Sarah - trainee teacher - did these 7 things which will lead to her securing her first job...
Andy Watkins
??Seeking sponsorship and connections to help benefit our amazing children ?? 23 years in education, 4th Headship ? Passion for sport and exercise
1.??? Sarah did an extra breaktime duty whenever she could
I approached her recently whilst she was outside talking happily with the children.
‘It’s not your duty Sarah, you can go in if you’d like…’
‘It’s fine thanks Andy, I like coming out with the children and it makes the afternoons a bit easier. You go in if you want.’
Wow! I thought to myself. She's going to secure a job very, very quickly. To offer up her free time to support her children outside blew me away!
Sarah also had a very good point: by actually ‘being present’ outside when your class line-up allows you to quickly deal with any disagreements and sets the tone for behavioral expectations when you walk back inside.
2.??? Sarah offered to help run an after-school club
‘Would you like me to support with the Science Club on a Tuesday Andy?’
‘Yes. Yes and Yes!’ came my hasty reply.
The teacher who runs the Science club was indebted to Sarah from that moment on.
Volunteer for things. Not everything though, no one likes a martyr.
3.??? Sarah was one of the first in school
Understandably difficult if you live a distance away from school, however, if you can get in before most people, then do.
Sarah was perhaps the third person into school each day. She always greeted everyone warmly no matter the weather of the day of the week.
When I later questioned why Sarah was in so early, she simply replied, ‘I just love having everything laid out and ready for me, just in case other things crop up in the morning.’
I loved this response; if you're anything like me, it’s a reoccurring nightmare that I’m at the front of the class with nothing prepared!
4.??? Be the last to speak in staff meetings
…but when you do get the chance, make sure you comment on something somebody else did...
Sarah was on fire that week. She had stayed quiet the whole staff meeting, making notes, listening studiously and was never going to speak. However, when I asked her about an element of her teaching that went well, she praised another teacher who she stole it from.
So humble. So endearing.
5.??? Sarah's teaching episode didn't go to plan but she bounced back. Quickly.
Get used to teaching the odd lesson poorly. We all do it.
Anyone who says they rarely teach a poor lesson is probably lying and trying to impress.
When you teach a bad lesson, sure, talk briefly to a colleague or friend about what went wrong; this shows reflectiveness. But, once discussed, consider the matter closed; move on. And...
...bounce back tomorrow!
This is what happened to Sarah. It showed she had resilience and positivity.
6.??? Reach out to colleagues for support
‘James, do you think I could come and watch you teach?'
I know James was flattered.
Sarah watched and learned some new strategies.
Further reflectiveness and willingness to improve: tick.
7.??? Be Positive in the staffroom ?
Everything is heard in the staffroom.
Everything will get back to the leadership team.
And so, when Laura was heard singing the school’s and the Trust's praises to her student friend, this, inevitably got back to me.
Everyone loves hearing they are part of a good school in a great Trust.
I’m pretty confident Sarah will be securing a job in our Trust very soon.
Thank you to Sarah and the all the other amazing trainee teachers we have in Kernow Learning and the country! ?