SAP Enable Now – Editing bubble text

SAP Enable Now – Editing bubble text

In my previous article I discussed the Editor Advanced Layout. Your takeaway should be an understanding of how to toggle the Advanced Layout to access all the properties, the options available within the advanced mode and the importance of managing the Use Text From property.

?In this article I will cover the editing of bubble text. The process is straightforward. You begin by navigating to the slide you want to edit using the left navigation tree. Once the slide is selected, click on the desired bubble text to edit. The bubble text is located within the main editing window. You may need to zoom or pan if the full slide is not displayed. In the image below I have the Vertical Layout View displayed. Navigation is to the left, the main window is centered, and the properties window is to the right. If you need a refresher on how to change your view, refer back to my previous article; SAP Enable Now – Editor Advanced Layout Overview.

Vertical layout view

?Shown in the image below is a close-up of the selected bubble text.

Bubble Text selected

??With the bubble text selected, the properties window updates to show all properties related to the bubble text. With the Use Text From set to Each Mode, both the Demo Text and Practice Text fields are displayed. In this example, I will be editing the small text that is the companion to the Manage Sales Orders Fiori tile ICON shown below. First, I will show you how to view the Demo Text and then we will make changes to the Practice Text.

Selecting the Demo Text

?To begin editing the Demo Text, double-click within the text area. A pop-up window will display the editable text associated with the Demo Text bubble. You can see the pop-up window displayed in the image below.

Demo Text pop-up window

?Next, you would highlight the text within the window, make the appropriate edits and click Ok to complete the process. Any changes you make will be immediately displayed within the main screen. When editing the Practice text, the process is the same, however we need to do a bit more work to see the results of our efforts. I’ll walk through the steps in the continuation of this example.

?Double-click within the Practice Text field. The pop-up window appears as it did for the Demo Text, but here you will see Practice Mode within the pop-up, not the Set the edit mode back to Demo that we saw with the Demo Text field.

Practice Text pop-up window

?The desired edits are made as shown below. The final step is to click Ok to accept the changes.

Practice Text edited

?In the main window we do not see any changes. That’s to be expected as we have the Use Text From set to Each Mode. As it does for Demo Mode, Each Mode displays the Demo Text. To see the Practice Text in the main window we need to change the setting for Use Text From to reference the Practice Mode as shown below.

Setting the Practice Mode

?With the Use Text From option set to Practice Mode, we can now see the text displayed within the main window.

Practice Text displayed in main window

?That’s all there is to editing the text for both Demo and Practice Modes. If you want to view the simulation while you are still in the Editor in Practice Mode, make sure you have the Use Text From set to Practice Mode. If you want to view the simulation in Demo Mode, set the Use Text From to either Demo Mode or Each Mode. Use the toolbar ICON shown below to play the simulation.

Viewing the simulation within the Editor
Best Practice

?When you finish editing the text on the slide, remember to reset the Use Text From back to Each Mode. In the previous article on the Advanced Layout, I discussed how Use Text From is independent for every slide in the simulation. Each Mode enables the Demo and Practice playback to use their respective text. If you do not reset back to Each Mode, every slide that is set to Practice Mode will display the Practice Text for both playback modes. The same is true if you have the Use Text From set to Demo Mode. Both playback modes will use the Demo Text.

Summarizing bubble text editing

?Editing bubble text can be performed by selecting the bubble text within the main window, double-clicking within the text field for either Demo or Practice Mode from the properties window, and accepting the changes by clicking Ok. Viewing the Practice Mode text in the main window requires the setting of the Use Text From to Practice Mode. As a best practice, always reset the Use Text From to Each Mode after completing the text edits and before moving to the next slide.

?Your takeaway should be an understanding of the Use Text From setting, how to access and edit the Demo and Practice Mode text, and the best practice recommendations that impact how text is applied to the simulation playback modes.

What’s next?

?In my next article I will talk about changing the bubble text style.

If you like what I wrote please take the time to share it, as others may find it interesting, if not amusing. Let’s not be just consumers of information or share only the works of others. Your voice matters, and I’m sure you have good ideas that could help others. Try being a thought leader and not just a follower.

To those of you who take the time to read my efforts I sincerely thank you. I would be remiss if I didn’t remind you that this is a two-way conversation so put your comments in and let’s have a volley of ideas, so we all continue our intellectual growth.

And for those planning to implement SAP Enable Now or are struggling with an existing effort, I provide effective onsite assessments and training.

Mr. Gray is a seasoned business strategist experienced in SAP Enable Now implementation and training, PMO stand up, digital and business transformation, process development, and best practice guidance. He has developed industry-leading methods for SAP Enable Now readiness, staff modeling, project deployment, financial performance, team onboarding, and business readiness. Mr. Gray is a problem solver at heart and a sharer of knowledge by choice. He has authored more than one hundred thought provoking articles which are all available on LinkedIn.

If Mr. Gray makes you think then he considers the effort worthwhile.

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