SAP-Chongqing Joint Innovation Center Launched
#In China, For China Last week, I was honored to announce the opening of SAP-Chongqing Joint Innovation Center together with the significant officials from Chongqing Government and the executives from local enterprises. As the strategic supporting point for western development of China and the vital connecting point of Belt&Road and Yangtze River Economic Zone, Chongqing has changed greatly comparing with the time when I visited here years ago. With the launching of SAP Chongqing Joint Innovation Center, I firmly believe Chongqing will attract more customers and partners of SAP ecosystem, who will support Chongqing to become the most influential “Science City” in China.
After the launching event, I also visited Jin Kang New Energy Auto Manufacturer and Chongqing Xiyong Microelectronic Industry Area. I was impressed by the highly automatic, flexible, and intelligent level of Jin Kang’s auto factory. And I just learned that one fourth of global laptops are made in Chongqing Xiyong Area and there is even a railway directly stretching to Germany.
5 年我们华为在非洲的口号是,in Africa, for Africa