SAP ERP Consultants Global Community- Real SAP Solution Passionate Group
Adaikalam Alexander Rayappa?
ERP Lead/Software Projects Managing Consultant/Trusted Software Advisor??Senior Consultant for Global/Regional Projects
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Happy new year 2021.
?????? ?????? Big Idea Team(LinkedIn/Facebook) Welcomes You. Please connect with me and Groups
Please visit SAP BIG IDEA TEAM .
We offer Free SAP Jobs ADVT Service Periodically in the tag link #SAPBigIdeaTeamJobAdvertisement for the benefits of Every SAP ERP Consultants . SAP Recruiters are also seeing the active job seekers in the comments of the Post. Please reach out to Recruiters by all means to grab the opportunity.
The Hot Jobs are posted in the link #SAPBigIdeaTeamJobAdvertisement
SAP Big Idea Team Offers Following Free Services
- SAP Hot Jobs Free Advt
- Free Mentoring
- Free SAP Solution Project Experience as Value Creation to be a SAP Solution Passionate SAP Professional
- Free Training Opportunity to Upgrade Skills
- Free Recommendations to SAP Recruiters
- Real Social Media Appreciation to real performers in the Solutions Devt
- Free Opportunity to develop soft skills
- Free Opportunity to develop SAP Technical/ Functional Skills as a Problem Solver
- Free Opportunity to generate revenue if your contribution is sale able in the Market .
- Possible to develop all kinds of Roles
Please mention Agree or Dis Agree to every point that mentioned below in your email to us .
???????? ???? ???? ???? ?????????????????? ???????? ???? ?????????? ?????? ?????? ???????????????????? :
???? ?????? ?????? ?????????? ???? ???????? ???????? ???? 20 to 48 hours Weekly to see progress with Strong Commitment, Strong Passion with No Excuses in a long term basis ???? ???????? ?????????? ????????????????, ?????? ?????? Big Idea Team(LinkedIn/Facebook) Welcomes You.
We are not a Training Provider . We are the Global SAP ERP Big Idea Team Group in LinkedIn and Face Book which is managed by me . I agree/Disagree
Why we initiated this value creation initiative with following reasons? . I agree/Disagree
Reason 1 : Consultants are meaningfully in touch with SAP by associating with like minded professional soulmate during Jobless or In Job Condition
Reason 2 : Consultants are not getting opportunity in their Job to develop their solution devt passion
Reason 3: We want to help all levels of SAP consultants to develop experience , develop their specialization, develop their expertise .
Reason 4 Consultants want to get professional training as means of upgrading their knowledge and expertise . Most of the service providers does not offer real time training . Our Global team members shares their expertise by workshops .
Reason 5 : SAP Consultants need passive income generation using their sale-able effort .
Our Objective is to serve the SAP ERP Consultant Community whoever serious with strong commitment and passion as their value creation in a long term basis with us . I agree/Disagree
Our Expert Global team spends time with you in increasing your value creation as your professional soul mate . We do not need just opportunity seekers or payment seekers . We Offer Values as Free Service . Our Expert Global team members are highly paid consultants who wants to serve SAP ERP Consultants Community . I agree/Disagree
Every one of our team members are allowed to offer free service as means of Helping to Others( H2O) with my acceptance . No one is allowed to charge any fee with any of our Big Idea Team Members. I agree/Disagree
Please email with following info with your Agree/Disagree on following info . I agree/Disagree
Please mention your committed working hours weekly .
Most Important is Mentioning Your SAP Experience Profile with following Key Information as your reply to this email to understand you better . I agree/Disagree
Area of interest in terms of Your Value Creation
Solution development experience
Working Experience
How we work with you :
1. Review Process I agree/Disagree
We review your profile in a detailed way with interview
2. Tasks Assignment I agree/Disagree
You will be assigned tasks according to your committed hours and Kick off your value creation .
You need to be clearly inform us during discussion on the nature of tasks that you do not agree to work . We want consultants whoever trust their value creation by agreeing with our tasks assignments .
We want consultants who is proactively working with us . We want consultants who are professional friendly and reachable as needed
3.Periodical Project Reporting I agree/Disagree
Consultants needs to report periodically about the progress using the reporting link . We do not have office assistant . You need to call us or message us on every task completion .
4.Active Participation in our Social Media Activities I agree/Disagree
Active involvement on our Social Media Posts/Articles/Polls are required with three actions ( LIKE/SHARE/Comment) .
5.SAP System Connection I agree/Disagree
SAP connection is at the expense of yours according your value creation . WE can provide cheap SAP Connection provider contacts . I agree/Disagree
Most of the consultants are not serious in performing their tasks because of not being salaried Job.
If you are serious in binding yourself in carrying out tasks assignments with seeing progress in your value creation periodically , Please reply with detailing of your profile . I agree/Disagree
If you are less experienced, We need a strong knowledge in SAP with Solution Passion Interest. I agree/Disagree
It is the value creation initiative of SAP Big Idea Team as Free Service as a long term relationship .
Mentoring is offered Freely as a long term relationship. I agree/Disagree
You will be given first preference in our offshore project according to your level of expertise . I agree/Disagree
We offer Free SAP Jobs ADVT Service in the tag link #SAPBigIdeaTeamJobAdvertisement for the benefits of Every SAP ERP Consultants . SAP Recruiters are also seeing the ative job seekers in the comments of the Post.
We may recommend good consultants to SAP Recruiters in our Job Advt Posting whoever we find knowledgeable,exact fit and Perform Proven Experience with us . I agree/Disagree
If Your effort yields revenue by selling your deliverable with our clients, you will be getting Incentives . You will be getting appreciation email on every phase of completion . You will be getting appreciation in the LinkedIn/Facebook Social media with Badges. I agree/Disagree
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If you do not provide correct info with your profile , we can not review your Profile .
Please go through following article to understand more about us.
Please Join with our hash tags to keep in touch with us
#valueaddedsolutionsilentinvestor #saptechnicalteam #sapcustomerkeydecisionmaker #sapfunctionalteam #sapdiy #sapaccelerators #trustedreliablesolutions #quicksapjob4me #sapoffshoreteam #saperpsolutions