SAP Enable Now – Restoring content to an existing workarea
Timbre Design

SAP Enable Now – Restoring content to an existing workarea

?In my previous article I discussed preparing Producer prior to restoring content from an archive file to an existing workarea. Your takeaway should be an understanding of the process and the ability to perform it.

?In this article, I will continue by discussing the process to restore content from an archive file to an existing workarea. Your takeaway should be an understanding of the process and the ability to perform it.

Restoring the EDO folder

?We begin the process within Producer and select Workarea from the toolbar menu.

Select Workarea from the menu

?From the displayed list, select Import Archive.

Import Archive

?A new window will appear with a list of available Backup DKP Files. Select the desired file. In this instance we are selecting the file EDO_Customized – EDO – 12162022.

Selecting the file

?Next, click on the Open button to restore the file to Producer. A new pop-up window will display showing all of the components within the selected file. We could deselect parts we don’t want or leave everything checked and continue to download all of the file content. For this example, we will leave all boxes checked and select Ok.

Import Archive pop-up

?Next, scroll down and expand the Unsorted folder to locate the EDO folder.

Select the EDO folder

?Left click on the EDO folder and hold while dragging it out of the Unsorted and place it on top of the destination folder and then release the button.

Dropping the EDO folder

A pop-up window displays giving you the option to Save to Server or Keep Locally. We want to select the option to Save to Server.

Save to Server

?The EDO folder is placed under the parent folder. If you notice the EDO folder has the edit pencil ICON and the parent folder is noted with the asterisk as shown here.

EDO folder in edit mode

?With the parent folder selected, right-click to display the dropdown list and select Server Bulk Actions and then from the flyout menu, select Finish Editing All Objects.

Finish Editing All Objects

A new pop-up window displays and since we want to include all of the content in the Finish Editing action, we leave all of the content checked and select Ok.

Finish editing selections

Another pop-up window displays with the option to publish amongst other choices. In this example we will ignore the publish option and immediately click on the Finish editing button.

Finish editing

?We now see the blue cloud ICON on the parent and the EDO folder indicating we are in sync with the server.

Finish editing completed
Validating Manager Status

?To verify Manager shares this alignment, switch again back to Manager and locate the parent folder. We see it does not yet reflect the update, but if we refresh Manager, we can confirm that it does indeed match.

Before refreshing

After refreshing
Best Practice

?It is recommended that this method using the Save to Server option be used as a best practice. Having Producer and Manager content synchronized is important when sharing assets across the development team. The exception is when the new content has not yet been fully enriched and keeping it locally avoids anyone from using or accessing it in its unfinished state.

Summarizing the process

?The restoring of a file is a simple but tedious effort. The validation steps are important to make sure you are moving through the process correctly. As a content creator you will be working between Manager and Producer to maintain a clean environment. Synchronization between Manager and Producer is critical. Your takeaway should be an understanding of the process and the ability to perform a restoration of a file within your workarea.

What’s next?

?In my next article I will discuss how to use the DKP file to add new content to an existing workarea.

?If you like what I wrote please take the time to share it, as others may find it interesting, if not amusing. Let’s not be just consumers of information or share only the works of others. Your voice matters, and I’m sure you have good ideas that could help others. Try being a thought leader and not just a follower.

To those of you who take the time to read my efforts I sincerely thank you. I would be remiss if I didn’t remind you that this is a two-way conversation so put your comments in and let’s have a volley of ideas, so we all continue our intellectual growth.

Mr. Gray is a seasoned business strategist experienced in PMO stand up, digital and business transformation, process development, and best practice guidance. He has developed industry-leading methods for staff modeling, project deployment, financial performance, team onboarding, and business readiness. Mr. Gray is a problem solver at heart and a sharer of knowledge by choice. He has authored more than one hundred and fifty thought provoking articles which are all available on Linked-In.

If Mr. Gray makes you think then he considers the effort worthwhile.

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