Sarah to get Skhandul to save her? Will Skhandul believe Sarah? Will Skhandul snitch on Sarah? Check out our next edition of Millie Rose Evictions, next week in SARAH'S REVENGE- Part 3 in MILLIE ROSE EVICTIONS (c)2024 wdlewisSR.