SAP DIY Transformation Toolset for setting your Digital Journey - Part 7 - SAP Solution Explorer
Photo: Rick Galvan, Flick

SAP DIY Transformation Toolset for setting your Digital Journey - Part 7 - SAP Solution Explorer

This is seventh part of the series SAP DIY Transformation Toolset for setting your Digital Journey. In case you missed the introduction, please click here for context and links to the other selected tools sections.

SAP Solution Exporer


SAP Solution Explorer has been making SAP Community members life much easier for about half a decade. SAP massive portfolio covering 25 industries, 12 line of business and a robust technology portfolio makes one think that finding the exactly right solution is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Within SAP Solution Explorer solutions are organized in a very comprehensive structure, allowing you to analyze each industry value map which comprises Industry Priorities, Cross Enterprise Supporting Priorities and Technologies Platforms in a very visual approach.

Industry value maps are structure in a 3 levels capability models which focus directly on specific business challenges for each area of responsibility, facilitating your enterprise architecture design and completeness. The capabilities are connected to the tools where not only you′ll find related License Material (Product Material Number), as you′ll get a list of the related Business Drivers to be leveraged by the solution to enhance your Business Case. Do not forget to drill down within the business drivers into related documents and discover details on how to overcome business challenges and increase value.  

SAP Solution explorer is intended to propose what may be of value for your organization to operate continuously, profitably, and grow sustainably. As new solutions are launched, content describing related innovations and business value proposition is updated in a timely manner.


No rocket science behind SAP Solution Explorer, just access this link and start using it. A user guide is also available here providing further details on additional features


Structuring a solid digital transformation journey is not only about provisioning and launching trendy digital technologies. You must ensure every technology in your target architecture is tightly connected to the right applications and these applications leverage the right value drivers. SAP Solution Explorer helps building this bridge between capabilities, applications and value drivers which will supports and accelerate your business strategy. Make use of SAP Solution Explorer within your organization leveraging sessions with your Business and IT teams in value discovery, process mapping, architecture design or even Business Model Innovation.

Target Audience

 Business Analyst, Enterprise Architects, Solution Architects, Value Engineers, IT Stakeholders

Click here to go to next chapter and check The SAP Enterprise Architecture Explorer details or get back to the post summary.


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