what is Support Packages?

-> When an end user of SAP finds a bug in the SAP product, he reports the same to SAP support. SAP programmers inspect the bug and develop a correction for the bug. This correction is known as SNOTE (SAP Note).

-> With time, multiple end users, report bugs for which SAP releases SNOTE. SAP collects all these corrections in one place and this collection is called SUPPORT PACKAGE. This support package also includes enhancements to earlier versions of SAP.

-> In simple words collection of SAP NOTES is called as SUPPORT PACKAGE.

-> Support Packages are implemented in SAP system using Transaction SPAM (Support Package Manager)

what is Support Package Stack (SPS)?

->The Support Package Stack is a list of ABAP and Java Support Packages for all software components (SC) included in SAP NetWeaver. It is used to bring each Software Component of SAP NetWeaver to a defined Support Pack (SP) level.

->Support Package Stack, commonly known as STACK bundles all required components or individual patches that are already tested together and recommended applying as SPS instead of individual patch (until and unless you face some problem which requires certain components to be patched).

Go to, select your NW version to check the current SPS level and other details.

Support Pack Stack version numbers:

-> Support Package Stacks have a release number, and a Stack number, Example, SAP NetWeaver ’04 Support Package Stack 11.

-> Each software component has a separate sequence of Support Packages.

The following list contains the technical names of a number of components and the notation for their Support Packages:

SAP_APPL (SAP APPL Support Package): SAPKH<rel><no>

SAP_BASIS (Basis Support Package): SAPKB<rel><no>

SAP_ABA (Application Basis SP): SAPKA<rel><no>

SAP_HR (SAP HR Support Package): SAPKE<rel><no>

SAP_SCM (SCM Support Package): SAPKY<rel><no>

SAP_BW (BW Support Package): SAPKW<rel><no>

SAP_CRM (CRM Support Package): SAPKU<rel><no>

COP (Component Package):

Support Packages update process:

Pre-requisites for Support Package implementation:

->Support packages should be always applied in client 000.

->The user to be used for the support package implementation must have authorizations equivalent to DDIC or SAP*

->Call the transaction SPAM and see if any previous Support Package import is incomplete. You can proceed ahead unless the previous

support package import is successful.

->Ensure that there is enough space in the transport directory. The transport directory is located at /usr/sap/trans.

->Ensure that SPAM/SAINT version is updated to current version.

->Ensure that valid backup is available

->Ensure that STMS is consistence checked

->Ensure that at least 2 background work process are available

->Ensure that “RDDIMPDP” job schedule in background in client “000” with user “DDIC”

->Patches should be applied in the sequence SAP_BASIS, SAP_ABAP, SAP_APPL, SAP_HR

->Ensure that there should enough space in Database

->Ensure that there should be enough space in the usr\sap\tans\eps\in directory

->Apply the patches in the client 000 with user like DDIC

->We need to lock users in the sap system and also we need to intimate then well advanced before applying support packages using SM02.

->Ensure that internet connection is available to resolve the issues.

->If support packages are more than 10 MB apply through application server, if not then through frontend.

->Apply patches in the landscape sequence. That is (DEV-QAS-PRD)

->Once support packages applied can’t be reverted back.

->The patches comes in the format .sar (or) .car

->Download the patches into Trans directory and uncar file using this command sapcar -xvf<filename> -R

->It will check for eps\in directory format is .ATT & .PAT files

Steps to Upgrade the Support Package:

Step 1: Download Support Packs

Support Packages are available in SAP Support Portal, under

Step 2: Loading Support Packages:

To load support packages we have two options:-

1. From Application Server

2. From Front End

From Application Server

1. Download the support packages from service marketplace and save them at OS level in directory /usr/sap/trans.

2. Uncompress these files using sapcar executable

sapcar –xvf <support package name>

After uncompressing the support packages at OS level the .PAT and .ATT files are stored in /usr/sap/trans/EPS/in directory.

Next, load the Support Packages into SAP system by choosing Support Package –>Load Package –> From Application Server

From Front End

Choose Support Package –> Load Packages –> From Front End

Step 3: SPAM/SAINT Update:

A SPAM/SAINT Update contains updates and improvements to Support Package Manager (SPAM) and Add-On Installation Tool

(SAINT). There is always one SPAM update for each release. SPAM/SAINT update is mandatory before any support package upgrade.

Step 4: Defining Queue:

Queue contains the Support Packages available for the different SAP Components installed in your system. This Queue information is

derived from the support pack uploaded in Step 2.

1. On the initial screen in Support Package Manager, choose Display/Define.

2. A list of installed software components (for example, SAP_BASIS, SAP_HR, SAP_BW) is displayed.

3. Once you select the required component, the current queue appears. This queue contains the Support Packages available for the selected component in your system. If you want to define the queue for another software component, choose Other Component. If the displayed queue meets your requirements, you can confirm it by choosing Confirm Queue.

Step 5: Importing Queue:

Once you a define a Queue (Step 4) while selecting a particular component (for which we want to upgrade support pack), we need to do ‘Import queue’ to start importing/applying that particular selected support pack (as per the standard SAP process).

Choose Support Package –> Import Queue

The support package import has been started

Step 6:Confirming Queue:

Confirm that the queue has been imported successfully into your system. This allows you to import Support Packages in the future. You will not be able to import Support Packages further, if you do not confirm the queue.

Once Support packs are imported successfully then Run SGEN as below:

NOTE: Before you run SGEN make sure that database archiving is off.

->Go to transaction SGEN

->Click on Generate all objects of selected software component

->Click continue

->Select All and Press Continue

->Select the Server

->Click continue

->Press the Start Job Directly button (this screen is called Load Generator – Job Monitor)

Checking Logs:-


-> It displays logs for Support Package Manager Phases that are used by transport control program tp(transport control program).

-> Go to menu on Top of the screen–>click Import log–>Queue


->It contains information about the actions that take place during the individual phases (while importing the current queue).

->It also includes information about the point at which a phase was stopped, as well as detailed error information.

->To display the logs for the current queue Go to–>Action log

-> While the support packages are being imported, logs are made into the tmp directory (path: usr/sap/trans/tmp)

-> Once the import process is completed logs can be viewed from the log directory (path: usr/sap/trans/log)

Basic information on below:-

1. Patches – To fix bugs, To get functional enhancement & To upgrade the system to next level

2. SAINT – Addon tool

3. Support packages – multiple of object corrections, SP contains set of patches. SP we should apply on sequence manner.

4. PAT01 , PAT03 tables – Stored Status of support packages

5. Get latest kernel, support packages & Add-ons – Service market place (

6. while applying support packages. If users accurse in SPAU & SPDD phases then what will you do – SPAU in problems accurse I can skip problem. If it is SPDD in problem accurse I can execute technical people.

7. SPDD & SPAU – please inform the customer to take care. If locked objects found can be release using the Tcode – SE03

8. Naming convention of support packs – KB46C005

9. Diff b/w SAP Note & Support packages –

SNOTE – single object correction

Support package – multiple object correction

10. Solution Manager can apply support packages in CI & DI.

11. we can install CI & DI on the host and on same <SID> can apply support packages.

12. usr\sap\trans\eps\in – This directory stores uncar patches which are download from service market place.

13. Table “TPFET” is used for store parameter values along with patches.

Kernel patch latest number : 156/291

Support package highest level : 26

Patches : Group of NOTES

Packages : Group of patches

Stacks : Group of packages

14. uncar .car/.sar files in UNIX - using command ./SAPCAR -xvf <filename> -R

15. we can’t able to see uncar files in EPS directory – May be file corrupted, SAP car may old version.

16. Through SDM & JSPM, we can apply support packages in Java system.

17. In support packages, 2 background work process required – because support package is time taking process, In this process due to some problems. If one job is failed another job will take backup.

18. The support package manager runs through a series of phases when it imports support packages. If you want to know which phases were performed for which scenario (test scenario or standard scenario), execute program RSSPAM10.

Información muy importante, gracias



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