Sarah Springford's inside look at business in Brighton

Sarah Springford's inside look at business in Brighton

Sustainability, circular economy and net zero

Brighton Chamber is a growing community with 700 members, many of whom are actively embracing sustainable practices in their business. And you’d expect that – it’s Brighton!?

People who are actively doing something in their business

Two years ago, we discovered that we had more than 50 members who were actively on the Net Zero journey, and, who told us that they would value the opportunity to get together to meet and learn from one another. Our Net Zero Champions group was born. We’re overdue for our next get together, which is on 4 September. If you’d like to join in then email Luke here.?

A few stellar examples that come to mind are Shoreham Port who ran their Sustainability Week for a third time in July. Spark & Bell, who are imbedding a circular approach into their products’ lifecycle. And RedRoaster, who have become a certified B-Corp, and have their first anniversary of their third restaurant in the re-newly refurbished Brighton Dome (where we recently hosted one of our newly introduced Pop-up Networking events). And there are many more that are making headway in Brighton: from sole traders to workspaces, from charities to bus companies.?

Those of you who want to hear from people who have invested their energies and careers into businesses that have sustainability at the heart of what they do enjoyed listening to what Tim Williamson, Director at Responsible Travel’s recent talk at Brighton Chamber Breakfast in May (if you missed it, you can read the summary blog here), and will no doubt have come to?our Pop-up Breakfast at Moshimo to catch speaker Dean Spears, Head of Blue Natural Capital for Sussex Bay.?

Tapping into expertise in academia

At the Chamber we often get involved in what I call ‘city projects’, and one I have enjoyed working on recently has been linking businesses wanting to have a more circular approach - with support to do this from Shova Thapa Karki from University of Sussex and Steve Creed from Circular Brighton & Hove. This has been a chance for businesses in a particular sector (initially looking at the food and drink sector) to access a useful tool and have 121 consultancy to improve their circular practices.??

A new Economic Strategy for the city

The new Economic Strategy for the city is going through its final stages of compiling and will be on our doorsteps later this year. I think we’d all expect it to have ambitious targets, and practical plans, for a more climate friendly city. Much work has already been done by the Council and other public organisations, and as a representative of businesses in our city, I have made the case giving credit for, and supporting how businesses?reduce carbon emissions and adapt.??

'Squiggly careers' and being 16 years old

In November we are organising this year’s Hello Future – a day to inspire young people (16+) to think about their future career. It will be in the newly refurbished and impressive Syndicate Wing at Brighton Centre. It’s an opportunity for students to explore what skills they need for different jobs and careers. We will be making sure to include employers with careers in sustainability who can talk with young people about the skills they will need to match the passions and interests they have in preserving their planet.??

And you?

At Brighton Chamber we have a placement student working with us until the end of July. If you are doing something in your businesses to be more sustainable and you’d like us to interview you, get in contact with Morgan: [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you.


