SAP Enable Now – Update All Objects from Server
?In my previous article I described simulation names and IDs. Your key takeaways should include an understanding of where to find these identifiers within the Properties window and how they are used within the Enable Now framework.
?In this article I intend to describe the process for Updating All Objects from Server. This action is critical when working within a team of content developers as it enables you to identify, select and download to your local instance of Producer any required content created by your peers. It also allows you to avoid assets that you do not need locally, which reduces your storage overhead and avoids any associated performance impacts.
?Your key takeaways should include an understanding of where to find the Update All Objects from Server action, how to select/deselect the subfolders and their content, and where the new folders will be positioned within your folder structure hierarchy.
Organizing the Enable Now environment
?Having well organized folders is a critical part of managing content within Enable Now. In the examples that follow, I will use a folder called Development that contains all of the content creator named folders. Within each of these folders I will have a local copy of the assets and artifacts created by others in their respective folder. As new creators are added to the team, or if my peer creators add new subfolders and assets within those new folders, I will need to perform the Update All Objects from Server action. I do not automatically get those assets when I synchronize to server.
Locate the Parent folder
?The first step is to locate the Parent folder in which all of the Content Developer folders reside. In this example it is the Development folder. Excluding the Associate Learning folder there are a total of eight content developers shown within my local instance of Producer. See the image below. I know more members have been added to Enable Now since I set up my work environment and I will need to add them to my local instance of Producer. In the next few steps, we will identify the newly added developers and copy their folder and content to our local instance of Producer.
Selecting the Objects
?The next step is to right click on the Development folder and navigate to the Server Bulk Actions - Update All Objects from Server option in the Flyout menu list.
?A popup window will appear showing the full list of content developer folders available.
??In the image below, three folders were identified as new. At the very least, I want to select those folders as indicated by the blue checkbox. Selecting the other folders will also capture any subfolders that may have been created by the content creators after I first set up my environment. To the left of each folder an arrow may appear. This indicates the existence of subfolders within the working folder. I can click on the arrow to expand the folder structure if I am very deliberate about what I need. This enables the ability to be very granular about what content you wish to bring into the local instance of Producer; you don’t need everything. After checking/unchecking the boxes to suit your needs the final step is to click the Ok button to initiate the download.
?Objects Updated
?When the update process is complete the new folders are positioned at the bottom of the Development folder as shown below. I can rearrange the folders manually by dragging and dropping them within the Development folder hierarchy. I can also expand the folders to verify I captured the folder contents.
?Verifying the content
?The final check is to expand one of the folders to verify content within the folder was also downloaded. Here I selected the folder agolson and the subfolders and their respective content are now visible.
Summarizing Update All Objects from Server
?The Update of All Objects from Server action is a straightforward process. You start by locating the target folder, click on the Update All Objects from Server action, make your selections and click Ok. After the process completes, you can rearrange the folders according to your needs.
?Your key takeaways should include an understanding of where to find the Update All Objects from Server action, how to select /deselect the subfolders and their content, and where the new folders will be positioned within your folder structure hierarchy.
What’s next?
?In my next article I will cover seven best practices that you may build on to create a more robust list of best practices for your organization’s content development efforts.
?If you like what I wrote please take the time to share it, as others may find it interesting, if not amusing. Let’s not be just consumers of information or share only the works of others. Your voice matters, and I’m sure you have good ideas that could help others. Try being a thought leader and not just a follower.
To those of you who take the time to read my efforts I sincerely thank you. I would be remiss if I didn’t remind you that this is a two-way conversation so put your comments in and let’s have a volley of ideas, so we all continue our intellectual growth.
And for those planning to implement SAP Enable Now or are struggling with an existing effort, I provide effective onsite assessments and training.
Mr. Gray is a seasoned business strategist experienced in SAP Enable Now implementation and training, PMO stand up, digital and business transformation, process development, and best practice guidance. He has developed industry-leading methods for SAP Enable Now readiness, staff modeling, project deployment, financial performance, team onboarding, and business readiness. Mr. Gray is a problem solver at heart and a sharer of knowledge by choice. He has authored more than one hundred thought provoking articles which are all available on Linked-In.
If Mr. Gray makes you think then he considers the effort worthwhile.
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