SAP Enable Now – Recovering an object from the Unsorted
?In my previous article I talked about saving to the server and why doing so at the folder level and not the asset level can be a critical decision. Your takeaway should be an awareness of how Enable Now organizes and tracks objects when they are saved to the server and the best practices that should be followed when saving your work.
?In this article I will continue on the theme of saving to the server and demonstrate how to recover a simulation from the Unsorted folder. If you have not read the previous article, SAP Enable Now – Why save to server at the folder level, I would recommend you do, as it lays the groundwork for this article.
?If you recall in the previous article the SAP Recording Sample simulation was saved to the server without the folder it was created in ever being saved to the server. This created a situation within Enable Now where the application was unable to locate the proper place to store the simulation on the server. As it does in these situations, Enable Now saves the object but places it into what is called the Unsorted. This assures you the work is not lost, but you will need to take steps to advise Enable Now where it should be stored.
?To remedy the unsorted situation, locate the folder within Producer that has not been saved to the server. Highlight the folder to select it as shown below.
?Next, select the Save to Server ICON from the toolbar. This is the one with the up-arrow cloud ICON as shown here.
?The ICON next to the folder will change from an asterisk to a pencil indicating it has been saved to the server but is still checked out to you. Now, navigate to the Unsorted folder, expand it and locate the SAP Recording Sample simulation. Position the cursor over the simulation, left click and hold the button while dragging the simulation directly on top of the folder you saved to the server in the previous steps. Finally, release the button to complete the action. This will move the simulation from the Unsorted to the target folder.
?The last step is to save both the folder and the simulation to the server. You will use the Finish Editing All Objects option to save and release control of the folder and the simulation. To do this, highlight the folder, right-click with the cursor to display the menu shown below, click on Server Bulk Actions and from the fly-out menu select Finish Editing All Objects.
?A pop-up window will appear showing you the folder and all of the contents contained within it. In this example there is only one simulation. Notice the checkboxes to the left of the folder and simulation are selected by default. This feature allows for selective unchecking of items from the saving/finish editing action. We want both to remain checked, so continue by clicking the Ok button.
?Another pop-up window displays. This window is where you would update the folder and simulation properties with the option to Publish being the most important. In previous articles I described the publishing feature and how it makes the objects available to the learners. In this example we will check the Publish box and click Finish Editing to complete the process.
?As you can see in the image below, the folder and the simulation ICONs have changed to a blue cloud indicating they have been saved to the server and the editing control has been released.
?To verify the server matches with Producer you can switch to the Manager view and scroll down until you locate the SAP Recording Sample folder. If you expand the folder, you will see the simulation. You can also check the Unsorted folder to verify the simulation has been removed.
?As you can see in this article, it is possible to remedy an accidental unsorted condition, but it does require several steps to perform the task. This is why I stress the importance of saving to the server or finish editing at the folder level, and not the object level. One method to follow would be to check the ICON status of the folder after you have made changes to an object. If it does not have the blue cloud ICON next to the folder, perform the operation at the folder level.
Summarizing the process
?By moving the simulation out of the Unsorted folder and into the target folder, and saving both at the folder level, you can remedy the unsorted situation. Your takeaway should be an awareness of how Enable Now organizes and tracks objects, how to address an unsorted situation, and the importance of saving at the folder level.
What’s next?
?In my next article I will talk about positioning bubble text within a simulation using the Enable Now editor.
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To those of you who take the time to read my efforts I sincerely thank you. I would be remiss if I didn’t remind you that this is a two-way conversation so put your comments in and let’s have a volley of ideas, so we all continue our intellectual growth.
And for those planning to implement SAP Enable Now or are struggling with an existing effort, I provide effective onsite assessments and training.
Mr. Gray is a seasoned business strategist experienced in SAP Enable Now implementation and training, PMO stand up, digital and business transformation, process development, and best practice guidance. He has developed industry-leading methods for SAP Enable Now readiness, staff modeling, project deployment, financial performance, team onboarding, and business readiness. Mr. Gray is a problem solver at heart and a sharer of knowledge by choice. He has authored more than one hundred thought provoking articles which are all available on LinkedIn.
If Mr. Gray makes you think then he considers the effort worthwhile.
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